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Has anyone here with Vaccine Injury tried Homeopathic medicine? *Please tag fellow users of users of Homeopathy*

Fat Viking

Senior Member
Anyone can shed some light on this:
(i) ‘Pure isopathy’, which uses secretion products from the patient to cure the same disease. (ii) ‘Organic isopathy’, which cures the diseased organs with dynamized derivatives from healthy organs. (iii) ‘Serotherapeutic isopathy’ or ‘serotherapy’ (dilutions of hyperimmune serum).


Senior Member
Someone mentioned the Royal Family uses Homeopathy but is that coz it works wonders or coz they have surplus affluence?

Just being in a royal family doesn't guarantee superior wisdom or judgement or intelligence...or even sanity. ;)

I vaguely recall one argument about royal positions being very hard to eliminate, so if some gullible royal member creates one, it just persists.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Hi @Fat Viking
While @Wishful isn't entirely wrong about Royal positions being pretty much written in stone once they're created (I think that often the Royals just drift off in another direction and forget about them entirely), the Royal Family has used homeopathy for well over hundred years, the Queen Mother was especially keen, as was Queen Victoria..

The Queen Mother lived to be, what, 103? Maybe it's just good genes, maybe it's homeopathy ..... but with the exception of poor George VI, the Royals tend, like Mithradates, to " ...die old ...."

Fat Viking

Senior Member
Hi @Fat Viking
While @Wishful isn't entirely wrong about Royal positions being pretty much written in stone once they're created (I think that often the Royals just drift off in another direction and forget about them entirely), the Royal Family has used homeopathy for well over hundred years, the Queen Mother was especially keen, as was Queen Victoria..

The Queen Mother lived to be, what, 103? Maybe it's just good genes, maybe it's homeopathy ..... but with the exception of poor George VI, the Royals tend, like Mithradates, to " ...die old ...."
Hey can you answer post #141 and #142 of mine please. We've been through the Royals using Homeopathy Chapter already.

Fat Viking

Senior Member
Anyone can shed some light on this:
(i) ‘Pure isopathy’, which uses secretion products from the patient to cure the same disease. (ii) ‘Organic isopathy’, which cures the diseased organs with dynamized derivatives from healthy organs. (iii) ‘Serotherapeutic isopathy’ or ‘serotherapy’ (dilutions of hyperimmune serum).

Isopathy is a therapy derived from homeopathy where the preparations come from diseased or pathological products such as fecal, urinary, respiratory discharges, blood, and tissue.[89] They are called nosodes (from the Greek nosos, disease) wiuth preparations made from "healthy" specimens being termed "sarcodes". Many so-called "homeopathic vaccines" are a form of isopathy.[96] Tautopathy is a form of isopathy where the preparations are composed of drugs or vaccines that a person has consumed in the past, in the belief that this can reverse lingering damage caused by the initial use.[97] There is no convincing scientific evidence for isopathy as an effective method of treatment.[98]


YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I've responded to this thread since pretty much its inception, I've given it my best. There is no more ....

In summation, yes, I've used some of the less potent homeopathic treatments, and while I cant explain why a substance diluted in water 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 times can produce any effect at all, in my experience, and those of others, it does, naysayers notwithstanding. This includes my great grandmother, whose life was saved during the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920by a homeopathic Dr, while her friends who went to allopathic Drs all died, along with many of the Drs themselves.

I've never used it (or iso-, tauto- or serotherapy at all) to treat reactions to a vaccine, so I cant speak to that. I've done my best to support your inquiries into homeopathy for this use, against the predictable assaults from non-believers and general scoffers, and I think that I've exhausted my usefulness.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I cant explain why a substance diluted in water 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 times can produce any effect at all, in my experience, and those of others, it does, naysayers notwithstanding.

Hi @YippeeKi YOW !! -- For me, it's all about vibrations, which is why science or scientists will never be able to accept why it works. They are totally ignorant of the role of vibrations in the framework of life, and in their vaulted sense of superiority, say that it's impossible for homeopathy or any other similar energy to work.

I think the vibrations from homeopathy are somewhat similar to the vibrations associated with the saying of blessings before a meal. A meal infused with the vibrations of love (by the preparer) and gratitude by those eating the food, will reap many health benefits. I've even read that such blessings before a meal can nullify the coarse vibrations of fear and chaos experienced by animals before slaughter.

Many people tend to associate the eating of meat with more disease, but it may not be the meat itself. It may be the vibrations that are carried along with the meat, and when eaten, can produce many of the health conditions we see in our culture today. Life is so much more complex and amazing than most scientists are even able to begin pondering about. -- BTW, I think a plausible reason our drug centered culture is often dangerous, is because the vibrations of a drug can linger indefinitely, long after the physical drug has been eliminated from the body.
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Fat Viking

Senior Member
(i) "Homeopathy has the potential to harm patients and consumers in both direct and indirect ways."

(ii) "Homeopathic remedies are generally safe, and the risk of a serious adverse side effect arising from taking these remedies is thought to be small.

Some homeopathic remedies may contain substances that aren't safe or interfere with the action of other medicines."