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Searching doctor who treats with Rituximab

I am a 47 year old woman from Norway. I was diagnosed with moderate/severe ME in 2016, but was lucky enough to get experimental treatment with Rituximab in 2017-2018. After this I was able to work again, go for hour long walks, and have å little bit of social life again.

Unfortunately a combination of extreme vertigo and covid has set me back. I am now desperately seeking doctors in Europe or in USA who can treat me with Rituximab again.

I am extremely grateful for all help in this matter.
Please do let me know if you find anyone who will do this. I’m 59 with severe ME and I know rituxamib hasn’t for everyone but after 18 years I’d like to try
Hi, I will of course if I hear of anything. It was sad to read your story. Rumor has it that there is supposed to be an opportunity in the UK. Unfortunately I have not been able to find out where it is. Is it possible for you to check in groups for ME in the UK? And hopefully you can get back to me if get name on doctors/clinics who will treat us with Rituximab? All the best wishes to you :hug:
If you are willing to do it yourself ofatumumab aka Kesimpta is available from many pharmacists on Indiamart. It does almost exactly the same thing as rituximab. It is inteneed for subcutaneous administration by the patient. If you need monitoring or treatment for complications, you could tell your doctors that you received the treatment in another country.

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