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Stanford to host "fireside chat" with Fauci July 13 - submit questions


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Stanford is hosting a "fire side chat" with Dr. Fauci on Monday. There is an opportunity to submit questions and I just submitted one on planning research connecting Covid-19 long-haulers and ME/CFS patients.

Join Dean Lloyd Minor as he hosts a virtual fireside chat
with Dr. Anthony Fauci

Date: Monday, July 13*

Time: 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time

Dean Lloyd Minor will host the government's leading infectious disease expert--Dr. Anthony Fauci--for a virtual fireside chat that contextualizes COVID-19's recent resurgence, highlights our path to overcoming the pandemic, and answers your pre-submitted questions.

Submit your questions now!

Click here to access the livestream.

If you use Internet Explorer, please see the note below.

Please note: Internet Explorer no longer supports the livestream platform. If you use Internet Explorer, please access this event by copying and pasting this URL - https://livestream.com/accounts/1973198/events/9190750- into a Firefox or Google Chrome browser.

*Date and time subject to change due to COVID-19's quickly evolving conditions.
This is huge.

Whether he supported those with ME/CFS in the past is irrelevant, he has just said this is "something we need to seriously look at". I hope that means money for ron and the OMF. The attitude change is a necessary precurser for real change and it looks like this is happening.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
The attitude change is a necessary precurser for real change and it looks like this is happening.

Great news you will be trying to ask Fauci these questions.

As you likely know, shaming and embarrasing people in public venues- rarely works.

We should focus on the present instead of trying to- get him to admit some past mistake.

Of course, it would be so refreshing for humans to- admit something was a mistake and own up to it.


Senior Member
Stanford is hosting a "fire side chat" with Dr. Fauci on Monday. There is an opportunity to submit questions and I just submitted one on planning research connecting Covid-19 long-haulers and ME/CFS patients.

I just saw this thread and realized that this event with Dr. Fauci and Stanford is tomorrow morning! Did you get any confirmation @Sushi if they selected your question as one of the ones that will be answered?!
Great news you will be trying to ask Fauci these questions.

As you likely know, shaming and embarrasing people in public venues- rarely works.

We should focus on the present instead of trying to- get him to admit some past mistake.

Of course, it would be so refreshing for humans to- admit something was a mistake and own up to it.
I submitted a question.

He won't admit a mistake and that's fine. I care about results ... I couldn't care less if that means sucking up to the power broker.


Senior Member
I would not blame Fauci for his previous beliefs that ME/CFS was a psychologically-caused condition, because the whole of the medical profession were conned into believing that, due to the nefarious work of the disability insurance industry in the 1980s and 90s, and the dubious psychiatrists in their pay, who worked together to make ME/CFS look as if it were all in the mind.

Many medical professionals even today still think ME/CFS is psychologically-caused, because of the criminal work of the disability insurance industry in the 80s and 90s.

Fauci probably never looked into ME/CFS to any degree, and just assumed like everyone else that it was a psychologically-caused condition, because that's what he had been taught. That's what everyone was taught 20 years ago.

The main reason ME/CFS was made to look like a psychologically-caused condition relates to what happened in the 1980s: in that decade, the incidence of new ME/CFS cases dramatically increased by at least 5 times for reasons unknown (see this thread), and disability insurance companies would have faced bankruptcy if they had had to provide life-long disability payments to all these new ME/CFS patients who appeared in the 80s.

So to get off the hook, the insurance companies wangled it to make ME/CFS look like a psychologically-caused condition, which insurance policies do not cover. That's most likely how the dubious name "chronic fatigue syndrome" appeared in the US. The disease known as CFS was defined as one which can have psychological-causes, and this new CFS label allowed insurance companies off the hook.

The disease label ME on the other hand is defined as purely neurological, and cannot have psychological causes. So the insurance companies needed this newly-created disease label of CFS in order to get off the hook in terms of paying disability support to ME/CFS patients.
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Senior Member
So this explains it all, @Hip. I was treated multiple times during those years and never had to pay a dime...I wonder how my doctors did it?

I thought it was only Europe where the psychological nonsense was prevalent. It wasn't until I saw a young girl from The Netherlands being forcibly removed from her parents' care that I understood that it's still going on even today. And then these kids are brought home in even worse conditon than ever. Poor child; poor families, all suffering from a state formed by greed and ignorance. Thanks for the info. Yours, Lenora.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I just saw this thread and realized that this event with Dr. Fauci and Stanford is tomorrow morning! Did you get any confirmation @Sushi if they selected your question as one of the ones that will be answered?!
No, you just submit them and someone will select the ones to air. We'll see in a few minutes how the discussion goes. Since it is a Covid-19 "chat" I'd expect them to focus fairly narrowly on emerging public health issues--I have my browser open to the Stanford site!


Senior Member
I thought it was only Europe where the psychological nonsense was prevalent.

A lot of the psychological nonsense came from the UK, from the so-called Wessely School of psychiatrists (Simon Wessely, Michael Sharpe, Peter White, etc). And there were psychiatrists in other countries who also viewed ME/CFS as all in the mind: in the US Bill Reeves of the CDC; and in the Netherlands the Nijmegen group.

But I suspect the dubious ideas of these psychiatrists would have never seen the light of day, had it not been for disability insurance companies like UNUM (previously called UnumProvident), who once they came across Wessely and Co, realized their psychological nonsense could be used as cunning way to avoid making disability payments.

So the disability insurance companies appeared to team up with these psychiatrists, funding them and supporting them, in order to promote the incorrect view that ME/CFS is all in the mind.


Senior Member
Well that was a virtual nothing. I don't believe there's going to be a question/answer session....please let me know if one starts. A pity. Yours, Lenora


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Well that was a virtual nothing. I don't believe there's going to be a question/answer session....please let me know if one starts. A pity. Yours, Lenora
I'm tuned into the live-stream which is due to start in 5 minutes--they are playing music now.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
It is live now--hosted by the Dean of Medicine at Stanford.

ETA--wow, they got over 2000 questions!


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Well, they didn't have an actual Q & A session but I had the impression that the moderator took into consideration the questions that came in as he formulated his questions for Dr. Fauci. At one point the moderator asked him what were his priorities for research (or what he thought we most needed to learn?). His number 2 priority (loosely paraphrased) was to learn: "What are the long-term chronic effects of Covid-19." He said that they are seeing patients with lingering, significant symptoms many months after infection and felt it was a research priority to discover what was going on. So, that was the potential connection to ME/CFS that came out. The whole program was about 35 minutes.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
So to get off the hook, the insurance companies wangled it to make ME/CFS look like a psychologically-caused condition, which insurance policies do not cover.

Yes- money and the following of it will explain most everything in the United States.

But still: ASSUMING for a moment that MECFS is a psychologically caused condition, suggesting it is a form of mental illness- well assuming all that- then some large percentage of folks with moderate to severe cases will be disabled and unable to maintain employment and care for themselves.

Its says that right here in this article. Why aren't they receiving disability assistance?


"...it is a well-accepted fact that the mentally ill constitute a sizeable chunk of the disabled population. Within the ambit of the definition of disability under the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, mental illness means a ‘disorder of the mind that results in partial or complete disturbance in the person's thinking, feeling and behaviour which may also result in recurrent or persistent inability or reduced ability to carryout activities of daily living, self-care, education, employment and participation in social life’.2 These disorders include schizophrenia, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder and moderate-to-severe depression of at least 3 years' duration with proof of continuous treatment.3"

So it seems like- "they" aren't treating it as the mental disorder "they" claim it is.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
What are the long-term chronic effects of Covid-19." He said that they are seeing patients with lingering, significant symptoms many months after infection and felt it was a research priority to discover what was going on.

So the Dean of Stanford Medicine can't even get in a sentence mentioning that Stanford themselves are undertaking these very studies on COVID-19 and long term ME.

Gee whiz.:bang-head:


Senior Member
Why aren't they receiving disability assistance?

I understand that back in the 1980s, disability insurance policies would only only cover 2 years' worth of disability payouts for policy holders who developed mental health conditions that prevented them working; whereas the policies would cover a whole lifetime of disability payouts if the policy holder developed a physical health condition that prevented them working. So by recasting neurologically-caused ME as psychologically-caused CFS, the insurance companies avoided having to provide a lifetime of payouts.

I don't know what disability insurance policies cover and do not cover these days.