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Has anyone here with Vaccine Injury tried Homeopathic medicine? *Please tag fellow users of users of Homeopathy*

Fat Viking

Senior Member
I would also definitely like to see the evidence, if you have any kind of link to that @Fat Viking ?
I don't have any Sources to support Homeopathy for Measles. All I have is that it's been around for over 200 years. I just found this:
Homeopathy is not a natural or herbal remedy: it’s a magical idea with no possible basis in reality
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old medical philosophy that has been thoroughly debunked. It survives today thanks only to wishful thinking, ignorance, marketing, and because it is too useless to be all that dangerous.1 Unless it’s being sold by corrupt profiteers with no regulation and product contamination is common, contributing substantially to a 50% rise in supplement-related calls to poison centers from 2005 to 2012.2 That would be dangerous.

It is the flagship in the alternative medicine fleet: the most profitable, absurd, and snakey of all the major snake oils. Selling homeopathic remedies is unethical, and buying it is foolish. It’s legitimacy is on par with faith healing and psychic surgery.

This is not a detailed and referenced review of homeopathy — there are plenty of other pages for that. This page exists to emphasize one key point, what I believe is the most important thing people need know …

Then on this site it says:
" Six out of seven major systematic reviews of RCTs in homeopathy have concluded (with important caveats) that homeopathy has an effect greater than placebo."

However at the end it says:
"Many patients referred for homeopathic treatment have a complexity of health problems. They may suffer from more than one disease. They could be young children or elderly people. They may be pregnant. None of these sorts of patients would be accepted for a drug trial in conventional medicine, so their reactions to treatment are not reflected in the results of RCTs."

Basically those Trial Studies are done on healthy individuals and not people with an illness.


Senior Member
Are they not trustworthy authentic sites?

Well, they are not MEDLINE journals (MEDLINE is considered the highest standard).

But even in the most highly-regarded scientific journals, experimental error can still creep into the study methodology. That's why single studies are only considered provisional, and need to be repeated a number of times by independent labs before you can rely on the results. You sometimes find that one study will find a particular result, but then when the study is repeated by another lab, they get the opposite result. So a single study is not considered that reliable, and needs to be repeated several times.

And with homeopathy, the maxim "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" applies. When the claim is that pure water can have physiological effects that treats disease, it needs really solid evidence.

Homeopathy has been around a long time, plenty of time for them to do the scientific research necessary to try to prove that homeopathy works. However, I've not come across much in terms of scientific evidence.

If you take herbs and supplements, there are many thousands of studies showing these can have effects on illnesses, and also can have effects on measurable physiological parameters. Nobody is in any doubt that herbs and supplements do have measurable effects in the body.

But when it comes to homeopathy, you don't really find many studies to show they can produce measurable physiological effects.


Senior Member
I know. Crazy isn't it? It has zero scientific reason to work.

Yes, once you get these high dilutions, it's hard to see how they could work. Anything around 12C and higher is just pure water, with no trace of the original substance.

But in the case of low dilutions, like say 4C dilutions, there's still a small amount of the original substance left in the solution, so it is feasible these may have some effect, especially as mentioned if the substance is a potent toxin which has effects in very small amounts.

Fat Viking

Senior Member
Do these healthcare bodies propose any other solution for vaccine damage (which can definitely happen.)?
I would also be interested in their allopathic recommendations...as vaccine damage is often denied, both in the field of human and animal medicine.
I've not come across any cure for Vaccine Injury, only supposed Claims. I got into it because one of the Doctors said she cured her daughter of Vaccine Injury with Homeopathy and Herbs.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
But in the case of low dilutions, like say 4C dilutions, there's still a small amount of the original substance left in the solution, so it is feasible these may have some effect,
Here's another conundrum about homeopathy. The lower the dilution, the weaker the product. It's the higher dilutions that are used to treat serious issues. Lower ones are used for more mundane issues and don't require the rigorous protocols that the 'curative' dilutions impose.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Homeopathy is not a natural or herbal remedy: it’s a magical idea with no possible basis in reality
And yet, the Royal Family has had a homeopathic physician on staff for God knows how long. Not saying that they're the final word in medical science or knowledge, and after all poor George VI did die of lung cancer at a relatively young age, but the Queen Mother lived to be over 100, the Queen herself has been an actively engaged monarch for some 67 years now and is 93 or 94 and has only recently slowed her roll a little, most of the reigning class has fared pretty well.

At a time when the average lifespan was pitifully short, most of the British upper-class had a considerably better shot at longevity, and not just because of the benefits of status and money, tho those never hurt.


Senior Member
In fact I know someone on this forum who found his gut symptoms improved after taking a homeopathic remedy made from rattlesnake venom (namely Crotalus horridus, at a 4C dilution).

Well, at that level, it's a 'diluted active chemical', despite being marketed as 'homeopathic'. If you dilute a chemical in a laboratory without thinking happy magical energy transfer thoughts, is it still homeopathic?

Fat Viking

Senior Member
@Fat Viking, if your ME/CFS is vaccine-related, you might be interested in the post-vaccination ME/CFS treatment detailed in this thread. It's probably a bit of a long shot, but perhaps worth investigating.
I've seen that thread before but didn't delve into it in detail. Can you summarise it for me please.

And yet, the Royal Family has had a homeopathic physician on staff for God knows how long. Not saying that they're the final word in medical science or knowledge, and after all poor George VI did die of lung cancer at a relatively young age, but the Queen Mother lived to be over 100, the Queen herself has been an actively engaged monarch for some 67 years now and is 93 or 94 and has only recently slowed her roll a little, most of the reigning class has fared pretty well.

At a time when the average lifespan was pitifully short, most of the British upper-class had a considerably better shot at longevity, and not just because of the benefits of status and money, tho those never hurt.
I'm not AGAINST you. I just want a cure for Vaccine Injury. That is very nice to know and it is reassuring that Homeopathy does work. A quick Google says
"According to the queen's physician Dr. Peter Fisher, the royal family has a long history of homeopathic treatments and doctors. ... There has been an official homeopathic physician treating the royal family since the 1930s,” he added. Fisher doesn't just treat the queen; he works with the entire family."

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I'm not AGAINST you. I just want a cure for Vaccine Injury. That is very nice to know and it is reassuring that Homeopathy does work. A quick Google says
I didnt think you were, but your post indicated that maybe more substantiation for my clearly pretty unpopular view might be helpful.

If Western Allopathic medicine had a cure, or veen a remediation, for this, I think we'd have heard about it by now.

Whatever road you take, or think about taking, you need to be comfortable with it, not anyone else. Just trying to give you more input that might help you in that regard.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
There has been an official homeopathic physician treating the royal family since the 1930s,”
It's been a lot longer than that, but I assume that that's when the Royals were comfortable with admitting, or possibly forced to, admit it.

Prince Albert was extremely well-educated, and deeply fascinated by everything from medicine to architecture to anthropology to social engineering and improvement to writing and on and on and on. He's been highly undervalued by most of history. I believe that it was he who brought homeopathy into the Royal household, with his awareness of the shortcomings of medicine as it was practiced at that time.

Fat Viking

Senior Member
I didnt think you were, but your post indicated that maybe more substantiation for my clearly pretty unpopular view might be helpful.

If Western Allopathic medicine had a cure, or veen a remediation, for this, I think we'd have heard about it by now.

Whatever road you take, or think about taking, you need to be comfortable with it, not anyone else. Just trying to give you more input that might help you in that regard.
I've spoken to a Receptionist of a Homeopathic and Herbs Medical Expert. The Receptionist says she has cured hundreds of Patients and even her own daughter of Vaccine Injury. She won't lie about that would she, or is that a Marketing thing? I'm a bit confused.

Fat Viking

Senior Member
Some people with vaccine-triggered ME/CFS have inflammation in their nasopharynx area, which when treated by dabbing on anti-inflammatory zinc solution led to cure or major improvement of the ME/CFS.
Oh I saw the pics of Nose. I don't have pain or anything wrong with my nose, that's one area where the Vaccine didn't affect me.

Fat Viking

Senior Member
It's been a lot longer than that, but I assume that that's when the Royals were comfortable with admitting, or possibly forced to, admit it.

Prince Albert was extremely well-educated, and deeply fascinated by everything from medicine to architecture to anthropology to social engineering and improvement to writing and on and on and on. He's been highly undervalued by most of history. I believe that it was he who brought homeopathy into the Royal household, with his awareness of the shortcomings of medicine as it was practiced at that time.
So for General Healthcare Homeopathy is better than Modern Medicine but is it also better for serious health issues such as Vaccine Injury?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
She won't lie about that would she, or is that a Marketing thing? I'm a bit confused.
I think that it's wise to take all claims with a lot of salt, and do further investigation on your own, including asking the homeopathic Dr him- or herself about the success rate with that treatment. I dont feel comfortable taking the word of a receptionist about treatment protocols, when she really has nothing to lose, like a license to practice, or her total income stream.

The Dr however might be a lot more careful about controversial claims, especially in the prevailing atmosphere of incredulity regarding homeopathy.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
So for General Healthcare Homeopathy is better than Modern Medicine but is it also better for serious health issues such as Vaccine Injury?
You're misinterpreting my words. That's not what I said, or meant. I simply wanted to point out that there's a fair amount of quiet support for this controversial method of healing.

If I thought it was better than allopathic medicine for everything known to man, I probably wouldnt have undergone the considerable side effects, difficulties, pains and damages, some of them lasting for years, of chemo.


Senior Member
Oh I saw the pics of Nose. I don't have pain or anything wrong with my nose, that's one area where the Vaccine didn't affect me.

If you have nasopharynx inflammation, you will not necessarily know it, because it may not cause any local symptoms. And you cannot see the nasopharynx to check if it is inflamed, as it is just above the back of the throat (pharynx). The method to test for nasopharynx inflammation is to poke a long Q-tip into it, and if there is blood on the Q-Tip, then you have inflammation.