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Has anyone tried Modafinil?


Forum Support Assistant
I tried it about ten years ago. It gave me a little boost in energy for a few hours which would then fade over the course of a minute. It had basically the same effect as ginseng but with a quicker energy drop when it wore off.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
  • Repairing peroxynitrite damage to mitochondrial membranes with NT Factor and phosphatidyl choline.
  • Shutting down peroxynitrites with folate B12, vitamin C and other nutrients
  • Taking CoQ10, I-carnitine, and NMN/NAD+
  • Using labs to track progress, including a MitoSwab test, Genova Diagnostics NutrEval and HDRI nitric oxide and nitrotyrosine test


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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Regarding Modafinil, there is a Class Action Settlement...here is a link to information on filing a claim.


Deadline Jan 15, 2020.

its an anti-trust lawsuit involving price fixing, plus they delayed release of the generic. So one could receive some reimbursement.

I still haven't tried one of the 10 pills I bought last spring. Insurance refused to cover it.
On a related note:
I have taken it in the past, but it did absolutely nothing, neither good or bad. What could be the reason for that? Giving that it normally has a quite profound effect on most people.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Giving that it normally has a quite profound effect on most people.

That is interesting.... I keep threatening to only take a 1/2 (of the 100mgs i obtained).

Elsewhere and at times in PR, folks describe being Fired by their Primary Care Physician. I'm afraid if I dont' soon try this darn pill, Your Fired might happen.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I tried it about ten years ago. It gave me a little boost in energy for a few hours which would then fade over the course of a minute. It had basically the same effect as ginseng but with a quicker energy drop when it wore off.

Reporting on finally taking 1/2 a dose (50 mgs). Earlier today. for the last six months, no day ever arose that I felt like being "more alert" to live thru it. Apparently. If this pill provides alertness.

Today is the best I have felt in six months, BEFORE the pill. Its been like 3 months, of me mostly resting, to get to this point following 3 months of pacing failure while visiting my new grandbaby.

So far-

feel rather odd. The bubble in my head feels larger, the ears ringing more. My eyes feel drier. If this is going to dry me out, I won't be taking it again.

Most days, I long to close my eyes, and often do. So now- closing my eyes does not feel good.

Maybe I do have a bit more energy- in that my daughter called and we talked longer than usual. Usually I wipe out quick on calls. I also played some music videos- something I rarely do. Both indicate a bit more- Perspicacity.

Developing an odd headache, not the normal thing...here around hour 3. I"m used to the normal head ache.


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
About 3 hours into the Modafinil-

I can tell its drying out my body. I can tell. Please I don't want this side effect.:devil: I'd really like something to help and not make things worse.:yuck::yuck::yuck:

So there it is: the drying, my throat is worse, and my nose and eyes are indicating Sahara Desert is arriving again.:confused:

Here are the main side effects...listed..and Dry Mouth is- for me the worst one that precludes most taking most Pharmaceuticals. And the other side effects shown are not any I wish to experiencing any more of.

Common side effects of Provigil are:


Senior Member
Modafinil doesn't help for my fatigue, neither boosts my energy. It clears my brain fog though, which is wonderful, and I "live in the moment", and become very concentrated and chatty. However, this happens only if I take a dose of about 600-800 mg, which is double of the maximum 400 mg dose. And it's very expensive. The recommended dose is 200 mg. I took 300 mg today and it's as if I have taken nothing - just wasted the pills. When I take high doses I suffer insomnia, but maybe that's because I take part of the pills at noon. Tomorrow morning I will try taking a whole 600 mg dose and see what happens.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I tried it years ago, but it badly stuffed up my nose. My doctor later told me some other patients complained about that, but I don't think it's on the list of side effects.


Senior Member
I am on Waklert (Armodafinil) 150 mg once in the morning for the past 7 years. It was prescribed by my Psychiatrist for excessive day time sleepiness and also lack of energy. Initially I couldn't tolerate it as it made me very jittery. Then I combined it with Milnacipran (50mg twice daily) and it made a sea of difference ! I now seem to have developed partial tolerance to it. But it still gets me up and going in the morning for 6 to 7 hrs. Otherwise I was sleeping 20 hrs a day. It caused a lot of hair loss in the initial few months and then it stabilized. That is the price I had to pay for the energy and alertness it gives me. If I want to stay awake for 16 hrs in a day I take one more tablet at around noon after lunch and it gives me the extra wakefulness. But that night the sleep duration comes down to 3 -4 hrs. So it is like a kind of PEM and I sleep extra the next day and my body compensates for the extra energy I have used up. If you have insomina then it is not the drug for you.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
So it is like a kind of PEM and I sleep extra the next day and my body compensates for the extra energy I have used up. If you have insomina then it is not the drug for you.

I was able to sleep ok, so taking that "low dose" of 50 mgs around noon.

I was able to be chatty on the phone with my daughter longer than usual, played some music which is abnormal, and abruptly had to scrub half the kitchen floor....on my hands and knees. Normally, I would look at the floor and sigh.

Today, my resting heart rate was a little higher (possible PEM hint)...I slept 2 hours later than normal, and am again tired and feel rather mediocre. My muscles are also rather sore...like I did way more than normal but yet what did I do? I must have moved around more than normal....to get sore muscles.

Don't like the pill much. Alertness, when your ill, is an odd feeling.
Los Angeles, California
I tried both versions (left and right handed) of Modafinil, together with Strattera, for about two years, and they certainly made me brighter and able to work for that period. No side effects unless I took them after midday, when I did have trouble sleeping. Since then I have stopped taking them without even noticing, having found a better way to feel better (walking).