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Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (Sudafed) Positive effects

Ok...throwing this out there. My fatigue is controlled but a big battle every day.

Ive suffered from depression for years well before this diagnosis so these days Im on Prozac to which has been extremely positive and addresses my sleep problems. I sleep so much better. no side effects.

By chance I was taking a decongestant - own brand PH. And for some reason its really lifted me. Only one in the morning. Why is this? Is this a stimulant at this tiny dose? Yesterday for instance I got through the morning so much easlier, I felt my head was clear and light. Not in a drugged up sense but what I call feeling normal.

If this is the case its doing something positive to my blood flow - or swelling?

Im going to continue doing this - assume at this dose its perfectly safe. Im also taking Magnisum, B12 and high dose Vit D once a week. Just wondered if anyone could confirm the positive effects on this.


Senior Member
I would expect that Mg. and Vit. B-12 are also helping in a big way. I don't know the answer to Vit. D.....but many other vitamins, enzymes, etc., can't be absorbed by the body in huge amounts. In other words, the remainder is excreted. You may want to check this out.

Anyway, I have severe allergies and have used Sudafed in the past. Perhaps I should give it another trial....in my case, even though it was taken early in the a.m., it kept me awake at night. Darn! I'm glad that it works for you. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
By chance I was taking a decongestant - own brand PH. And for some reason its really lifted me. Only one in the morning. Why is this? Is this a stimulant at this tiny dose? Yesterday for instance I got through the morning so much easlier, I felt my head was clear and light. Not in a drugged up sense but what I call feeling normal.

Real Sudafed (pseudeoephedrine) has always made me feel better, although I haven't tried it in recent years when I was more moderate-severe. It's a stimulant, so I'm not sure how long term use or crashes would be affected.


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Ok...throwing this out there. My fatigue is controlled but a big battle every day.

Ive suffered from depression for years well before this diagnosis so these days Im on Prozac to which has been extremely positive and addresses my sleep problems. I sleep so much better. no side effects.

By chance I was taking a decongestant - own brand PH. And for some reason its really lifted me. Only one in the morning. Why is this? Is this a stimulant at this tiny dose? Yesterday for instance I got through the morning so much easlier, I felt my head was clear and light. Not in a drugged up sense but what I call feeling normal.

If this is the case its doing something positive to my blood flow - or swelling?

Im going to continue doing this - assume at this dose its perfectly safe. Im also taking Magnisum, B12 and high dose Vit D once a week. Just wondered if anyone could confirm the positive effects on this.

Sudafed is a stimulant. In my pre cfs life it was great before playing football, especially if I had worked a night shift before hand.

It may help with autonomic/low blood pressure issues as it may cause enough vasoconstriction to improve low BP.

Also chronic sinusitis is common in cfsme, so it could be helping there too.