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With the XMRV Results Conclusively Shown to be Contamination, Should There Still be 3 XMRV forums?


Senior Member
With the WPI's XMRV results conclusively shown to be due to contamination, should there still be three XMRV sub-forums on Phoenix Rising?

OK, all of us who have been reading about ME/CFS for many years are well aware that XMRV is not a viable line of research or treatment anymore; but newly diagnosed ME/CFS patients who are novices and just beginning to read about ME/CFS might potentially be fruitlessly waylaid into the XMRV field because there are three sub-forums devoted to this virus on this site.

Just a thought.


Senior Member
They're not exactly buzzing. Could this be changed without changing the addresses of threads? If so, it might be worth folding them into one 'history of XMRV' subforum. The forum has become a bit of a resource though, and it would be a shame to kill a load of old links and bookmarks by changing thread's addresses.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I agree with Esther. The XMRV forums are a useful archive, and it would be a shame to break the links. Personally, I don't mind if the forums are archived in some way, as long as the integrity of the forums is maintained.


Senior Member
I agree with Esther. The XMRV forums are a useful archive, and it would be a shame to break the links. Personally, I don't mind if the forums are archived in some way, as long as the integrity of the forums is maintained.

I wouldn't have thought the links will be broken: all threads in all sub-forums on the PR website begin with the same URL prefix, namely:

http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/ plus-the-title-of-the-the-thread/

So moving these threads into a single archive forum will not affect linking, as far as I can see. No doubt @wbd will be able to tell us.


Senior Member
I think moving the threads into a single archive forum would be really confusing as there are 3 distinct forums.

Links do not get broken when you move things -- the software looks after changing links if they redirected elsewhere.

When we add a new forum and populate it with threads -- the threads that are moved take on the url of the new forum.

We could keep the XMRV category and rename it 'XMRV Archives' and then turn the three forums into subforums as part of a forum called 'XMRV Archives'. The forums would still be there but less prominent on the main page and the information would remain intact.

Just thinking about it.


Senior Member
We could keep the XMRV category and rename it 'XMRV Archives' and then turn the three forums into subforums as part of a forum called 'XMRV Archives'. The forums would still be there but less prominent on the main page and the information would remain intact.

Sounds like a good possibility.


Senior Member
We have renamed the "XMRV" category "XMRV Archives". The three forums have become subforums. The 'XMRV' forum holds the subforums and is not open for posting. If you click on the "XMRV" forum, you will see a list of the subforums and the information re: last who posted on them. You can still post on the three subforums.

Thank you.
