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Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!

Wanted to introduce myself, been reading this thread and the non-anxiety thread.

@Hip that you so much for the information you have provided, I seem to have ALOT of the same issues and have been looking for answers for 10+ years. SEVERE OCD and GAD, mixed in with a really bad dose of Social Phobia (caring 24/7 about public perception and difficult even walking down the street without anxiety). I also seem to share you anxiety psyhosis issue as well.

I believe i possibly may have Chronic Sore Throat / Mood Virus as well reading this and seem to deal with inflammation. SSRI I stop using after a couple weeks as they all give me so bad side effects. However, its interesting, Curcumin never did anything for me. Also, NAC did not as well
Also I wanted to ask, since you had experienced Anxiety/Stress Psychosis, has NAC made you feel anything in terms of anxiety/racing thoughts etc?


Senior Member
Also I wanted to ask, since you had experienced Anxiety/Stress Psychosis, has NAC made you feel anything in terms of anxiety/racing thoughts etc?

I recently discovered that taking N-acetyl cysteine 600 mg daily actually helps prevent some of my mild psychosis symptoms from appearing. So I've been taking NAC every day in recent months.

is it ok to take Probiotic/Insulin/Saccharomyces boulardii all together?

I've often taken these all together.

really bad dose of Social Phobia

Have you looked into choline bitartrate as a treatment for social phobia? I found this highly effective: I don't have social phobia at present, but a few years ago I developed worries about whether my comments during social interaction might have offended or upset someone. I would worry about this for hours after social activity. But just one 600 mg tablet of choline bitartrate would eliminate these worries within an hour.

Do you think i could get away with this type of tummeric?

That is curcumin, not turmeric. I found turmeric has good anti-anxiety effects, but much less so curcumin. So you don't want to confuse the two. You can often buy turmeric very cheaply by the kilogram in Asian shops as a cooking spice.
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I recently discovered that taking N-acetyl cysteine 600 mg daily actually helps prevent some of my mild psychosis symptoms from appearing. So I've been taking NAC every day in recent months.

I've often taken these all together.

Have you looked into choline bitartrate as a treatment for social phobia? I found this highly effective: I don't have social phobia at present, but a few years ago I developed worries about whether my comments during social interaction might have offended or upset someone. I would worry about this for hours after social activity. But just one 600 mg tablet of choline bitartrate would eliminate these worries within an hour.

That is curcumin, not turmeric. I found turmeric has good anti-anxiety effects, but much less so curcumin. So you don't want to confuse the two. You can often buy turmeric very cheaply by the kilogram in Asian shops as a cooking spice.
I have not tried Choline birtrate, reading your thread, I was going to try that out as my main issues is worrying about interactions with people.

Would you say that NAC had to be built up for you? I suffer from OCD so i am familiar with taking NAC and have quite abit, but i also stop it after 1-2 weeks because feeling no effects + the cancer scaring of the supplement

Edit: I also do own a bottle of Nature Made Tummeric but it doesnt seem to have the ingredients you listed and havent felt any effects after using


Senior Member
Would you say that NAC had to be built up for you?

I find that as soon as I start taking NAC, it prevents mild psychosis symptoms from appearing. I get these mild psychosis symptom only a few days per month, but if I take NAC, they do not appear.

Have you researched high dose inositol for OCD? This is a well-known alternative treatment for OCD. High doses (eg 15 grams daily) of the B vitamin inositol raises serotonin, and for some people is effective for OCD. You can buy inositol powder by the kilogram online, search for "bulk inositol powder".
I find that as soon as I start taking NAC, it prevents mild psychosis symptoms from appearing. I get these mild psychosis symptom only a few days per month, but if I take NAC, they do not appear.

Have you researched high dose inositol for OCD? This is a well-known alternative treatment for OCD. High doses (eg 15 grams daily) of the B vitamin inositol raises serotonin, and for some people is effective for OCD. You can buy inositol powder by the kilogram online, search for "bulk inositol powder".
I tried Inositol a couple years, but i do not believe anywhere near the 15G dosages, i did get a slight mood boost but not sure if it was placebo, 15G is alot more than one would think.
Interesting, I will look into this. I have tried B12 (I believe methyl b12) and did not feel any effects

Unfortunately, i have to put trying these supplements you provided on hold as experiencing severe sexual side effects from discontinuing Zoloft after a week, its been about 18 days since and not better.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Bought and took some NAG as I'm going through some acute life stress and haven't got much control over it. Felt a lot better after taking 700mg NAG. I am suspect for latent Lyme tho my ME might even be caused by Lyme so it's a bit tricky. I did notice my skin became very itchy after taking it not sure if that's normal or it woke up some Lyme bacteria?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
On a side note I've been taking NAG for a week and I've noticed my canker sores seem a lot better than they have been NAG is meant to help with wound healing and I tend to get chronic canker sores due to some aspect of ME that I don't fully understand. It's early days but it seems to be helping.

I've also started ALA and Magnesium. Whilst mag is a long way down the list I've noticed profound relaxation wit the mag which makes me think I might be a tad low in mag in general. I can't take oral mag anymore as it gives me kidney stones.

The ALA also makes me feel a lot calmer, those 3 together have been enough to get my very high levels of anxiety under control.

Husband of

Senior Member
My wife has never noticed anything from NAG. Maybe turmeric and maybe flaxseed but not enough to be able to clearly say they help.

Possibly @YippeeKi YOW !! s low and frequent dose magnesium plus melatonin plus vit c formula, although I later noticed what I thought was pure magnesium glycinate powder also contained glyceine and passionflower. Most likely it was the act of me caring for her, bringing her small drinks of this formula on a regular basis and being nice that was the real help.

Tried kava recently, even that didn't hugely help, although we only took a low dose.

Probably a hot milk drink is the best.