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Who are the most World-renowned Vaccine Experts?


Senior Member
Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.
If you google Worlds Expert on Vaccination..this comes up from the Hill (reporting)


Here is the video of Robert Kennedy, Jr. explaining the allegation (and the formal request to Congress for an investigation) that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) lied in federal court about their expert’s opinion on whether there is evidence of causation between vaccines and autism.. The video is worth watching if you would like to understand more of the facts surrounding this fraud allegation.

2018 Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. re allegation of fraud by US Dept. of Justice in Vaccine/Autism Lawsuits

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
The video is worth watching if you would like to understand more of the facts surrounding this fraud allegation.

2018 Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. re allegation of fraud by US Dept. of Justice in Vaccine/Autism Lawsuits
Wow !!! Another great slice of information to be extreme and bombastic about. If your sensitivities to light and sound permit, watch this !!! Really !!!

It's hard for me to focus right now, the printed word is easier, but I watched this as well as I could, and will come back to it later, when I'm not so symptomatic...

This is all critical information for those of us deeply dependent on our fractured, fissured medical system .....


Senior Member
The report said: "If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS (Health and Human Services) is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%."

Was there really a huge increase in new vaccines in 89? Did a specific additive to vaccines start in 89? Did nothing at all else change in 89? It's hardly enough to convince me of a cause/effect connection. Maybe 89 was just when they changed the term from 'difficult child (or whatever)' to an official medical condition (real or not) that doctors could officially diagnose. A lot of diseases occurred before, but simply weren't officially accepted, so you had 'poor health' or 'laziness' rather than ME, for example.

I'm by no means pro-vaccines, but I do wonder how much of the anti-vax movement is driven by lawyers making work for themselves.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'm by no means pro-vaccines, but I do wonder how much of the anti-vax movement is driven by lawyers making work for themselves.

Robert Kennedy Jr does not need to invent projects for himself. He is a very high level integrity person.

Its unlikely the 1980's big increase in many bad things...will ever be clearly....Revealed. Many Variables at play.

Huge numbers of new toxic chemicals applied to many millions of more acres- good luck teasing out those effects which also exactly correlate with the increase in autoimmune disorders- post 1980s.

Somehow I think this little summary ditty simply- rather makes sense to ask- how can this be safe to do to 100% of everyone babies....?

And- would you subject your Dog or Cat to this schedule?


Fat Viking

Senior Member
Thx so much. Robert F Kennedy Jr seems to be the biggest active Vaccine Expert in the US. What bout the rest of the World? Plz also list Organisations that are Vaccine Experts, that'd help too.


Senior Member
Robert F Kennedy Jr is an attorney and vaccine safety activist, not a vaccine expert, I'm pretty sure he would not describe himself as "vaccine expert" either. He has a degree and adjunct professorship in law, but that doesn't mean he understands anything about medicine. I'll take no stance on whether he is right or wrong, but as I mentioned in my previous post, expertise requires some sort of studies in the field.


Senior Member
If you google Worlds Expert on Vaccination..this comes up from the Hill (reporting)


This article says:
“I explained that in a subset of children, vaccine-induced fever and immune stimulation did cause regressive brain disease with features of autism spectrum disorder,” Dr. Zimmerman now states.

I suspect that you do get cases of autism appearing after the immune stimulation of a vaccination; but this itself does not prove that a vaccination program creates an increase in autism.

All the epidemiological studies have shown than the MMR vaccine does not increase autism prevalence (in fact, some studies showed that the MMR decreases the prevalence). So how do you square reports of autism appearing after vaccination with the data that vaccines do not increase autism?

One answer may be that even though vaccination might trigger autism in some children by the immune activation it produces, those children might have developed autism anyway from the immune activation caused by natural infections.

In other words, children who develop autism may be set up for this as they develop in the womb. There's reseach which shows this. We know that if the mother gets cytomegalovirus or rubella infection during pregnancy, these are risk factors for autism. Pesticide exposure during pregnancy is also linked to autism. Then all it may take is an immune stimulation, either from a vaccine or a natural infection, to trigger the manifestation of the autism condition.


Moose Enthusiast
If you google Worlds Expert on Vaccination..this comes up from the Hill (reporting)

I think what you take away from this article will depend on which lens you look through as you read it. For someone who comes to the article already feeling that vaccines are dangerous, this article could confirm that belief. For someone who comes to the article already feeling that vaccines are largely safe, this article could also confirm that belief.

Like @Hip pointed out, the doctor cited in this article are saying that it is a possibility that vaccinations may trigger brain disease, but only in a very very small subset of children who have conditions (such as undiagnosed mitochondrial dysfunction) that would make them susceptible to it. This might have interesting implications for us, since some with ME/CFS may have mitochondrial dysfunction. The article mentions that one of the doctors was testifying in a case involving 5,000 children with potential vaccine injuries. Purely from a numbers standpoint (which is a cold way to view things, since any one child who is affected is the whole world to their parents and one child too many), this is a relatively small number given the many tens of millions who receive those vaccines annually.

The doctor mentioned in the article is Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, who is a pediatric neurologist. I don't know if he's widely considered a vaccine expert, but he was expert enough to be called upon to testify. Another doctor whose work the article linked to is named Helen Ratajczak. Neither of these are names that I know, but perhaps would be worth looking into.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Nails the Vaccine Argument…
I'm not in a position to judge whether he's right or wrong about the safety of vaccines and whether they are properly tested. But as a special educator I am skeptical about some of the statements he makes about the severity of a 'chronic disease epidemic.' He talks about how the rates of chronic diseases has risen since 1989. But I would be interested to see where the statistic he cites about how many people have chronic disease comes from. The reason why I'm curious about this is because that number includes people who have what are considered developmental disabilities such as ADD, which is generally not considered a 'disease.' It's quite unusual for them to be classified as being in the same group.

I have seen seen statistics that say about 8% of children in the US have food allergies, about 20% have a developmental disability or learning disability, and about 15% have a chronic health condition (and there's probably some overlap between those three groups). That's nowhere near the 54% he states, but he must have gotten that number from somewhere--I wish there was a citation!

Another issue is that, although the increase in vaccinations in 1989 correlates with an increase in disabilities and health issues, that does not necessarily mean that vaccines are the cause. There are many other factors which could account for this increase. For example, in 1987 the DSM-III updated their diagnostic criteria for autism to make it more flexible and to include a much more diverse group of people. This update transformed the definition of autism. Before 1987 autism was defined as a severe condition with very strict diagnostic criteria and was therefore very rare, and afterward it could be diagnosed in people who were considered 'high functioning.' The majority of people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders today (based on statistics I would estimate about 1/2 to 2/3) would not have been given this diagnosis before the update. Also, in 1986 special education laws in the US expanded to include children ages 0-3, which also led to an increase in diagnoses.

These factors probably don't fully account for an increase in chronic conditions in the late 1980's, but they do show that there are other factors at play beyond vaccines (and there are probably many more outside of the scope of my knowledge).
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Pesticide exposure during pregnancy is also linked to autism. Then all it may take is an immune stimulation, either from a vaccine or a natural infection, to trigger the manifestation of the autism condition.

Agree with that....

Its very complex...many interacting factors.

Hence probably why then went home from Lake Tahoe in 1984. Lets just not look at any of that....

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
These factors probably don't fully account for an increase in chronic conditions in the late 1980's, but they do show that there are other factors at play beyond vaccines (and there are probably many more outside of the scope of my knowledge).

Yes, there are many many factors which changed quite dramatically in the 1980s and hence- it will always be tough to ever tease this out....

Yes, any number comes from someplace and is based upon assumptions..so we don't know where that 52% came from. But I know there is a very large spike in Autoimmune Disorders....generally.....and I have seem to have one.

So what about my descendents? What about their vulnerability? Does anyone care if MY GRANDCHILD is in this subset of sensitive to vaccination...They don't look for them.

You won't find what you aren't looking for.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
These factors probably don't fully account for an increase in chronic conditions in the late 1980's, but they do show that there are other factors at play beyond vaccines (and there are probably many more outside of the scope of my knowledge).

Graphs that show the millions of pounds of glyphosate applied- to crops ....those graphs all spike similarly to autoimmune disorder increases, etc..... spray too much of that everywhere, drench the food crops and animals crops...and then- COURTS have ruled in favor of victims being injured..a couple of times now.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
This Medical News article (general with out citations) is discussing the general increase in autoimmune disorders-

The Type 1 Diabetes spike...is discussed...2001-2009.


Autoimmune Disease Rates Increasing
<span>According to a new study the prevalence and incidence of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, celiac disease, and type 1 diabetes, is on the rise and researchers at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are unsure why.</span>


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Dr. Mercola has published many articles on his website, and often quotes or features Barbara Fischer, who I believe is the founder of the NVIC website (National Vaccine Information Center). Here's a link to one of Mercola's articles article entitled: "The Forgotten History of Vaccinations You Need to Be Aware Of". Another woman who seems to be in the forefront on vaccinations is Suzanne Humphries. (Link to a 40-min. YouTube video). All three of these are fervently against forced vaccinations. And each seems to have done an enormous amount of research into them.

On the vociferous pro-vaccination side is Dr. Paul Offit, founder and developer of the MMR vaccine. He's often featured in various antivaxxer commentaries as an "expert" who can credibly "debunk" those who say vaccines are not as safe as they're touted. -- My understanding is he reaps royalties in the tens of millions of dollars annually on that MMR vaccine (that may be total revenue and not annually), so that doesn't speak much for his credibility. He's also been in the forefront of demonizing Dr. Andrew Wakefield, often using false narratives in giving his case. I personally don't believe he uses good judgment and discernment regarding the perspectives he promulgates.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
This article is discussing the at least 80,000 chemicals we are applying and the likely role this is playing in wreaking havoc on our immune systems (and our guts..and our gut creatures). ( Throw in the 77 mandated vaccinations...stirr.)


This review article is on Vaccinations and Autism...with data.


"Although the vaccines are generally safe, with a low incidence of serious systemic adverse events, numerous reports highlighted the occurrence of neurological (Guillain Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, autism), articular (arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), and autoimmune untoward effects (systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus) after single or combined multivaccine procedures (Table (Table1)1) [4]."

"...but several studies suggest that a vaccine component (inactive viral/bacterial agent or attenuated living microorganism) or a wild superimposed infectious agent can induce autoimmune disease in people with a genetic predisposition [12, 13]. For instance, Borrelia burgdorferiand group A-hemolytic streptococcus contained in the Lyme disease and S. pyogenes vaccines can cause chronic arthritis and rheumatic heart disease, respectively [14, 15]."

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis...and versions of this illness....do not show up in the Table above. So that alone indicates the statistics out there will vary tremendously depending upon WHAT is included as an illness.


Senior Member
He's also been in the forefront of deamonizing Dr. Andrew Wakefield,

Wakefield lost credibility with his faked vaccine study, but then totally lost the plot after becoming chief speaker on a conspiracy theory ocean cruise. Sharing the auditorium with speakers who talk about crop circles etc generally is the end of anyone's scientific reputation. I wonder if Wakefield started suffering from a touch of schizotypy, which several studies have shown predispose to believing in conspiracy theories.