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Please help save Carla's life by joining in a Twitter storm 11am -1pm UK time on Thursday 18th April 2024


Senior Member

Carla has very severe ME and she is being abusively treated in the West MIddlesex Hospital ,​

London. They have sectioned her and are ignoring the NICE guidelines.​



PROTEST #SaveCarlasLife #ExposeMENow Carla is extremely ill in West Middlesex Hospital. Doctors are ignoring NICE guidance on severe ME & ignoring her severe POTS You know what to do THURS 18 APRIL 11am-1pm BST EVERYONE ONLINE USE THE HASHTAGS We'll be at the hospital too 1
URGENT #SaveCarlasLife

At the request of Carla's family, we're holding a Twitterstorm at 11am on
Thurs 18 April to make some major noise.


Please get involved then using #SaveCarlasLife AND #ExposeMENow

She is at SERIOUS risk. Tag the GMC, Royal Colleges, media, & MPs.
May be an image of text that says URGENT #SaveCarlasLife At the request of Carla's family, we're holding a Twitterstorm at 1lam on Thurs 18 April to make some major noise. This MUST TREND. Please get involved then using #SaveCarlasLife AND #ExposeMENow She is at SERIOUS risk. Tag the GMC, Royal Colleges, media, & MPs. The Chronic Collaboration
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Senior Member
Northern California
I a
Cara has lost consciousness and is now unresponsive.

I am devastated to hear about this turn of events. The person in the video describes that Carla has developed seizure-like events and some sort of nerve issue on one side of her face.

I understand that the NHS treats me/CFS patients atrociously. However, do these new symptoms not warrant a neurological work up?

EEGs, MRIs, spinal tap, etc?


Senior Member
I a

I am devastated to hear about this turn of events. The person in the video describes that Carla has developed seizure-like events and some sort of nerve issue on one side of her face.

I understand that the NHS treats me/CFS patients atrociously. However, do these new symptoms not warrant a neurological work up?

EEGs, MRIs, spinal tap, etc?
It is bewildering that they can treat ME patients this way. It is disgraceful that they have now actually sectioned her. It makes no sense at all.


Senior Member
Does anyone know these people to know what is happening first hand?
I'd be hesitant to get involved based on a person on Twitter without knowing all the facts involved in the particular situation.


Senior Member
Social media demonstrations are ok, but I can't help thinking that it's time to bring lawyers (lawmakers?) into the scene, otherwise doctors will continue to abuse patients and then hold them hostage to avoid public scrutiny.

I tried to find the actual info but it seems that the guy who is tweeting about it only learned about the woman's case a week or two ago from talking to the parents.

To do a protest at the hospital by gathering keyboard warriors and potentially disrupt medical treatment and care for the entire hospital without knowing both sides of the story sounds irresponsible to me.

I'm not saying this isn't a case of neglect on the hospital's part but 99% of the people upset about it and ready to protest have no idea if that is the case or not. It's also possible that the parents are nutters. (Not saying they are.) Whose to know? Certainly not every tom, dick and harry on twitter.

These bandwagon protests with people not knowing anything about the issue are not a good thing for the world we live in.

If people want others to rise up, they need to provide actual facts.
Maybe some of you have been able to find the facts?


Senior Member
Northern California
It is bewildering that they can treat ME patients this way. It is disgraceful that they have now actually sectioned her. It makes no sense at all.

I agree.

And, it seems like her condition has declined to the point where a full neurological work up must be underway.

No physician, no matter their thoughts on ME/CFS, can ignore an unconscious/unresponsive patient. That's a medical emergency.


Senior Member
I tried to find the actual info but it seems that the guy who is tweeting about it only learned about the woman's case a week or two ago from talking to the parents.

To do a protest at the hospital by gathering keyboard warriors and potentially disrupt medical treatment and care for the entire hospital without knowing both sides of the story sounds irresponsible to me.

I'm not saying this isn't a case of neglect on the hospital's part but 99% of the people upset about it and ready to protest have no idea if that is the case or not. It's also possible that the parents are nutters. (Not saying they are.) Whose to know? Certainly not every tom, dick and harry on twitter.

These bandwagon protests with people not knowing anything about the issue are not a good thing for the world we live in.

If people want others to rise up, they need to provide actual facts.
Maybe some of you have been able to find the facts?
We have known of this case for a while ( I know her private consultant well as he runs ME clinics in my home). The facts are correct, although Steve was only made aware of her circumstances when her parents contacted him when he was fighting to bring media attention to Millie's plight last week.


Senior Member
Social media demonstrations are ok, but I can't help thinking that it's time to bring lawyers (lawmakers?) into the scene, otherwise doctors will continue to abuse patients and then hold them hostage to avoid public scrutiny.
Lawyers are involved but aren't being effective and cost huge sums of money that families cannot afford. Hospitals seem happy to ignore solicitors' letters or bring in their lawyers to fight them. We have just had a family pay about £ 10,000 to try to protect their child from forced admittance to a hospital for harmful treatment. Still, it hasn't had a positive outcome because the solicitor didn't understand ME and couldn't believe doctors wouldn't know what is best for the patient.


Senior Member
These bandwagon protests with people not knowing anything about the issue are not a good thing for the world we live in.

If people want others to rise up, they need to provide actual facts.
Maybe some of you have been able to find the facts?

That's generally true of all things, whether health related or geopolitical. However, I have no trouble believing that hospitals are more likely to be abusing ME/CFS patients than the parents are making it all up and the patient just needs to be sectioned and then they'll improve.

Medical 'care' for ME/CFS is disgusting and inhumane. It needs to change - not just for one or two horribly abused patients, but across the board. I'm not sure I've ever even heard a story of someone with moderate to severe ME/CFS who was treated well at a hospital.

So the facts are that most physicians view ME/CFS as either a mild psychiatric condition, or something physical but non-serious. I would die subject to the amount of stimulation in a hospital - therefore, I'd rather die at home than put myself in their care. I worry that if I ever had anything treatable, I'd have to calculate the risk/reward.

The medical establishment has put us in this position. Their BS when they tell you to call 911 in an emergency and such - yet they have no trouble being punitive and cruel when they feel we don't deserve to be there.

To do a protest at the hospital by gathering keyboard warriors and potentially disrupt medical treatment and care for the entire hospital without knowing both sides of the story sounds irresponsible to me.

I agree this is a challenge in all specific cases, which is why it's even more frustrating that we don't care for people. I don't have to investigate if someone is faking their HIV diagnosis, because we don't (anymore) need to protest that people with HIV are being ignored.

But until they take ME/CFS and related conditions seriously and actually care for us, what else are we supposed to do? Suffer and die in silence?


Senior Member
I thought this paper by Prof Scheibenborgan et al very apt and relevant to the current circumstances.

Why the Psychosomatic View on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Is Inconsistent with Current Evidence and Harmful to Patients.


  • ME Scheibenborgen et al Why the Psychosomatic View on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Is Inconsisten...pdf
    324.1 KB · Views: 21


Senior Member

Channel 5 news with the interview with Carla's parents and the video of her.

Dr Weir was asked to give an interview and waiting on the end of the phone but they interviewed Sonya of Action for ME who has nothing to do with the case.