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Felt like hole in gut prior to onset


Senior Member
Just occurred to me that I never bothered to really discuss this or research it online

Prior to my CFS onset one of the very first events in the cascade was a feeling that there was a hole in the lower part of my gut.

It was not a random coincidence either as I had been drinking 3 IPA's every day, tons of coacoa powder, and experimenting with spicy foods. Basically like an ulcer but really bad, like there was an alien gnawing at the inside of my stomach

Intestinal permeability is certainly documented relating to CFS.

Maybe the appearance of CFS was related to the body trying to plug up some hole in my gut. Or maybe something leaked out, IE bacteria that was never supposed to, and those bacteria had immune disabling skills up their sleeve, and then downstream I got reactivation of HSV stuff. Or whatever.

Just curious if anyone thinks this might somehow change my treatment strategy. Or if anyone can relate to ulcer like issues just before a sudden onset of cfs. cheers


Senior Member
United Kingdom
My onset began with tonsilitis and a stomach ulcer (doudenal?). I used to get tonsilitis all the time but this time I took double the max dose of NSAIDs on an empty stomach which caused the ulcer.

As a result of this, for the next 4-5 years I went down the path of thinking that all my symptoms must be connected to this ulcer somehow and that my gut was damaged.

That, of course, didn't come to anything but perhaps the ulcer allowed some enterovirus to "get in deeper" so to speak or something like that.


Senior Member
Thank you for sharing. And yeah I mean that story fits, just like a lot of hypothesis fit well…

The unsolvedness of the whole CFS situation is currently very frustrating for me. Clues, observations, and many great hypothesis - but each of which is just a reflection of the corresponding authors background and favorite branch of medicine.

We need something unanimous and a way to measure a unanimous idea. I guess there’s only one true test : satisfying the toughest critics and the severest patients. We need a better way to visualize data from patient experiences. Rambling. Maybe we will get new enterovirus drugs soon, regarding your mention of it. /rant


Senior Member
Likely a pathogenic invasion in the gut. Any stool studies? Possibilities include (but not limited to) LPS bacteria, parasites etc. The gut environment should be one of the first places to look in ME etiology IMO.


Senior Member
Likely a pathogenic invasion in the gut. Any stool studies? Possibilities include (but not limited to) LPS bacteria, parasites etc. The gut environment should be one of the first places to look in ME etiology IMO.
He ordered one at the time but i did not complete

Either way I might try to revisit large daily amounts of flax/chia in accordance with some of that Goldner protocol stuff. I am glad to see that user nolongerdiseased is still no longer diseased and they contributed their success to an autoimmune diet.

Thanks for the tip on LPS stuff I will look into that.
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