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Help finding B12 sources please!

Has anyone tried this pure b12 powder from BulkSupplements? https://www.bulksupplements.com/products/vitamin-b12-pure-methylcobalamin-powder

Seems like it might end up being less expensive in the long run if you just get a good scale and put a little under your tongue. Or is that a bad idea?
In case anyone is interested I did end up getting the bulk powder methylcobalamin and even though it's a bit more effort to use it is like 500x better than any other b12 product I have tried.

I only took 500mcg to test it out and it was noticeably stronger than the 4mg of the liquid b12 I was taking. I just mixed the powder in with double filtered tap water and some vegetable glycerin. It dissolved well overall but did have some clumps at first. I was starting to think that I was going to need crazy high doses to get it to penetrate my nervous system but clearly the products I was using before were just poor quality.

Edited to add - I didn't bother to check my math on the conversion and accidentally took a mega dose of B12! It's embarrassing to admit since I used to measure powders all the time when I worked in a lab but I didn't have brain fog back then. 🙃 So it turns out that maybe those other products weren't poor quality, I just need a high dose for it to penetrate my nervous system. Either way I highly recommend this brand, just be more careful than I was! Realistically you can't measure down to the micrograms level unless you pay thousands of dollars for a scale. So the bulk powder is probably best for people who need a dose in the mg range.
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I'm not sure where you are getting your information but it's not exactly correct. Your gallbladder is not a "use it or lose it" organ. Eating too much fat can put stress on the gallbladder.
Yes it is: Gallbladder Signs, Symptoms & Remedies On Keto, Carnivore, lchf and SAD

And eating too much meat puts stress on the liver.
Now that's total BS, like we can't survive let alone thrive on meat alone. Is that what you're saying?
I'm not the one on a fad diet. Most people whether they're conscious of it or not, are on some version of this low fat high carbohydrate diet which began with the US low-fat guidelines made in 1977.

The liver is the first organ to heal (~2 weeks). A healing liver might cause some pain. Pain isn't always bad.

All the mega fauna died out towards the end of the last ice age, which ended about 12,900 years ago after lasting 108,000 years. Lasting that long on meat alone, that's thriving.

Excess protein can lead to excess nitrogen which can lead to high ammonia levels in the body.
You're talking about protein poisoning which occurs when consuming too much lean protein like when eating only rabbits, which is why protein poisoning is also known as rabbit starvation. Rabbit meat is too lean, we need fat with our meat. Animal fat's are where we get our fat soluble vitamins. Where do you get your vitamin D, E, A and K?

BTW. A meat only diet saves me money. Fat is free and eating more fat is not only cheap but best for my brain. The human brain is 60% fat. If you consume more fat than your body can handle, the excess fat spills over and lubricates your digestive tract curing constipation or causing diarrhea.

Here's a tip, lowest grade mince meat is the healthiest option, because we don't need much protein (20% is enough) and fat contains the vitamins we have been missing.

Also I used to do pure research for a large biomed facility before getting sick and there isn't a conspiracy to hide "things that work". Yes there is a serious lack of government funding because people don't care about science so we have to be very picky about what we spend our time on but there isn't some secret cure to dementia. Dementia is a complex process that we are still trying to understand. Anyone who claims to fully understand it and has a cure is just a lier. Same with the people who pretend to have a cure for cfs. Just because someone calls themselves a doctor and is selling a cure doesn't mean they are being honest.
Maybe you should continue that research, because dementia is proving to be an energy starvation problem. In dementia the brain has become insulin resistant. Some in research are already calling it type 3 diabetes:

PubMed Central: Alzheimer's Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes–Evidence Reviewed


Altogether, the results from these studies provide strong evidence in support of the hypothesis that AD represents a form of diabetes mellitus that selectively afflicts the brain...

Medium chain triglyceride's (MCT) found in coconut or MCT oil helps dementia because our liver will readily convert them into ketone bodies. For fuel, our brain, heart and kidney all prefer ketones over glucose. Insulin is not required.
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Yes it is: Gallbladder Signs, Symptoms & Remedies On Keto, Carnivore, lchf and SAD

Now that's total BS, like we can't survive let alone thrive on meat alone. Is that what you're saying?
I'm not the one on a fad diet. Most people whether they're conscious of it or not, are on some version of this low fat high carbohydrate diet which began with the US low-fat guidelines made in 1977.

The liver is the first organ to heal (~2 weeks). A healing liver might cause some pain. Pain isn't always bad.

All the mega fauna died out towards the end of the last ice age, which ended about 12,900 years ago after lasting 108,000 years. Lasting that long on meat alone, that's thriving.

You're talking about protein poisoning which occurs when consuming too much lean protein like when eating only rabbits, which is why protein poisoning is also known as rabbit starvation. Rabbit meat is too lean, we need fat with our meat. Animal fat's are where we get our fat soluble vitamins. Where do you get your vitamin D, E, A and K?

BTW. A meat only diet saves me money. Fat is free and eating more fat is not only cheap but best for my brain. The human brain is 60% fat. If you consume more fat than your body can handle, the excess fat spills over and lubricates your digestive tract curing constipation or causing diarrhea.

Here's a tip, lowest grade mince meat is the healthiest option, because we don't need much protein (20% is enough) and fat contains the vitamins we have been missing.

Maybe you should continue that research, because dementia is proving to be an energy starvation problem. In dementia the brain has become insulin resistant. Some in research are already calling it type 3 diabetes:

PubMed Central: Alzheimer's Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes–Evidence Reviewed

Medium chain triglyceride's (MCT) found in coconut or MCT oil helps dementia because our liver will readily convert them into ketone bodies. For fuel, our brain, heart and kidney all prefer ketones over glucose. Insulin is not required.
I would highly suggest taking some classes on human biology and nutrition at a respected university, not just reading things online or books written by random doctors. Good luck on your journey to recovery, I hope you get there someday!


@Katt So do you know how much you ended up taking? I've used up to 50mg of methylcobalamin at a time.

The sugar additives in the brands I used damaged my teeth but the b12 itself really helps when it gets into your nervous system at that level. The bulk stuff sounds good.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I would highly suggest taking some classes on human biology and nutrition at a respected university, not just reading things online or books written by random doctors. Good luck on your journey to recovery, I hope you get there someday!
I have, in 2018 and 2019 I studied 'Exercise and nutrition science' at UQ.

Our digestive biology is quite interesting isn't it. For processing fiber, we don't have a long caecum like a Koala (200 cms), instead we have a tiny short one similar to a Lion. Doesn't that tell us something?
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@Katt So do you know how much you ended up taking? I've used up to 50mg of methylcobalamin at a time.

The sugar additives in the brands I used damaged my teeth but the b12 itself really helps when it gets into your nervous system at that level. The bulk stuff sounds good.
I ended up taking a full 500mg of pure methylcobalmin. It sounds very high but I actually felt really good that day and for several days later so I'm thinking of trying a high dose again. It's something you would want to take right in the begining of the day otherwise it could cause insomnia.

I don't know if anyone else has tried doses that high but according to Dr. Goldstein's website he used to recommend people take 2g orally of B12 in the morning and would sometimes use up to 10g! http://www.cfstreatmentguide.com/dr-jay-goldstein-a-z-treatments.html That sounds crazy high to me but I can see how maybe some people would need a dose that high if they have serious absorbtion issues.


That's interesting. I'd heard that there isn't much difference beyond 50mg but I haven't tried it myself due to the cost of all the brands in lozenge form. It wouldn't surprise me if the maximum usable amount varies per person. That's great you benefited from it. Maybe it's different when swallowed than when dissolved in the mouth.


In case anyone is interested I did end up getting the bulk powder methylcobalamin and even though it's a bit more effort to use it is like 500x better than any other b12 product I have tried.

I only took 500mcg to test it out and it was noticeably stronger than the 4mg of the liquid b12 I was taking. I just mixed the powder in with double filtered tap water and some vegetable glycerin. It dissolved well overall but did have some clumps at first. I was starting to think that I was going to need crazy high doses to get it to penetrate my nervous system but clearly the products I was using before were just poor quality.

Edited to add - I didn't bother to check my math on the conversion and accidentally took a mega dose of B12! It's embarrassing to admit since I used to measure powders all the time when I worked in a lab but I didn't have brain fog back then. 🙃 So it turns out that maybe those other products weren't poor quality, I just need a high dose for it to penetrate my nervous system. Either way I highly recommend this brand, just be more careful than I was! Realistically you can't measure down to the micrograms level unless you pay thousands of dollars for a scale. So the bulk powder is probably best for people who need a dose in the mg range.


I've been looking into this. from what I can see the conversion on the bulk supplements bag I got was wrong. They had 200mcg as being equal to 20mg, when it should be .2mg. So if you took 500mcg that should only be half a mg of b12. If you did take 500mg that should have been a huge huge amount of powder, probably difficult to swallow.

Not meaning to second guess you! Brain fog does makes these things tricky and I could be wrong as well.

It does look like much better value than other brands from what I can see. Probably 1/3 to 1/2 cheaper and no additives that can ruin tooth enamel.


Senior Member
I take 1000 mcg of methyl b12 every morning, I can't survive without it. I months ago tried to be without it but my energy levels dropped so much I wasn't able to do anything and I began to get horrible aching pain in random parts of my body. I get a lot more energy on 2000 mcg which is my upper limit but my sound sensitivity and irritation issues become nearly constant. I'll also get random periods of feeling very panic-y and depressed emotionally. I know my nervous system is just like that though and it's probably with extra available energy revealing more of what is going on under the surface but even with my life being as shaky as it is right now it's still just unnatural how it amplifies negative thought loops. This is an area where my actual problems in my nervous system and PTSD problems blend in a very confusing way. Like I'm always a hair trigger away from a panic attack. Today was a perfect example where I thought I was late to my shift at work and missed my shift but I just read the wrong date. In an instant my heart rate shot to a million bpm and my mind was swirling with every worst possibility about how my life is now over and I'm going to be homeless tomorrow forever. Those episodes actually make me feel sick all day too, my immune system does not like the fallout from whatever those do. If I could find a way to negate those effects at 2000 mcg I would keep it there but right now 1000 mcg is my sweet spot. I need to find a way to get higher consistent levels of clean energy without it right now. I'm trying L-histidine tomorrow though at 500 mg, though most people here I don't believe are dealing with PFS which this one is related to in my case and this might be if it works out a way to get back up there without increasing my b12 dose or trying niacinamide again.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
There are liquid supplements available in the UK from Metabolics.com and Epigenetics. I have ordered from both and use Epigenetics R-5-P liquid and a combination of both for P-5-P. Metabolics do larger 250/500ml capacities and Epigenetics only sell 100ml but they do sell 3x100ml for a saving. I have also used their B12, Methylcobalamin. I doubt that you should have any problems absorbing B12, I certainly don't because in the past I have taken very large doses of MethylB12 5mg tablets by Swanson when HealthMonthly was in business when they did discounts. I was taking around 20mg/day and my blood B12 was off the chart so certainly no absorption problems for me which should be similar for most ME sufferers because of the Increased Digestive Permeability where otherwise difficult to absorb nutrients can get into the bloodstream fairly easily. One of the few benefits to ME. P-5-P and R-5-P are the same, the phosphate should need to be removed but in ME it gets absorbed fairly easily with the phosphate group attached.

A word of warning using iHerb. I ordered twice, first time fine, the 2nd time FedEx which I made the mistake of using at checkout and they wanted to collect VAT and Import Duty despite the VAT already being paid and my order value less than half the sum where duty becomes payable. It took me ages to sort it out and they admitted that a mistake had been made. Oh really.....The crooks. Therefore choose wisely at checkout and avoid using FedEx. I needed the order quickly which is why I paid for delivery rather than taking free delivery.
I’m surprised to see that so many people use oral formulations. I have used injections for about 30 years and always thought they were far more effective.

I came here to look for a new source for injectable B12 as my current pharmacy has gotten really pricey.

Does anyone know of a good source for concentrations of 5000 mcg/mL or 10,000 mcg/mL? It can be any kind of B12, even cyanocobalamin. That worked fine for me.
I ended up taking a full 500mg of pure methylcobalmin. It sounds very high but I actually felt really good that day and for several days later so I'm thinking of trying a high dose again. It's something you would want to take right in the begining of the day otherwise it could cause insomnia.

I don't know if anyone else has tried doses that high but according to Dr. Goldstein's website he used to recommend people take 2g orally of B12 in the morning and would sometimes use up to 10g! http://www.cfstreatmentguide.com/dr-jay-goldstein-a-z-treatments.html That sounds crazy high to me but I can see how maybe some people would need a dose that high if they have serious absorbtion issues.
Hi - I’m new on the forum and came here to look for good sources for injectable B12, which I’ve been doing for about 30 years. It sounds like you and a lot of others have been doing oral though, instead of injectable. Can I ask why? I had always understood that you absorbed much more with injectable.
Hi - I’m new on the forum and came here to look for good sources for injectable B12, which I’ve been doing for about 30 years. It sounds like you and a lot of others have been doing oral though, instead of injectable. Can I ask why? I had always understood that you absorbed much more with injectable.
I should add: For decades I injectable 5000 mcg 3 times a week, and it was life-altering. I stopped that regimen a few years ago and now want to get back on it. But I’m struggling to find affordable sources.