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Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!

Seeing as i was reacting so well to benzos, i became heavily interested in NMDA inhibitors, especially when you consider that GABA/Glutamate represent 90% of all neurotransmitters (Dopamine noradrenaline serotonine and the rest is only 10%). And we see depression is starting to get treated with ketamine....i think glutamate hyperactivity is underestimated. Now there doesn't seem to be any clean nmda inhibitors meds on the market. Memantine and others don't convince me.

The inflammation theory is interesting as well and so logical, i ordered some NAG and will keep you updated.

I took another 100 000 UI of vitamin D, it is strong stuff, it's making me hyperactive and jittery and so energetic. I think most of my condition is because of low vitamin D, but high dose are shocking my body. I ran too long on low vitamin D, my body needs time to heal and regulates. I need to find a safe way to take it, with magnesium and vitamin A, at lower doses or get real sun this suummer. It will take time, several months according to lots of people but i will get there. Vitamin D is underated, there's vitamin D receptors everywhere in the body, it regulates energy levels, serotonine dopamine and a ton of other things.
Is NAG somehow comparable to a benzo in its effects ?

am a bit desperate, am seeing people with cfs for years, not being able to find a solution. Sometimes i wonder if it'd be better to just do a water fasting and let the body heal itself, instead of endlessly searching for the holy supplement that will patch things short term...the consequence not the cause.

Also, i'm heavily deficient in folate (not tested for MTHFR but most likely i have it), and if i take folic acid or methylfolate, i feel awful even at 200 mcg...am probably an overmethylator. Niacin could help i guess...

In fact i react bad to any supplement or food. Without Xanax, i would have turned crazy or dead already. It's like my whole homeostasis is broken. I can't handle the slightest stress anymore, even basic activities can wreck me.

What annoys me the most is how hard it is to get a full spectrum blood analysis in France. Only basic blood test, oh well nothing here, let's prescribe SSRI, the solution for every illness lol it's becoming ridiculous.
haha you must be the only guy on Earth who didn't try benzos. There is nothing on earth that make you feel more peaceful than benzos. I have to fight every day not to deep dive in benzo addiction.

For those who wonders, the supplement GABA does not work like benzo. It triggers panic attacks on me. It's nasty.

I wanted to thank you Hip for sharing all your findings, i've had a great time reading all your threads. You're like a rockstar in the cfs community lol.

I will try NAG soon.
i tried NAG brand Jarrow this morning, took half a pill on empty stomach. I definitely felt something within an hour.
i felt less anxiety but also very spaced out, my eyelids were heavy felt heavy and i felt depressed, disconnect from reality. It's not totally unpleasant but not pleasant either. It reminded me when i took nootropics (noopept and choline supplement). Those never worked right for me. i seem to have a hard time with acetyl/choline supplement.

Anyway i will try later when i feel better. I did not feel well the last 3 days.


Senior Member
i felt less anxiety but also very spaced out, my eyelids were heavy felt heavy and i felt depressed, disconnect from reality.

I also experienced slightly increase depression when I first started taking NAG, but only at higher doses of 3 x 700 mg capsules. But after I had been taking it for some time, this side effect disappeared.


Senior Member
Hip never mind- I went to your 1st page on here, and there is your fantastic list of drugs you tried. I got permission from my State Board to get Medical Marijuana - Going to do vape pen with oil cartridge - but don't want the Setiva. Do you have any experience in what blend or not will manage both my pain and anxiety? I know you are not a dr - but just want an opinion...................Starlily88 Diane
Personally, I've found recently that CBD oil helps me enormously with agitation and anxiety.


Senior Member
EMFs are a big one as they have the ability to disrupt your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and serotonin. make sure any cell phone, laptop are put into airplane mode as the wifi is still active usually even when turned off. Put them in airplane mode also when not using as they are also a significant contributor to mitochondrial damage and dysfunction, which is at the heart of virtually all chronic disease. If you have any smart tv, dvd/blu ray with apps, or video game systems put them on a switched outlet so you can turn the power off when not in use. Unplug the wifi router if possible at night. Replace wireless devices like mice and keyboards and printers with wired ones. These all deplete your magnesium for example which is usually a problem already for anyone with cfs.

Gaba is known for its anti anxiety and relaxing properties. However, taking straight Gaba supplements usually is not very effective as it does not cross the blood brain barrier. L-Theanine on the other hand is a unique amino acid that upregulates GABA and should be effective for the purpose of producing calmness and reducing anxiety such as a racing mind that can keep you from going to bed. Clinical studies have shown that L Theanine reduces stress, improves the quality of sleep, diminishes the symptoms of PMS, heightens mental acuity, and reduces the negative side effects of caffeine. Typical dose is 200mg 1 or 2 times a day. It does not act as a sedative at this dose Racing mind is usually a symptom of high copper to lower zinc levels.

Ashwagandha is a good bet for long-term, more chronic stress. Ashwagandha can actually lower serum cortisol (or adjust higher as needed), while l-theanine has no such effect.

A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. Its also capable to raise cortisol during day and if used at night lower it to help sleep.


L-theanine is more your fast acting every day thing to combat minor stressors, mental tasks, improve mood, remain calm (inhibiting cortical neuron excitation) and can even modulate blood pressure increases in a high-stress-response. Both are ok for those with CFS.

One more that worked for me taken at night is Standard Process Cataplex G which helps with brain and nervous system function, lower high blood pressure, support metabolism and liver function, best for when your in a high cortisol/high stress mode trying to bring it down.

What the body needs to make serotonin for anxiety/panic, ocd and depression to fix it naturally:

5-HTP increases serotonin also in addition to melatonin. 5-HTP increases REM sleep by about 25%, while increasing deep sleep stages 3 and 4 without lengthening total sleep time. The sleep stages that are reduced to compensate for the increases are non-REM stages 1 and 2, the less important stages. the recommended dosage is 50–150 mg, 30–45 minutes before sleep. 5-HTP converts to serotonin with Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C (use whole not ascorbic acid), and Vitamin B6 (P5P is the active form) (Tryptophan Hydroxylase - an enzyme) then B5 and SamE to Melatonin. If 5-HTP doesnt work (for sleep) then use Melatonin 2-3mg short term as you figure out what your lacking of Zinc (check plasma not serum), Magnesium, B1, B5, B6. Stomach Acid is usually low and can use Betaine HCL at all meals which will break down protein properly to get the nutrients.

You could then try L-Tryptophan instead a bit to see if you get similar benefits. L-Tryptophan is converted to 5-HTP as needed using the cofactors Folate, Iron, Calcium, B3, Magnesium, B6 (P5P) and is much safer to use in the long term. Its possible to build up too much serotonin in the blood before it goes to the brain with 5-HTP over time but not L-Tryptophan. Some people need a special form of Folate and just because you supplement something doesnt mean you are getting the right form or its absorbing properly sometimes due to low stomach acid.

If that works, try to just Eat more protein, take Betaine HCL to break it down at meals, and check Zinc Plasma (not serum), B1, B6.

Higher copper then Zinc lowers all the things with an X. A zinc plasma (not serum) and serum copper will tell you whats going on right now at the moment of the test. High copper over zinc is the cause of racing mind and some insomnia and OCD as well keeping you from sleep.

Raising the head of your bed 6 inches (15 cm) getting a slope of 5 degrees improves the glyphatic drainage of the brain during sleep, promotes blood circulation, metabolism, respiratory function, neurological and immune, relieving symptoms related to diabetes, Alzheimer's, sleep apnea and acid reflux
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What if i'm deficient almost everywhere ? See blood test in attachment :(
cuivre = copper
iode urinaire = urinary iodine

My main concerns are that vitamin D, iodine and zinc....

i don't know about zinc copper ratio, i'm low in both and if you put them in the same unit, they are both at 500ish


  • blood test.jpg
    blood test.jpg
    58 KB · Views: 18


Senior Member
Glutamate is the body's main excitatory neurotransmitter. Gaba is one of the body's most inhibitory neurotransmitters. Gaba helps to relax and calm, balancing against the glutamate. Excess copper inhibits the B6 conversion of glutamate to gaba and glutamine, resulting in high glutamate levels. As magnesium, zinc are also lowered during stressors to the body, these are needed in the production of serotonin and melatonin. B6 needs both mag and zinc to convert to the active form. This in turn contributes to copper's excito-toxicity effect along with symptoms such as impaired speech, high irritability, anxiety, aggressiveness, GI inflammation, and neuronal destruction.

Vitamin B6 (B6) deficiency impedes estrogen clearance. Of birth control pills users, 75% are B6 deficient, suggesting depletion by estrogen. Estrogen retains more copper in the kidneys. Zinc is depleted via stress. Both will further put demand on the adrenals and provoke the cortisol stress response from metals building up. Xenoestrogens mimic estrogen in the body and are common in modern society.
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perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Personally, I've found recently that CBD oil helps me enormously with agitation and anxiety.

The CBD oil not only helps me with sleep and relaxation. It's also great for my lower digestive tract. I don't know the mechanism for it helping with digestion. Maybe because it's a good anti-inflammatory?

It took some weeks of using the CBD oil, but now I can wear my rings again. My knuckles had been so swollen I couldn't get them on.


Senior Member
Tri state area
I'm allergic to shellfish& Nag is not good for ppl w asthma.

Every anti anxiety including benzos make me horribly sick to my stomach and anxious.
Kava kava, valerain were not good for me either when I tried in the past. Inositol does nothing.

Then again so do vitamins. I wish something would help me.
i hear you it's hard when you feel so bad that every single supplement makes you feel worse :(

it's too bad not be a good responder to benzos. I feel amazing when i take it and it's the most effective way to get a break from anxiety. GABA system is the main fail-safe system of the brain.

i know that 5ht2a antagonists are great against anxiety, this serotonin receptor is a plague and responsible for side effects of SSRI. Tercian is one, trazodone is another, pretty strong stufff tho. Use it when everything else fails.
I've been in an horrible state for two weeks.

Good news is yesterday i took ZMA (30mg zinc/450mg magnesium/10mg B6) and i found relief, i felt the typical magnesium effect that puts me in a very weird state but in a sense it was somehow better. I think i felt the zinc/magnesium inhibiting the glutamate system. It's very depressing and unpleasant but still way better than being constantly wired. I almost cried yesterday when i felt finally more calm. Damn. I don't feel that i have anxiety from glutamate overstimulation, i think it's more an adrenalin/cortisol spike or just plain inflammation thingy. Because of deficiencies i've got.

I will try zinc alone to see if it's less depressing. Zinc is active in more than 200 reactions in the body. it's like the vitamin d of mineral imo.
Is NAG somehow comparable to a benzo in its effects ?

am a bit desperate, am seeing people with cfs for years, not being able to find a solution. Sometimes i wonder if it'd be better to just do a water fasting and let the body heal itself, instead of endlessly searching for the holy supplement that will patch things short term...the consequence not the cause.

Also, i'm heavily deficient in folate (not tested for MTHFR but most likely i have it), and if i take folic acid or methylfolate, i feel awful even at 200 mcg...am probably an overmethylator. Niacin could help i guess...

In fact i react bad to any supplement or food. Without Xanax, i would have turned crazy or dead already. It's like my whole homeostasis is broken. I can't handle the slightest stress anymore, even basic activities can wreck me.

What annoys me the most is how hard it is to get a full spectrum blood analysis in France. Only basic blood test, oh well nothing here, let's prescribe SSRI, the solution for every illness lol it's becoming ridiculous.

Why don't you send for test kits online from the UK? That's what I am trying to do. Here where I live no one has ever heard of an Organic Acid test. The thyroid tests here are total bullsh**, even blood tests test next to nothing.

What I did was send for test kits. I used Regenerus Labs for the Thyroid test, Kent Nutrition clinic for the Organic Acid test (they ship directly to your country and use Genova Diagnosts Lab) and then there's Invivo Clinical for the GI Map test I did.

Of course, now my problem is A BUNCH of test results with no doctor to help me interpret them because they told me outright they are crap! What idiots. They are not hard to understand really, the Organic Acid tests even tells you the supplements you need to take. But I need to take all this to the next level if you know what I mean. And for that I need an intelligent doctor and not an idioctor.


Senior Member
• Flaxseed oil 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of this oil daily (taking more may cause diarrhea)

Are capsules adequate enough?

I have been taking flaxseed oil as oil rather than in capsule form and I am finding that I can't stomach it, makes me want to dry retch. I no longer think I could stomach it over salads or anything like that in oil form.


Senior Member
Are capsules adequate enough?

No, each capsule typically only contains 1 ml or so, thus unless you want to take 15 capsules at day, you will not get a sufficient dose. However, you can if you like try a dose of 30 grams of flaxseed daily, which I estimate should contain around 15 ml of flaxseed oil.