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Extremely chapped lips


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Dr google claims it is a B vitamin deficiency, so I have a b complex on its way. Anyone have any sage advice? Anything else I can take/do to support the Bs and try to stop this severe chapping? It used to be only on one side, but I guess my body decided to go full lips for the 30th anniversary. ;)


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Ok I just read in a different thread, a comment by @YippeeKi YOW !! that LDN depletes Bs? Is that what is going on here? I’ve had the chapped lips for almost 30 years now, it started when I was pregnant. But it seems to be much worse lately. Could be winter, but I’m suspecting not. I’m now up to 2 mg of LDN daily, is this dose causing the chapping?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Another AHA moment. Apparently bartonella causes B vitamin deficiency? I think I need to rethink treatment for bartonella. A google search brought up all sorts of links, including connective tissue issues.

I know former member Ren Gill just completed bartonella treatment, I wish he still posted here…. It would be interesting to pick his brain.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
While you are figuring out the cause of your chapped lips, do you have a good balm? The best I've ever found is Malin + Goetz, which I get on Amazon.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
I just found this article https://drhmliewskinclinic.com.sg/b...p-dermatitis-a-dermatologists-5-minute-guide/ with causes and some treatment ideas that may be of interest to you. My chapped lips and skin conditions definitely changed and worsened when I moved to a dry climate in the mountains, which is much colder in all seasons except for summer. For my lips, my favorite is Vaseline Lip Therapy which is reasonably priced. I have to use it continously or my chapping would be more extreme, as my condition doesn't go away where I live now. Medicated Blistex has also worked in the past, though I don't think I'd want to use that continuously. I do take a decent amount of B vitamins, but that's not why. And it hasn't cured it.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
need to rethink treatment for bartonella.
I think Dr Marty Ross talks about Methylene Blue for Bartonella on his website iirc.
chapped lips, do you have a good balm
Sierra Bees on Iherb is nice too. I like the Creme Brulee or Cocoa Butter flavors the best. Plus they also have them on their "Try" items list so I can add them onto an order for a lower price sometimes.


Senior Member
Last year, I started using mouth tape while sleeping. I developed a patch of rough, itchy skin on the right side of my mouth above and below my lips. Even though I stopped using the tape, the skin remains altered.


Senior Member
Hello everyone. Strawberry, I once read where some people have dry lips no matter how much liquid they intake, dry mouth, dry eyes, etc. In my case, I believe this is true.

My lips are always, eternally dry. I've forever putting on lanolin or carmex....I have tubes of no matter where I may be. Oddly enough, lipstick doesn't make it worse, but I think that's because of the type I use. Matte, for example, would dry them out even more. Please understand that I don't go many places where I wear it, anyway.

Certainly licking our lips makes it worse, so I'm careful about that. I can't think of a product that I haven't tried...not one. I do drink hot liquids (tea) and that may make things worse and yes, some funguses, etc., may also make it worse. I do get cracks in the corner of my lips, if it's particularly cold.

Wishing you luck in finding out exactly what's causing it. It's possible that something you take regularly may make it worse. Just another puzzle! Yours, Leona


Moderator Resource
Southern California
@Strawberry - I've had chapped lips and sores in the corner of my mouth from B vitamins, I think a deficiency of a particular one, only I'm not sure which one. I take several of the B's individually and was doing well for quite awhile on them but around last November or so my lips were getting chapped and a sore in the corner of my mouth developed. I knew from experience it was one of the B's - somehow things had got out of balance - so I ordered a good B complex, which I had not been taking, and cut the doses of all the B's I was taking (B1, B2, B6, folate, methylcobalamin - I also take niacin at night but didn't cut that). And the chapped lips and sore went away. I then increased my dose of methylfolate, which I think is the most crucial, and I'm doing fine with it, and keeping everything else at the reduced dose.

Ideally I'd be able to test everything when I need to, to find out exactly what I need or don't need, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way! So I experiment a lot and use muscle testing and pay close attention to symptoms.

I don't take ldn - I tried it several years ago, twice, and at a very low dose, and it made me tired and spacey and I hated the way it made me feel. The last time I tried it I found myself watching my living room ceiling leak for 3 days (I lived in a mobile home then) before it occurred to me that I should take some steps to try to remedy the problem! I did think to put a large pan in the middle of the living room though! :lol:


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Maybe you're playing your new war horn a bit too much ;)

I should try and cut back my emotions a bit? Didnt mean to seem like the Guy that gets into every single argument possible online, I am actually very friendly (or so I try to be every day!) 😭😅
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vision blue

Senior Member
Ruled out chemical exposure? Sometimes lips can be the only part that detects it
Btw was going to tag you in my poat today in the lounge but ran lut of e nergyo