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My right side of body keeps falling asleep and hurts


..and we built castles in the Sky.
I have recently discovered a quite new symptoms since a few days and i find it quite concerning.

My right foot/leg and my right hand keep hurting and falling asleep as if somebody lay on it for too long or sitting on the toilet for too long, you might know what i am talking about.

I have this without someone laying on it and i find it quite odd.

I have been taking nebivolol wich should increase bloodflow, but it doesnt (atleast anymore).

I have eye problems and oczillopsea (shaking vision) so maybe its not the blood flow its just nerve damge? My dad said it might be just nerves not blood flow. Hand feels normal warm and doesnt look like reynoud syndrom so in theory it should have enough blood??

What i wanted to know if this is a common issue and known in the cfs community and what you can do against it. its very painful from time to time and this numb and tingling feeling is very unpleasent.....

I take:
- Pomme granate extract
- Nebivolol
- Fermented Garlic
- Magnesium and Vitamins
- Omega 3
- milk thistle


Senior Member
i have this from time to time. usually i believe its somewhere the upper neck which has a compression or something.
when i lay down without pillow this can come quite reliable... or some other body position my body something thinks this should happen now.

also a potassium deficiency can cause something similiar (and with it also a thiamine deficiency can do this).
but when its one sided i probably would attribute it rather to nerves, neck compression like said above.

really have a look at your body posture when this happens. move , sit up, check if it goes away (it does for me).
it can come in positions which are normal for others. so a "normal" position might not indicitate for you that it might not be a nerve problem.

your eye problems also can be a sign that your upper neck / head muscles are playing into this. these can do really weird nasty symptoms.

if its neck compression, you can do a few things like exercises, but really go slow. dont do fancy neck stretches, those can make things worse. more like integrating a few times a day certain head movements into your daily routine, for example everytime you go to toilette.
there are a loooot of videos about this on youtube, but as said, stay away from stretches and wild rotations and quick movements!

there are also passive exercises like putting a rolled towel in certain positions behind your back on lie on that for a few minutes. but careful. look for good videos and do it short for just a few minutes.
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..and we built castles in the Sky.
Thank you, i have thought about it being nerve related. What Puts me Off is the fact that only seems to occur in the foot or Hand only. Not in the arm or Leg itself.


Senior Member
Thank you, i have thought about it being nerve related. What Puts me Off is the fact that only seems to occur in the foot or Hand only. Not in the arm or Leg itself.
nerves are bitches, everything is possible with them. watch your body posture and see if there is some thing which provoces it.


Senior Member
What Puts me Off is the fact that only seems to occur in the foot or Hand only. Not in the arm or Leg itself.
In my (nonprofessional) opinion, that supports that it's nerves rather than blood flow. Maybe your position puts just enough pressure to affects the hand and foot nerves without affecting the arm/leg ones. Maybe someone knowledgeable can give some information about how long it takes for symptoms from nerve dysfunction to fade vs symptoms from blood flow reduction.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Honestly your symptoms resemble a stroke.
Seriously consider going to the hospital.