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Products that make your life easier?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
My Homedics air purifier - keeps down dust in my room, which I am super allergic to and means I have one super clean safe room in the house. It also removes smoke, perfume smells etc so when we go away I always take it with me.

Which one pretty please? I desperately need something that blocks perfume and chemical odors.


Forum Support Assistant
Do you think the charcoal helps? how? I've never heard of that and it sounds interesting...

The bamboo charcoal top layer is meant to reduce the common problem of memory foam reflecting so much body heat that some people heat up excessively. I haven't noticed any heat problems. This is the only memory foam bed that I've ever had so I don't have anything to compare it to.


Senior Member
Which one pretty please? I desperately need something that blocks perfume and chemical odors.

I have a Blueair, and I love it... You can get the charcoal filter that blocks VOC's (chemicals)... It's marketed as the "smokestop" filter to stop cigarette smoke, odor, but it has other benefits (no smokers in my house!)

I have the smallest one, and it's sufficient for my studio apartment


Senior Member
good idea.

what does your shopping trolley look like? If you have a link, I would love to see a link to the one you bought.
@KitCat This is closest to what I use. I should mention, if you do purchase a shopping trolley do be careful because I had a very bad fall last year when it swung me around causing me to land hard on my back. I am much more careful with it now and familiar with the ways it could trip me up. I also notice many others in my community with these trolleys now. It's great to see.



be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
@KitCat This is closest to what I use. I should mention, if you do purchase a shopping trolley do be careful because I had a very bad fall last year when it swung me around causing me to land hard on my back. I am much more careful with it now and familiar with the ways it could trip me up. I also notice many others in my community with these trolleys now. It's great to see.

View attachment 16328

this is great! thank you so much.


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
I feel like this might involve too much bending for me. do you have to bend down a lot to put things in and take things out?
San Francisco, CA USA
I love my rolling chair in the kitchen. It's a terrible product so I can't recommend it, nonetheless I love it.

Thank you so much for this idea... I feel silly for not thinking of it sooner! I just put one with better reviews in my Amazon cart.

I spend most of the day in my home office in an office chair with wheels, and I've arranged everything so I can just roll a couple of feet in any direction to get what I need. Cooking is one of the things I miss the most since I've been sick. On good days I can put together a sandwich but it still makes me tired standing up to do it. With a rolling stool I can imagine chopping up some vegetables and doing something ambitious like making soup or risotto!

Great ideas and great thread!


Senior Member
I feel like this might involve too much bending for me. do you have to bend down a lot to put things in and take things out?
I usually try to stop somewhere and sit down if I need to dig around for something. It can be frustrating finding things. But I'm so over carrying heavy things that cause relapses so the pluses outweigh the minuses for me.
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Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Which one pretty please? I desperately need something that blocks perfume and chemical odors.
Hi, it wont block the odours, but will remove them fairly quickly from your room. I keep it on all day every day, on the lowest setting but turn it off at night. If I am cleaning the room or a smell has got in the room I turn it up to full and leave it for a while to work. I keep my bedroom door shut so that the air is nice in my room - it is noticeable that the air quality is different in my bedroom to other rooms in the house.



be yourself. everyone else is already taken.

this one is recommended by debra lynn dodd, who is the queen of chemical sensitivities.

I have been very happy with mine. It does more than a regular air purifier. It's pricey, I was able to find one on ebay.


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
Thank you so much for this idea... I feel silly for not thinking of it sooner! I just put one with better reviews in my Amazon cart.

I spend most of the day in my home office in an office chair with wheels, and I've arranged everything so I can just roll a couple of feet in any direction to get what I need. Cooking is one of the things I miss the most since I've been sick. On good days I can put together a sandwich but it still makes me tired standing up to do it. With a rolling stool I can imagine chopping up some vegetables and doing something ambitious like making soup or risotto!

Great ideas and great thread!

which one did you find with better reviews? I looked but couldn't find one tall enough.
San Francisco, CA USA


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
For someone with OI and fatigue, this Instant Pot pressure cooker has made life easier for a few reasons:
There is a huge sale on the Instant Pot today only--Amazon Prime Day (you have to have Amazon Prime or sign up for a month's free trial.) I scored one, thanks Pat!
Another patient also recommended it too--says she does most of her cooking in it. Apparently it can be used in 7 different ways.

Instant Pot IP-DUO60 7-in-1 Multi-Functional Pressure Cooker, 6Qt/1000W
by Instant Pot
4.7 out of 5 stars 8,530 customer reviews
| 1000+ answered questions
#1 Best Sellerin Kitchen & Dining

Price: $119.95
With Deal: $69.99 Free Shipping for Prime Members


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
I ended up ordering this one:


As you'll see, it only had four reviews, three of which were five star, and it sounded like the fourth person got a defective product. It says it can adjust up to 28", which sounded good to me.

thanks I'd love to know how it goes. The one I use is taller, so you are kind of partly standing and sort of leaning on the chair for support, which makes it easier to chop things and reach things. But, like people say, it does not wheel well at all.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
@KitCat This is closest to what I use. I should mention, if you do purchase a shopping trolley do be careful because I had a very bad fall last year when it swung me around causing me to land hard on my back. I am much more careful with it now and familiar with the ways it could trip me up. I also notice many others in my community with these trolleys now. It's great to see.

View attachment 16328

rosie's trolley is just like mine except I have a blue one. Sometimes I'll lay this across my legs with things in it while my workers are pushing me in my special legs raised wheelchair. Another thing I like about these is they can go fairly flat when you are storing them.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
umm I have so many different aids I dont know where to start.

My specially designed legs up wheelchair I couldnt do without. Before that I had a cane chair which was highly beneficial (like a cane which folds out into a chair so you can sit at checkouts while waiting your turn).

My wall clock also has the days of the week on it so I can check what day Im in at the same time as I look at the time (a must have thing on a clock when you keep confusing days).

I use a shower chair with a a stool in there too for my legs up while showering. I have lots of support rails in bathroom.

A cooling pad for both mattress and my pillow (this is great in warmer weather as though they help as long as it isnt too hot without being put in fridge, they also work great on hot days if put in fridge first for a few minutes. (mine is one of the phase shift kind of ones with a type of gel in them which absorbs body heat.

I couldnt do without my electric blanket to warm up my bed when its cold (though It makes me ill if I try to sleep while its on).

A book I brought in which by looks and title, looks like an ordinary quite boring novel (you shouldnt have "passwords" written on the outside cover of your password book nor should this book look interesting) but it hides ones computers passwords in it (has section for web addresses and the one I have also has a little section in each to put notes for the websites to).

This is helping me a great deal in clearing up the mess I used to get into with lost passwords due to me forgetting them all the time. Now they are all together secretly hidden in a book which wouldnt draw anyones attention.
eg http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/The-Tree...968731?hash=item4d3ef8b61b:g:vX8AAOSwvUlWsTO~ (not exactly the one I have)

stool on wheels. I made this actually recently when my computer chair broke by then ripping the back of it off and I then had a stool the right height for my legs on wheels.

Timers on my hose taps outside (before I got these I'd sometimes accidently leave the hose or sprinkler on all night).

A birthday card organiser (this was a recent buy of mine of for years now I hadnt been doing the birthday thing as its been too hard for me to organise). It has an alphabetical order parts throu the book in which you can write down peoples birthdays (like one would write down names and info in an address book.. a page for each letter of alphabet) but it also has a pocket in it for each month.

This pocket is so one can buy birthday cards for a whole year for family and friends and fill them in and then put them into the pocket for what month the persons birthday is so you can be organised for a whole years worth of birthdays in advance. Great for u if your ME is very erratic and may not be okay to be doing a card when the persons birthday comes, this makes sure that card is there and already done (if you forget to give it to the person or dont end up seeing them, its still there for the year after).

On subject of birthdays.. I also as my mother used to do when I was growing up.. keep a birthday box/chest where I buy throughout the year things I come across on sale which I think someone would like for their birthday or xmas and put them into this. So whenever its someones birthday if Im going to be seeing them, I just go to this box and go throu it to find a gift.
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