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Reactive Arthritis triggered by supplemental Collagen, but not Glycine

I'm searching for a way to identify which particular protein/molecule in beef collagen triggers my reactive arthritis. After getting baselined, I found a lot of improvement with glycine. As glycine is one of the major building blocks of collagen (mine is visibly impaired), I tried beef collagen, which triggers my reactive arthritis.

I'm searching for a way to identify which particular beef collagen protein/molecule could be triggering my RA. I used bulletproof brand, which is pure beef collagen. I will try other sources (chicken, fish) but not until this current inflammation cycle abates.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Keep searching, the answer is out there
Sounds like a good idea to try a marine source of collagen. If the beef collagen is not from grass fed cattle, suspect they have been fed soy/corn resulting in residues of lectins, roundup in the meat. According to Dr. Gundry - "The Plant Paradox" book - these are all autoimmune ttriggers. He actually recommends marine collagen, "Vital .." smthn..check iHerb.
That may be, but this is a separate issue. My reactive arthritis is a connective tissue disorder where the body attacks the tendons in locations that attach to the bone. If I can trigger it with collagen, then I want to find the exact protein that causes it. If Crispr advances as I think it will, there will be an opportunity to address the single protein issue.
Update in case others search this thread. The collagen I tried was recalled due to milk protein contamination. I'm allergic to milk protein, so this confounds my result. I am going to attempt collagen again in the future.


Senior Member
Update in case others search this thread. The collagen I tried was recalled due to milk protein contamination. I'm allergic to milk protein, so this confounds my result. I am going to attempt collagen again in the future.

So, have you tried some other type of collagen? Ie. marine, etc.

I have a similar problem - and what made me react for the first time? The supplement with chicken type II collagen which is actually supposed to reduce your inflammation... But at the time I started to react to a number of foods. And the joints still hurt me... I can't take supplements in capsules made from beef/bovine gelatin because a few capsules is enough to cause a reaction.

So, I just wonder how to make this type II collagen work for me again... as it should have worked... if you look up the mechanism how this is supposed to work you'll see that denatured type II collagen actually works to make the immune system more tolerant to all types of collagen.

That's why I completely do not get what happened - and to make it clear - no doctor could ever answer that question or even suggest anything. The answer was always a shrug of shoulders...

The answer here is to ingest amino acids that are components of the collagen:
- glycine
- proline
- lysine

It is obvious that a single amino acid does not hurt you in any way because the immune system doesn't recognize a single amino acid as a threat - only a specific combination of amino acids, in a specific order can be recognized and treated as a threat thus causing inflammation.

Additionally, glycine has anti-inflammatory properties that are not associated with collagen building but rather it alters metabolism (look that up if you're interested) so it's like killing two birds with one stone.

So, type II collagen is what you might actually try... But be aware that it may make your condition even worse... much worse...
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