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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Message from the Department of Health and Social Care to the ME community


Senior Member

Those of us who were involved in the DHSC working groups received these two communications this morning.

Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to be able to share with you the attached information, which provides an update on the consultation for the cross-government Interim Delivery Plan on ME/CFS.
Please help us to circulate this information widely by sharing it with your networks and anyone you think may be interested, and by making it available on your website and via social media.

You or colleagues may have queries about the information. This mailbox is not resourced to answer individual queries but we would be interested in comments and queries, if you want to collate them from your contacts and then send on to us.
We will use this distribution list to forward future information for public communication about the Delivery Plan on ME/CFS. If you do not want your email address to be used for this purpose, and/or if you want to nominate someone else in your organisation to be the point of contact, please let us know.

ME/CFS Delivery Plan Team
NHS Policy and Performance Group
Department of Health and Social Care
Follow us on Twitter @DHSCgovuk

Development of a Delivery Plan on Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
6 November 2023
The purpose of this publication is to provide information about work to
develop the Final Delivery Plan on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).

On 9 August 2023, DHSC published its Interim Delivery Plan on
ME/CFS, alongside a focused 8-week consultation.

A separate 8-week consultation in easy-read format was opened on 4
September 2023.

Both consultations are now closed.

The ME/CFS community responded in force and we are grateful to all of
those who used their time and precious energy to provide views.
We received over 3,500 responses to both consultations, from
individuals with ME/CFS, carers and family members, from professionals
working in, and from organisations interested in, ME/CFS.
We know that many of you want to know what the next steps will be.
We will now take some time to consider in detail all of the individual and
organisational responses submitted. We will publish a summary of what
we have heard in due course.

Your responses will then be used to develop the Final ME/CFS Delivery
Plan for England, engaging - as before - with a range of stakeholders,
including people with lived experience of ME/CFS.
Where respondents live or work in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland,
we will forward those responses to the relevant devolved governments
to inform their future policy developments in this area.


Senior Member
Would have been nice to get a rough timescale for a summary and the delivery plan. Although I fear just as with the delivery plan I am expecting to be annoyed by how much it misses the mark given they seem unwilling to do anything practical to help based on the true reality of the situation.


Senior Member
I expect nothing from it too. They can't deliver any treatments, since there aren't any. They could advise doctors, caregivers, and bureaucrats on how to treat ME patients better, but I really don't expect any significant changes.