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Ellie Fry, of The Mirror, publishes Millie's story: 'I can't walk, talk or eat - doctors don't believe what's wrong with me and I think I'm dying.


Senior Member


'I can't walk, talk or eat - doctors don't believe what's wrong with me and I think I'm going to die'

Millie McAinsh says she's 'constantly hurting' and claims doctors 'won't listen' to her wishes. The distressed teen is believed to be suffering with ME, a debilitating illness that is often misunderstood
Millie in hospital lying down with an eye mask on and her teddy

Millie is 'constantly hurting' and fears she could die (
Image: Supplied)

Ellie Fry Deputy Online Features Editor
  • 15:48, 4 Apr 2024
  • UPDATED15:57, 4 APR 2024

A hospitalised teen who is unable to walk, talk or eat fears she is going to die because doctors don't agree that she has ME.
Millie McAinsh, 18, says she suffers from ME that is so acute that she can't walk or sit up and struggles to speak or swallow. Even the smallest sensations like touch, noise and light unbearable, as her sensory hypersensitivity leaves her in agony.
"I feel like I'm dying. I'm constantly hurting. I'm in agony and they are not listening to me," she said of her ordeal, which she describes as 'torture'. "I can't take it anymore. I need to go home."
Millie has been diagnosed privately with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and was admitted to hospital in January to get a feeding tube fitted after her condition deteriorated and she stopped being able to swallow food or liquids............................................


Senior Member
It breaks my heart to see such a young woman mentally and physically being abused. It's not the fear that she thinks she has ME, stupid doctor. It is the disbelief of your practitioners and the way you deal with her that causes her so much extra stress and anxiety that she only gets worse. She needs understanding and total peace. Stay strong Ellie! These people are simply too stupid and without empathy to understand this disease. You are the victim of ignorance and arrogance.
They have learned nothing from the past, these arrogant know-it-alls. Autism was explained by these types of arrogant practitioners by blaming the mothers of the children with autism because they did not give love. MS, the stomach ulcer were also psychosomatic according to these types of people. And there are many more examples. At ME they use the credo: blame the victim!
But karma will teach them!


Senior Member
I despise these people. Then they wonder why people hate psychiatrists and healthcare providers in general.

At this point, I'm not sure if they put more help into the world or harm. The only things that exceeds their casual cruelty is their ego and certainty that they are not doing harm.


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
If she is not detained yet, is there any way that a team could hire a van, put her on a stretcher and take her to a better hospital... Or something..??

Are there any hospitals in the UK known to treat ME patients well?


"And the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
New Zealand
How on earth can the hospital have a mandate for this DOL considering the sectioning was overturned and the expert's advice being ignored


Senior Member
If she is not detained yet, is there any way that a team could hire a van, put her on a stretcher and take her to a better hospital... Or something..??

Are there any hospitals in the UK known to treat ME patients well?
The short answer is no, although some, of course, are worse than others. The RLI seems to be about the worst with the Wonford, Exeter, and the Conquest in Sussex as close runners-up.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Millie's story is on ITV news today. Tomorrow it is on Channel 4 news at 7 pm.


Family stage protest outside Lancaster hospital over medical treatment of 18-year-old girl​

I like it, there was another instance a few years back here on PR where the mom was afraid of crossing the hospital, would not engage a lawyer and would not get outside help of any kind. I often wondered what happened to that patient, i assume they were medically tortured till hospital sent them home or they died 😭


Senior Member
Heartbreaking situation. I don't have anything substantive to say, I just hope she'll get better soon.
I was also mistreated, when I was hospitalised. They misdiagnosed me. They didn't believe me. The treatment they prescribed did almost nothing. Being home and looking for treatments myself was much more beneficial for me.