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Can't ride my bikes anymore ( passively ) due to thigh muscle sensitivity / soreness


Senior Member
I have a strange problem at the moment thats bothering me, I became progressively more ill in the past few years with new symptoms that seemed outside of my normal ME/CFS, at first it started with periods of stomach bloating / gas, and a subtle cognitive decline or difficulty learning, progressed to dehydration and strange neurological sensations, at which point I suspected mold toxicity / CIRS but couldn't prove this.

Eventually ( this year ) it progressed to multiple chemical sensitivity, food intolerance / allergies and general mold hypersensitivity, random face and neck flushing with a burning sensation, tingling hands and itching, red eyes. I suspect candida could be a big factor but i'm still exploring that idea. Well back in December when things started to get really bad all of a sudden ( after I gradually became more and more sensitive to air fresheners / cleaning sprays, general perfumes and specifically our Surf laundry detergent, my physical function and energy level had not yet dropped.

At that time, around Christmas ( which is consistent with my lifestyle of the 2 years prior ) I could go to a woods in December on my DIY e-bike ( sometimes pedalling a little but not too much ), on a rainy day, clear a spot and slowly build the starting materials for a campfire, then start the fire and continue to feed it large branches and logs and whatever I could find ( pulling down big dead trees and things ), while drinking alcohol, ride back to my house to get more alcohol, come back, rescue the fire, all in all keep it going for about 6 hours ( on one occasion I stayed until dawn ).

So this is why my problem is strange because its not just a progression of my CFS severity, these hypersensitivities started when I was still quite physically capable, but in the time since christmas my function level slowly dropped, sometimes when I rode off road and went over too many bumps, or got stuck in a wet field full of clay and had to use a lot of muscle power to get out of there, I would crash and this seemed to exacerbate my hypersensitivity problems / leaky gut, so I started avoiding off-road.

By around March I was still riding but I was so constantly fatigued and my mental function was terrible, it seemed worse if I ate certain foods ( cereals with sugar / oats etc ). I was making cycling mistakes that i'd never usually make, but after a few hours away from home my brain function seemed to improve. Anyway there was one point where I tried activated charcoal for the first time and it put me into a 'detox' for a few days, I felt way better and I went to the supermarket for the first time in months, possibly since Christmas, I rode my bikes 3 or 4 times over a few days, my stomach motility had started to slow right down by that point so I intentionally went fast off road to try to encourage it to start moving, well 2 days after that I did a medium length casual ride on the road, about 25 to 30 miles, and an hour or 2 after getting home I ate chicken.

When I ate this chicken after this period of being very active and using my leg muscles a lot, I had a bad reaction ( leaky gut probably ) and it felt like a stomach ache and also inflammation throughout my body but especially my leg muscles. Since then I became 'allergic' to chicken and can't eat it, but its not a typical allergy reaction, its hard to explain the symptoms, cognitive dysfunction, feeling generally unwell, perhaps a stomach ache. I've also barely rode my bikes since then.

I rode 2 miles on Sunday, carefully and avoiding bumps / shocks as much as possible and my thigh muscles still became quite sore and sensitive, I basically crashed and chemicals seemed to start to effect me more, and I felt more reactive to food, but not quite enough to create a new sensitivity. I checked my GABA sensitivity with around 200mg of GABA and it made me fairly sleepy and relaxed, whereas 7 to 10 days prior the same test at about 350mg had no noticeable effect. ( This is the 4th time i've done the GABA test ). So my Blood Brain Barrier is obviously compromised during this crash, and my gut probably became more leaky than usual.

What I don't understand though is why its my quad muscles specifically that are becoming sore ( it also happens sometimes rapidly when I wear a respirator thats a few weeks old and low levels of bacteria or mold are present which triggers my immune system ). If I do any other activity that uses other muscle groups e.g. lift a 2 litre milk container repeatedly, this problem doesn't happen, yes my exercise tolerance is very low and I can get exhausted just from shaving, but it doesn't create this problem within my arm muscles etc, though they do get a bit sore and fatigued sometimes when typing / mousing etc.

I'm going to do a stomach function test to keep looking for my underlying problem, it will show candida, bacterial species and other things, I have heard that leaky gut can be related to exercise especially in ME/CFS, though that was never noticeable for me prior to this year. I just wonder did I damage my leg muscles or did some sort of autoimmunity process start ?


Senior Member
My ME involves muscle aches some of the time, and primarily focused in the front thigh muscles. For me, LDN eliminated those aches. To me that means that it's not a muscle problem, it's a problem with the signal processing, registering pain despite normal muscle function.

As for intolerance of a certain type of meat, that could be intolerance of a certain fatty acid, or amino acid, or some other component. I've been intolerant of palmitic acid (I think), and intolerant of proline, and gotten sleep benefits from conjugate linoleic acid. Our biochemistry is complicated. By testing foods with different levels of the various components, you might be able to identify the culprit, and know which foods to avoid, or which might be safe at some level.

I recommend keeping a food/activity/symptoms journal, as detailed as you feel comfortable with. That can help identify factors to avoid, or maybe something that helps. Human memory is too fallible for this, so you need to record them immediately.


Senior Member
Hello Gentlemen.....Perhaps you're using your leg muscles when out and about than you're aware of.

I used to truly love bike riding and could do all sorts of stunts on it at a time when such things weren't done.

One of my first tip-offs of a problem was that I was standing astride a bike, waiting to get on (let a car pass), and suddenly fell over. Tried again and the same thing happened. I could no longer balance.

After having this for what?...going on 35-40 years, my legs have suddenly started really hurting. My arms and hands also. For the record, I'm an older female age 76, and I'm beginning to suspect another autoimmune illness. I'm not panicking, I'm way beyond that stage, and apart from medication nothing can be done anyway.

@Tsukareta....you were doing a LOT on your bike before this occurred. Have you tried giving up riding for any length of time? PeIrhaps you don't realize exactly how much you were capable of even after diagnosis, although it's not much comfort to you, I know. Perhaps the alcohol makes you extend your muscles more than you should.

@Wishful has some good points. The bottom line is that no one knows. Believe it or not, I'm more afraid of losing the use of my arms and hands than my legs. At least there are wheelchairs.

Even today I miss biking. I saw a movie about a BMX competition (I think that was the name). As these young men flew through the air and did these incredible maneuvers, I fell in love with biking again. Give yourself some time off and let your body settle into what it's going to at the moment. I've had many times of having to do that and there are times when things disappear of their own accord. You're fortunate to have a good GP. I'm glad for you. Yours, Lenora

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
What I don't understand though is why its my quad muscles specifically that are becoming sore

I seem to experience intense failure of my hip flexors/muscles in the thighs. They will literally freeze up and stop working al together. This seems to be some area of great weakness in my case, and it feels like oxygen is not reaching this area what soever. I am unable to walk very far...


Senior Member
@lenora I can't do many tricks but I watch someone on Youtube who lives in the next county over from me, not far from where they film the Clarkson's Farm, he knows how to ride motorcycles and he can do a lot of that sort of thing. I did try to learn a few things last year but its not as easy as it looks.

In the past 2 years I was probably averaging about 100 miles a week, mainly on quiet country roads, farm tracks and bridleways, sometimes small woods and forests, prior to that I only rode mobility scooters for a couple of years, usually not getting far out of town but sometimes I would get 10 to 15 miles away with just the mobility scooter, I switched to e-bikes though because 6mph is slow and it feels dangerous at times out on the roads ( though the bigger one I had that was rated for 8mph was considered road legal and insured etc ). Getting a bike back in and out of the garage or getting picked up in a car is also much easier than with a mobility scooter. I think e-bikes are getting more attention now because they are way more common than when I got into it, and this includes negative attention, theres been a couple of high profile news stories about crashes this year already.

I have to try and stay within my energy envelope at the moment, i'm still very tired, there were more factors to the 'crash' than just the short ride I did, the hot summer weather hasn't helped. If I do too much I feel this sensation around my skin of my face which I think is to do with a flare up of Leaky Gut, though i'm not fully flushing like I did back in Jan / Feb ( interestingly my physical capacity was way greater then ). I felt awful yesterday morning, leg muscle soreness etc so I tried taking a blend of curcumin, ginger, black pepper and it seemed to really help. I need to find the root cause of my problems quickly though. I got limited benefit from doing a quick anti-candida protocol though my gut motility did improve and I had more energy for a while. I'm now looking into Leaky Gut as a disease rather than a mere symptom, and also the related condition SIBO which seems easy to test for and semi acknowledged by the NHS, thank god.


Senior Member
I love CLARKSON'S FARM and eagerly await the next season. It's so relaxing and funny, but the man is one truly lousy farmer.

So you're in the Cotswolds. We used to go to Bath regularly at one time and always, always took time for a rid to the Cotswolds. Afternoon tea and all that, you know.

What people don't know is that it's just clogged with coaches (buses) and the fumes are horrid. If you want to enjoy it, go at night for a walk after you've left your hotel. Bath is the same way....my in-laws lived there.

I don't believe you'd find much peace and quiet during the daytime...sadly. My mother was also British, a London girl, so I know England very well. Miss our traveling days, but we did it when we were younger. L.