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In memory of Silvia ( Spain )

@Janet Dafoe (Rose49) Since your family was mentioned in the above message, I am tagging you. So sad.

We need somebody to TRUST what we have.
I'm not a stupid woman.
Something is killing us in any way
, health mainly , but also personal, social, familiar, economic factors ..
I really understand she didn't want to live, because that's not suposed to be a "good quality of live", with no help at all, ...
This is hell in life...

Somebody must tell DOCTORS they are behaving CRIMINALY at least, for their LACK of empathy, their lack of professionality, their lack , in the end, of humanity.
NEVER in my entirely professional live I have been able to leave parents ( with disabled children ): Sorry, I don't kow about this matter. Bye.
I have helped them always as much as I could do my best, giving advices if asked, helping to find economic help, avoiding anxiety conforting them , thinking ways of educative helping , pointing to special doctors or therapies and this was mostly because I WORK WITH PEOPLE and they are not machines.
But the most important thing is because I LISTEN and I am empathic, because I am mother , and I know how important is the health of a son/dougther for a parent, and more if your son has health problems.
In this way , e
ven if we were SIMULATORS ( threre must be millionaire reasons to affect so much people all over the world... ), Medical staff and some "science" MUST BEHAVE , at least, correctly with patients RESPECTING THEM. And they don't do that.
They laugh behind us, ( we are poor people, mentally ill - in Spain we say " La razón para los tontos " - give fools always the reason ), they feel superior to us ( because we don't know "science" , medicine, or difficult things they can understand....).
They are rigth.
But you know what?
We are not STUPID,
We can learn from others, share information, find real SCIENCE , colaborate with others
and organize ourselfs for fight toghether in this cause.
How can someone, in XXI cen., think no body is going to know so big ignominy!
As I said, we are not stupid,
And that hurts, really hurts.
We have criticise their "big findings" in PACE
No. They are not professionals.
I understand mental illness in a more affective a respectuose way ( worked before with Autistic people, Down Sindrome, Cerebral P. Etc).
This is OPPOSSITE what they assume when their HIPOCRATIC swear:
RESPECT is the first LAW in ANY human relationship.

Even If we were "mental patients", respect to us as a patients should be their first religion, and that is not real.

Sometimes I wonder if the lack of empathy of these people is due to something really serious ( not joking ).
I don't understand a doctor neglecting that way with a cancer patient...
I feel sorry about Silvia .
I didn't have the pleasure to meet her because I'm new , but I read what she wrote, and really is frustrating and really really sad.
How many Silvias? Silvios? .
Thanks to all for your support.
Big huges !


Senior Member
Unfortunable real science is controlled by govermments, they deside to who they give the funding for research, they also suppress those who will find stuff that they dont want to be found.

They manipulate studies.

Doctors behave like that becouse thats what govermments and their health agencies teach them for decades, that way they can keep the disease misslead and the medical community skeptical and desinformed

Me/cfs have not being neglected by govermments, that is wrong terminology, they have maliciously, on purpose misslead,obscured, block, limited cover up research for Me/cfs.
Behind our illness it lays something they have been trying to cover up for decades.
Like this youth girl only 40 years old Silvia there is many others that have taken their life's to the suffering and frustration of this illness.

The govermments know this, they know how real this disease is from the very first day, but they have cover up, they have block, destroyed, discredit, ignored doctors and researchers that have presented evidence of how real cronic severe and physiological this disease is.
They have rolled over those who have Found evidence of retroviral and viral etiology in the illness, the ones that have prove how chronic and physiologic, those have being denied. but they have funded, promote, lifted, rewarded those who have help them to promote the phsycological theory, they ones that have help them cover up.

Many like this dear friend have commited suicide, you can even find their suicde videos in youtube, their staments and reasons of why they are doing it.
Poor girl.

I hope your valuable loss is not in vain, like many others that have loss their life to this illness, we are the forgotten plague, but one day we will all Rise, we will all understand and treat our disease like humman and not like animals we have being treated all this years.
That day will come thanks to you and every person that have lost their life.
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Senior Member
Silvia all my LOVE to you wherever you are

I hope all your suffering will help to understand Spanish Authorities and Doctors what this illness means.

It is very true sometimes visiting your Doctor makes you feel even worse . Not only they are not helping people but they are sinking them even more. And I want all the world to know what you SPANISH medical authorities are doing to ME people.

Not to say when the medical authorities “seguridad social” who are the ones to check your health conditions tell you are up to work when you can´t hardly cope with your daily personal activities .

At least we ask for a Little bit of HUMANITY and EMPATHY

Silvia all my LOVE to you wherever you are

I hope all your suffering will help to understand Spanish Authorities and Doctors what this illness means.

It is very true sometimes visiting your Doctor makes you feel even worse . Not only they are not helping people but they are sinking them even more. And I want all the world to know what you SPANISH medical authorities are doing to ME people.

Not to say when the medical authorities “seguridad social” who are the ones to check your health conditions tell you are up to work when you can´t hardly cope with your daily personal activities .

At least we ask for a Little bit of HUMANITY and EMPATHY

You're right. Spanish health authorities are pushing to this.
No health care , no incomes to live, no nothing...