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The yinzibing virus (Chinese HIV-like virus) might cause ME/CFS, study says. Symptoms: twitching muscles, white tongue coating, noisy joints, etc


Senior Member
A 2019 study (archived here) suggests the chronic illness caused by the yinzibing virus — aka the Chinese HIV-like virus — may be a special subtype of ME/CFS.

The study was conducted by the Army Medical University in China (formerly the Third Military Medical University), which is one of the main Chinese research centres for yinzibing.

So if yinzibing can cause a form of ME/CFS, then some patients here might have this "HIV-like" virus.

As well as causing ME/CFS symptoms, yinzibing can also cause the following chronic symptoms:

Symptoms of Yinzibing
  • Constantly twitching muscles (fasciculations)
  • Cracking or popping sounds from the joints when limbs are moved (crepitus)
  • White coating on the tongue (sometimes with red spots on the tip of the tongue)
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Receding gums (periodontitis)
  • Gum inflammation (gingivitis)
  • Recurrent stomach aches
  • Rumbling bowels
  • Chronic flatulence
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Easily awoken from sleep
  • Weight loss in first 3 months of the infection
  • Then some years later, there may be weight gain on the abdomen
  • Rapidly ageing skin (skin wrinkling)
  • Loss of subcutaneous fat (lipodystrophy or lipoatrophy)
  • Sensation of insects crawling under the skin (formication)
  • Cold hands and feet
People with yinzibing infection may also experience substantial mental health symptoms, such as:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anhedonia (reduction in the ability to derive pleasure or reward from normally enjoyable activities)

The Army Medical University study found 33% of yinzibing patients have a low CD4 cell count (less than 500 cells/mm3), 31% have an abnormal CD4/CD8 ratio, and 37% had interferon gamma auto-antibodies.

The yinzibing virus has been in global circulation since at least 2003, and some speculate it may have first appeared in around 1985, from an American male who had links to Africa.

The identity of the yinzibing virus has not yet been determined, but medical researchers in China demonstrated that it is not a new strain of HIV.

More details about yinzibing and its symptoms on this website.
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Que sera sera
Wow. This really describes so much of my experience. I am severe and often tell people it feels like I have HIV without the higher mortality rates.

Also, my tongue became white for so much of this and in 2017 as I became really severe and lost the ability to walk and bathe myself… my tongue turned BLACK for months. I’m still stupefied that no medical professional found that concerning. Like, we are talking dark black. I cannot remember when it returned from black but it was within that year.