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Is increased hunger a common side effect of b12 therapy?

I am new to Fredds protocol so I'm sorry if this is something that has already been discussed a ton. However, I couldn't seem to find any mention of B12 and extreme hunger.

I am just starting this protocol and have likely been deficient in b12 for 2-3 decades without being aware of it. I have all sorts of neuropathy that I previously assumed was autoimmune but doctors could never find any explanation.

I'm starting off very low with the b12 because even 500mcg causes noticeable Refeeding symptoms (mostly low potassium). I've upped my potassium and my methylfolate and I take a multivitamin/multimineral supplement to cover my cofactors. I feel pretty damn good overall on the b12, the one side effect I currently have is feeling like I need to eat all the time. Is that normal? Or is that a sign of some type of deficiency?


It could be to do with a missing co-factor. It's probably a good sign that your system is trying to do something it hasn't been able to do for a long time. Are there any particular foods you crave or just food in general? I was very hungry in the months where I was recovering from low ferritin for example.

It could be any kind of deficiency or co factor, or something else. If you feel good anyway that is something!
It could be to do with a missing co-factor. It's probably a good sign that your system is trying to do something it hasn't been able to do for a long time. Are there any particular foods you crave or just food in general? I was very hungry in the months where I was recovering from low ferritin for example.

It could be any kind of deficiency or co factor, or something else. If you feel good anyway that is something!
I am very happy that my body is having some kind of response and am very grateful that it is now mostly a positive response now that I have increased my potassium. I'm just worried that if this hunger keeps up I'm going to end up gaining a ton of weight and right now I weight as much as possible without being overweight!

I guess I am mostly craving carbs, things like crackers, pasta, fruit, but also occasionally meat. It almost feels like my blood sugar is low but I know that it isn't if that makes sense.

Is there a way to tell what cofactor I am missing besides just adding one at a time? I can't really afford to keep buying more supplements at this point and most of my cofactors are in a multivitamin.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'm starting off very low with the b12 because even 500mcg causes noticeable Refeeding symptoms (mostly low potassium).

I can't seem to tolerate the Less Than One drop of B-12 I got (some pretty pure stuff). Even tho I take some in a good multi (which I recently ran out of, and its not easy for me to get more shipped here)

Like a bubble on the end of the dropper is Too Much.

My BP pill, includes Potassium and now and then, that pill somehow turns my gut to cement so more potassium makes me really nervous. But how to figure this out?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
However, I couldn't seem to find any mention of B12 and extreme hunger.

probably something to do with insulin resistance. When I get more run down or whatever, Blood sugar seems to become erratic.

Or: sickness behavior includes a type of anorexia...food is not appetizing, or something related to all that.

Perhaps it's helping? Shifting metabolism?
I can't seem to tolerate the Less Than One drop of B-12 I got (some pretty pure stuff). Even tho I take some in a good multi (which I recently ran out of, and its not easy for me to get more shipped here)

Like a bubble on the end of the dropper is Too Much.

My BP pill, includes Potassium and now and then, that pill somehow turns my gut to cement so more potassium makes me really nervous. But how to figure this out?
From what I've read it seems that being very sensitive to B12 is sorta a good thing, at least in the sense that it means you have a significant b12 deficiency which is likely the cause of symptoms which can be corrected over time.

Too much potassium at once can irritate the gut but a lack of potassium causes constipation and bloating. A major lack of potassium can shut down GI track movement and is dangerous if not corrected.

I'm going based off Fredds protocol on here and based off that potassium and methylfolate are the two nutrients that are most likely to suddenly drop when taking b12. I think the best thing to do is increase one nutrient at a time and see if your symptoms improve.