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Update on Alex3619: in hospital but doing well


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
What if I wake up and think I am in a computer game? That actually happened, and I was concerned I could not find my mouse for a few seconds. I actually felt OK after surgery, and on the drugs etc. The heparin-like drug Clexane on the other hand seemed to trigger severe air hunger and painfully intense heat sensations. I was glad to get off that drug, when the symptoms vanished.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I might be about to go back into hospital to have my leg thingamy surgically removed. Its causing major issues. First, however, I have to convince the hospital. I have a doctor's referral, but the system can be very lame at times. I hope to be going up there to argue with persuade them tomorrow. So I might disappear from PR for a time: duration unknown but not as long as last time hopefully. Removing an orthopedic implant is easier to heal from as I don't have to wait for a broken bone to mend. If I have some warning I might also be able to swing a decent wifi connection for my laptop. At least this time I can organize clothes and not have to wear a hospital gown for nearly two months.


Senior Member
I might be about to go back into hospital to have my leg thingamy surgically removed. Its causing major issues. First, however, I have to convince the hospital. I have a doctor's referral, but the system can be very lame at times. I hope to be going up there to argue with persuade them tomorrow. So I might disappear from PR for a time: duration unknown but not as long as last time hopefully. Removing an orthopedic implant is easier to heal from as I don't have to wait for a broken bone to mend. If I have some warning I might also be able to swing a decent wifi connection for my laptop. At least this time I can organize clothes and not have to wear a hospital gown for nearly two months.
Good luck persuading them! I hope it all goes smoothly. We'll be thinking of you!


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australia (brisbane)
I might be about to go back into hospital to have my leg thingamy surgically removed. Its causing major issues. First, however, I have to convince the hospital. I have a doctor's referral, but the system can be very lame at times. I hope to be going up there to argue with persuade them tomorrow. So I might disappear from PR for a time: duration unknown but not as long as last time hopefully. Removing an orthopedic implant is easier to heal from as I don't have to wait for a broken bone to mend. If I have some warning I might also be able to swing a decent wifi connection for my laptop. At least this time I can organize clothes and not have to wear a hospital gown for nearly two months.

keep that mobil phone charged etc and get a prepaid thingy??
Im sure they will get it sorted quick, its been awhile with this going on. My mrs has had a few surgical things done at Logan hospital and there doesnt seem to be the big waiting times like there once was and these werent emergency things either. The premier has put a rocket up them, love him or hate him i have seen a few things improve in the hospital system with the new premier, things seem to happen quicker just hope the standard hasnt dropped??

good luck mate


Senior Member
Oh! A new addition to the BPS roster: Cognitive Behavioral Surgery!
They could have patients operate on other patients.
Nah, then they wouldn't get their cut. Surely only THEY, the miraculous all-knowing BPS practitioners know what is right for everyone. Only THEY would be capable of something as sophisticated as Cognitive Behavioral Surgery, so we would need legislation to require that only registered therapists would be allowed to perform (and charge mega-bucks) for CBS.

Okay, cynicism switch off now. :redface: