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[STUDY] Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin Is Highly Effective against Enterovirus (EV) A71 Infection by Blocking Its Entry into the Host Cell 2020


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Whilst researching Molnupiravir I came across a study proposing Chlorophyllin as a way to prevent dna based damage caused by molnu and vastly increase it's antiviral effectiveness.


Could chlorophyllins improve the safety profile of beta-d-N4-hydroxycytidine versus N-hydroxycytidine, the active ingredient of the SARS-CoV-2 antiviral molnupiravir?​

The study is an overview so didn't see any pont in doing direct quotes.

I then came across this totally by acident I didn't even know I'd licked on it:

Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin Is Highly Effective against Enterovirus (EV) A71 Infection by Blocking Its Entry into the Host Cell​


In this study, we found that sodium copper chlorophyllin (CHL), a health food additive and an over-the-counter anticancer medicine or treatment to reduce the odor of urine or feces, exhibited potent inhibitory activity against infection by divergent EV-A71 and coxsackievirus-A16 (CV-A16) isolates at a low micromolar concentration with excellent safety.
Sounds like a great way to prevent you getting worse, the supplement can be found here: https://www.dolphinfitness.co.uk/en...phyllin-100-mg-100-vegetarian-capsules/187556

The above product is magnesium but it's unclear if it must be sodium copper to work, possible that it's important but may not be.

Sodium copper product here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chlorophyl...ds=copper+chlorophyllin&qid=1703514519&sr=8-5

I can't help but feel like it has very similair properties to NAC too: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166354219304735

N-Acetyl cysteine effectively alleviates Coxsackievirus B-Induced myocarditis through suppressing viral replication and inflammatory response​

It's not backed up by much hard evidence IE the protective effects for Molnupiravir, but the antiviral effectiveness of NAC and Chlorophyllin together could be a great way to keep EV's from further progression and halt the worsening of the disease.


Senior Member
Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin Is Highly Effective against Enterovirus (EV) A71 Infection by Blocking Its Entry into the Host Cell

Looking at the full paper here on Sci Hub, the IC50 of sodium copper chlorophyllin A (CHLA) for enterovirus 71 is 22.69 μM, which is a little on the high side (meaning such concentrations may be hard to achieve in vivo).

However, they did test CHLA in mice, and found an injected daily dose of 100 mg/kg reduced enterovirus 71 viral infection in these mice.

The human equivalent dose would be 8.1 mg/kg, which for a 80 kg person would be a dose of 648 mg as an injection. I am not sure about oral bioavailability, so not sure if oral administration is viable.

It seems that sodium copper chlorophyllin 100 mg capsules are sold by Now Foods.

If chlorophyllin is orally bioavailable, then several of these 100 mg capsules might be necessary to match the mouse study.

Regarding the safety of chlorophyllin in humans, the paper says:
CHL has been widely used as a health food additive in foods such as cakes, juices, and ice cream.
No serious side effects were reported when CHL was used as a medicine for oral administration up to 300 mg/day for 4 months.

The Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for CHL is 0-15 mg/kg for humans
So for an 80 kg human, daily doses up to 1200 mg are acceptable.

Note though that they only tested chlorophyllin against enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A16, but not against the coxsackievirus B and echoviruses found in ME/CFS. So whether this would work for these other enteroviruses is not clear; though the study does say chlorophyllin has a broad-spectrum antiviral activity:
In this study, we detected the antiviral activity of CHL against a number of EV-A71 and CV-A16 isolates and found that CHL and its derivatives exhibited significant broad-spectrum antiviral activity against EV-A71 and CV-A16 infection.

Apart from its antiviral effects, chlorophyllin also has anti-cancer effects, and is an antioxidant that protects mitochondria.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Sorry yes forgot to say that part of me has a hunch I may have d68 or ev71 but it's only because my symptoms aren't severe. Also there was an outbreak of d68 in europe the exact same year I got sick.

But I think my allergies could have something to do with being bitten by ten ticks ten years before I got my ME diagnosis. In which case I might benefit more from Lyme killing agents but not aware of any that can be taken long term yet.

Life extensions website says 100mg a day is bioavailable and is enough to have an effect. There's a study linked but I can't get to it right now.
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Senior Member
Ordered the capsule version from Now Foods, let's see how it goes (noticed it includes alfalfa powder as well). If this acts as a strong antioxidant I won't be able to tolerate it as most antioxidants make my fatigue and flu-like symptoms worse. My supplement tolerance is anyhow quite bad lately, so getting up to 500 mg range for supposed antiviral effect seems like a reach, but we'll see.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yeah they used to do that to me too, glad I am bedded in with them now tho, if you struggle you could start NAC at tiny doses before bed, I started on 10mg NAC and worked up to 6g a day. It's a good antioxidant to begin on, but titration is vital. 10mg before bed for a week is fine before going to 20.

I can tell you this stuff is quite strong, I have the NOW brand also. It makes your poo go green also so don't panic! But yeah it is strong stuff.

Sorry to hear about yupr supp tolerance, I just came down with POTS 3 days ago at the end of my covid symptomatic period, although it's day 11 today, got 3 more to go. Kind of hoping it's not autoimmune.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Forgot to say that the only reason i think I can tolerate a lt of stuff is because NAC's initial detox is so severe, once you're bedded in with it I think it makes it much harder for your body to struggle with others. Higher doses are prob better for this but there's a trade off with chelation.


Senior Member
Yep, this stuff is powerful. Took a fraction out of a 100 mg capsule and my body and gut reacted quite strongly to it. Could be a sign that it's worth to further look into this, but zero chance I'll get to a 500 mg "potentially antiviral" dosage range and even 100 mg seems like a reach.

It's interesting how some of us react so strongly to supplements and others don't. Some very sick ME/CFS patients get no positive or much negative reactions to anything and others like me who are on the milder range a supplement can throw you off completely. Even over a decade ago when I was even milder sick I struggled to tolerate these kind of superfoods that have antioxidant and immune stimulating effect that are supposed to be good for your health.

Chlorophyll seems like some new TikTok hyped health product, so I take it the average healthy person can tolerate it fine.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yeah it seems like strong stuff. I should be taking it rn but am too paranoid about microbiome disruption. Covid symptoms keep coming back, my pots is a tiny bit better. Anyway let us know if you do anymore experiments :)


Senior Member
It's interesting how some of us react so strongly to supplements and others don't.
I suspect its all to do with MCAS and potentially leaky gut. The more your gut leaks and the more active your mast cells and white blood cells exposed are going to be. A lot of the reactions people have to drugs and such are all going to be due to it and it takes a long time to get under any semblance of control.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
For awhile on Josh's protocol...maybe a year or two my MCS and allergies were tons better. Sadly it didn't last.

But the vaccine boosters fuck any improvements right over. But covid infections are vastly worse for degrading my level of function. So overall boosters are better. But yeah mast cell issues and intestinal wall degredation are a real pain in the ass.

I eat a fresh vegetable soup every day and then have to endure quite bad brainfog for about 90 minutes post. Maybe one day we'll be able to figure out how to solve some of these issues. I'm due to use the libre2 to check my blood sugar at some point too.