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Atlas Profilax treatment


Senior Member
Hi all,

After Waynes positive report of improvements he received after the above treatment I decided to try it myself.

I had the treatment on Thursday last week. It lasted about 20 minutes. FOr me, the treatment was very painful, but not unbearable. She did have to stop and start though for me to stand it. I went back and reread Waynes report and it was not painful for him, so I"m not sure if the pain reflects the amount of imbalance I had or something else. She did say the distortion of my atlas profilax was in the top 10%. I did have a bad fall when I was 12 and in a car accident when I was about 22 so this didn't surprise me.

I've not noticed any improvements since Thursday (but wasn't expecting any this early). I am noticing I am sleeping more.

I'll report any improvements or lack of in this thread as time goes on.



Senior Member
a very old thread but I decided this would be the best one to bundle experiences with Atlas Profilax treatments. I had mine last Thursday. Look at this:


Senior Member
an old thread but the best one to gather experiences with Atlas Profilax treatment I thought. I had mine last Thursday. Look at these pictures:

First picture taken 6 months ago, second one last night. In both I am standing relaxed and straight up. Equal weight on both feet. Yes, I was a very zig zaggy person. And the rotation in my torso doesn't even show here.

The same day of the treatment I got muscle aches in shoulder and back. Suddenly I walked tall and wanted to dance all the time. I could turn my head much farther then ever. Since then the aches have gone, I still want to move and walk all the time. I have a strange craving for fish (stock) and sushi every day since.

My posture has improved much. I'm still adjusting. I hope it gets better and better. It won't cure ME or my CFS or busted adrenals but some huge body burdens have lifted. I have more energy, I've walked outside every day (!!)

My pelvis had tilted and suddenly my intestines are not dangling outside but are nested in my pelvis. Some digestion has eased. I've grown hungry. Sleep, hormones and the tendency to overdo things have not improved.

For me the treatment was painful. I got a vegetal reaction and I had to mentally coach my body to endure the five minutes the treatment lasted. Afterwards the strangest thing occured: my body was totally annoyed with me. Insulted even. I've never experienced such a divide between body and mind before. I had to plead and apologize. I've not been truly forgiven but my body does enjoy its new freedom of movement.

a five minute treatment, that's right. But it was preceded by 45 minutes of explanation and warnings. This is not a wonder pill. And much result depends on how willing I am to embrace the new soupleness and adopt new habits of posture and stretching.

hope this is informative, Anna. I recommend this treatment as long as you think about it carefully. Old pains and ailments might return for a short while. I'd be weary if I had a painrelated illness such as fibro. Because the nerves from backbone into skull get more room pain signals might increase at first. I know this solves a lot of tinnitus problems for people. RSI too. As long as it's connected to cramped up muscles in the neck and atlas area.
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Senior Member
Does anyone have any insight on why this is touted as a one-time treatment?
All chiropractic adjustments I get now (including the atlas) just go right back out again within days.

At $250, one would hope it would stick. @Wayne, @WoolPippi, @globalpilot -- any thoughts/experiences regarding lasting goodness?

p.s. WoolPippi, your photo link is broken. I'd love to see it :nerd:


Senior Member
before and after AtlasProfilax photo now at my blog here or at my flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/snorrepot/11546205505/
thanks for mentioning it's broken

one-time treatment: because it is practically impossible for the skull to get mis-aligned again once it's been realigned. It would involve somebody planting their feet on your shoulders and yanking on your head just to create the wriggle room to move it again. Even people who are in car accidents after an AtlasProfilax do not have their skull out of line with their backbone again, my practitioner said.

It is in no way comparable to chiropractic adjustments. I'm surprised your chiropractor handles your atlas-skull connection. Perhap (s)he only does the atlas in connection to the second vertebra, I don't know.

AtlasProfilax never touches any bone structure. They intend to relax the muscles that attach your head to your backbone for a little, tiny bit. This allows the skull to "slide" into it's intended, alligned position. Once there it is firmly locked into place, it sits on two bony structures and the muscles are extremely strong.

My practitioner -Felix Baas- is the second most active one in my country and has been doing it for five years now, he has not had one person for whom a second treatment has been necessary. Not even the clients who got in car accidents and/or whiplash. So five years is what I can report of.


Senior Member
Wow, thanks @WoolPippi, for the pics and the explanation.

Your photos are very impressive, You were quite the corkscrew before! :nervous:

ETA: ps vinyasa-style (flow) yoga might be more your thing.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Does anyone have any insight on why this is touted as a one-time treatment? All chiropractic adjustments I get now (including the atlas) just go right back out again within days. At $250, one would hope it would stick.

Hi Leela,

Atlas Profilax practitioners prefer to use the word "repositioning" the atlas when referring to what they actually do. Michael Hane explained to me that repositioning the atlas is somewhat akin to moving a boulder. Not particularly easy to "position" into place, but once it's done, it's fairly difficult for it to move back out of place. Apparently, this is totally different from a chiropractic technique, which may manipulate or adjust the atlas, but doesn't reposition it. Thus, there's an easy tendency for a chiropractic atlas adjustment to not hold, because the atlas stays in it's misaligned position.

There's never any kind of "pop" when doing the AP as there often is with Chiropractic. Brief Description: A small vibrating tool with a soft felt cover is gently pressed up against the atlas (behind the ear). It normally takes a few minutes of methodical vibrating and gentle pressure to finally allow the atlas (and associated ligaments) to "let go" of their chronic position. Michael says it's become quite easy for him to detect when this "letting go" occurs and the atlas slides back into place. There's apparently two "pins" in the skull area that then keep it locked into place.

I feel the AP repositioning is actually far safer than traditional chiropractic "popping" techniques, and more effective than the gentle NUCCA techniques (I did NUCCA for many years, getting relief, but always needing regular adjustments). I'm not trying to criticize these techniques, because they do work. They just didn't work for me longer term. I should add however, that AP didn't "cure" all my structural ailments. I still continue to look for various techniques to address and help stabilize my structural issues. Nasal Specific and Egoscue techniques are high on my list of things that have helped me considerably.

I decided to do the AP realizing it may do nothing for me, but felt the risk of not trying it was greater than the risk of paying $250 for something that may very well help me. --- Over a period of several decades, I spent thousands of dollars for various kinds of chiropractic and physical therapy for chronic neck and back pain. The AP ended up doing far more for me than all this other care put together. So in my case, the one-time fee of $250 feels like a relative bargain price.

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Senior Member
Thank you, Wayne. so helpful.
I have stopped doing chiropractic for the reasons you mention....costly and not effective in the long run.
It can be handy for relief of an acute problem, but even then I have to be careful about finding someone who
won't further harm me.

I think I found someone in my area who does AP--waiting to hear back. It's not clear if the practice is still here, but fingers crossed!


Senior Member
I have had this done. I had high hopes.
It was very painful and treatment failed.

Part of the Atlas philosophy is that everyone is born with it out of place and requires this one off correction for optimal functioning.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have also had this treatment with initial "postural relief." But for me, it didn't last and had to be redone every few months. This was all this practitioner did--so he wasn't a novice. Maybe it didn't "stick" because I have EDS III?



Senior Member
Maybe it didn't "stick" because I have EDS III?
Thank you for chiming in, Sushi. This is a concern since I'm fairly certain I have some kind of connective tissue disorder too.
Thank you for taking the time to post in the wake of your big move. Rest up! Happy New Home!:balloons:


Senior Member
I have had this done. I had high hopes.
It was very painful and treatment failed.

Part of the Atlas philosophy is that everyone is born with it out of place and requires this one off correction for optimal functioning.


Thanks, Golden...it is disturbing when there is a global philosophy in place.
I wonder when you say treatment failed, do you mean you got no proper alignment with repeated treatments? Or the practitioner deemed your atlas back in place but you felt no relief?


Senior Member
@leela ,

Practitioner training is £20,000. If I remember. I would hope for this amount that if there were particular failings in M.E. or EDS - they would know and disclaim.

The one off philosophy was what drew me in. It is very alluring gamble.

I will do my best to recall.

First session: the soft velvety torture tool poked away at my neck and it feet way way damaging. I let out a few yells but was happy to continue. It was very painful.

I had always thought though that this area is very problematic for me. So agreed with the principle.

Practitioner deemed it in place. I then went back into reception and lay on the carpet for goodness knows how long worrying how i would get home.

There was 'movement' and change. If I felt any temporary relief- I am sorry to say I cant remember it now...

It didnt feel back in place to me.

Upon follow up - around 6ish ??? weeks later - practitioner deemed it still in place.

I was questioned about improvements but was sad to say I had none.

I think the official get out clause is once the adjustment is made - if you havent got enough rejuvenation energy - then healing cant happen.

This could actually be truthful. This may have been the problem for me.

She used an electrocution tool on me then :) to clear negative cell memory - cant think what it was called...when she put it on lowest setting from highest it was OK.

I was not asked to take part in official testimonial feedback :)

And that is my chapter of life on the atlas technique.

I liked her. She was nice.

I am concerned more these days about what people are trained to do on an esoteric level. I believe firmly in informed *conscious* consent.

I don't know what the esoteric is , if any, for this technique. I have read people think it removes implants. I don't know if thats what practitioners think they are doing.

My body also felt intruded upon. but all that is a messy subject.

I appreciate the stories of it not working too. Sorry it didn't work for you.

Yes, I was a very zig zaggy person. And the rotation in my torso doesn't even show here.

Can you tell me more about your spine before treatment? I have a twist in my neck and lower back. I wonder if the AP might make my neck worse because it's not in the right place.
I forgot to say I have fibro.

I think the official get out clause is once the adjustment is made - if you havent got enough rejuvenation energy - then healing cant happen.

This could actually be truthful. This may have been the problem for me.

What level of functioning were you before the adjustment? I wonder if our PEM interferes with healing. Fibro could interfere :(


Senior Member
I wouldn't like to put anyone off trying anything.

We are all unique. These things are bound to affect us differently. Its an Unknown outcome for each person I believe.

I think my comments would only help someone feel a bit better if they have had it done and its not worked - so they know they are not the only ones.

I am guessing my level of functioning was rest up for weeks and have a few normal hours - followed by PEM.

I managed a long train journey and a bit of cycling.

It could be that because I struggled and was in physical trauma to get home -this intefered with the process.

However I was not informed this could be a n issue.

Thinking of it - there are many treatments I could have gone into a healing deep sleep immediately after but found myself kicked off the bed into the cold :)

Best of Good Luck..


Senior Member
@golden, thank you for the excellent write-up. It's great to hear all the experiences as we ponder.
I'm grateful to all who are chiming in here.

I wonder about other things that could interfere, too, @SOS--malocclusion, Lyme, viruses that hang out in the area...

In the end for me some of the decision will naturally depend on how I feel about the local practitioner, if indeed there is one practicing here.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I really appreciate reading about everybody’s experiences with AP; I think they’re invaluable to this discussion. They’ve actually encouraged me to share some of my AP experiences that may border on the esoteric side, and which I’ve been hesitant to share on an online forum. But I think I’ll give it a go, since I feel sort of secluded here on this thread, and nobody has shown up with some kind of alternative health modality criticism.

Before I get to topic of “esoteric” in my next post (thanks for mentioning it Golden), I thought I would share a few other things about my own “physical” reactions. I went for a walk within a half hour of getting my atlas aligned, and felt like I was walking like a “crooked dog”; the kind that trots along looking like it’s out of alignment. I thought for sure I was doing the same, but then noticed that I was walking perfectly straight. It was then that I realized how I had been walking “crooked” for so many years, and came to accept it as my normal gait.

As I walked in the following days, it felt like my chest and diaphragm were "pulled" up much higher in my body. Even Alea noticed how much “taller” I seemed to be walking as we strolled along. A short while after I measured myself for the first time in years, and contrary to most people my age (61) getting shorter over time, I was actually a 1/4" taller. Others who have received the AP have reported the same.

Now a bit of the downside: I woke up the next morning with a horrible headache, and a brain fog that was about as thick as I had ever experienced. It felt like I was in a daze that I’d never really experienced before. So I called Michael, and he recommended a homeopathic remedy. I went to the CO-OP to get it, and found myself wandering around trying to figure out what I was up to. Suddenly realized I only came in for one item, and that I needed to get it and get back home (carefully). (Just one reason I recommend not having to do anything challenging in hours/days following an AP session)

The homeopathic remedy helped, but the headache hung on for several days, but became tolerable by the end of the first day. It was also during the next several days that the heavy dense brain fog lifted. And after it lifted, more clarity came into my brain and thinking than I had prior to doing the AP.

I also noticed in the following days that I felt much hungrier than normal. When I sat down to eat, it felt almost sort of “primal” as I seemed to dig in or devour my food in a much different way. I felt sort of “piggish” as I ate, but I also noticed that I didn’t really eat more than I normally did. It was just the experience of eating that was so much different.

Here’s what I believe happened. The 12 major cranial nerves exit the brainstem through the opening in the atlas. If the atlas is out of alignment, these nerves can become impinged, and nerve flow to the rest of the body is inhibited. The vagus nerve is the longest of the cranial nerves, traversing through the TMJ, through the thyroid, the heart, stomach, GI system, and ending in the colon. If these organs/areas aren’t receiving enough nerve energy because of a crimped vagus nerve, they’re not going function properly or efficiently.

Here’s my theory as to why some people notice significant improvements from AP, and others don’t. — The opening in the atlas through which the cranial nerves go through is different in size from one person to the next. If the opening is large, the atlas can be out of alignment by quite a bit without impinging on the cranial nerves. If the opening is small, only a small alignment can cause significant cranial nerve dysfunction. — A former NFL football player was temporarily paralyzed from a rather insignificant blow, and it was determined that the opening in his atlas was much smaller than normal, which significantly raised his potential for a serious injury. He promptly retired.

I feel certain most, if not all of my cranial nerves became impinged from a serious head injury/whiplash I experienced at age 15, which corresponded with the decline in my overall health. I am even more certain that at least my vagus nerve was majorly impacted. To have all this pressure relieved from a single treatment felt almost miraculous to me. I can easily see why others wouldn’t have a similar experience, because even if they had a seriously misaligned atlas, they may not have had seriously crimped nerves. The following is a list of improvements I jotted down a few months after receiving my AP treatment in the summer of 2007:

Symptom Improvements since Atlas Profilax Treatment 7-9-07

Primarily Neurological Symptom Improvements

Sensory Overload - 25-50%

Excessive Neuronal Firing - 25-50% (I feel Perque B-12 is very good for this also)

Anxiety – 25-50% (Didn’t even fully realize my levels of anxiety until they lessened significantly)

Vertigo / Neurally Mediated Hypotension – 25-50%

Environmental Illness (EI) / Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) – 25-35%

Cognitive Function / Ability to take make mental notes – 25-35%

Ability to Organize - 15-20%

TMJ (Moderate to begin with) - 20%-25%

Ability to relax – 25-35%

Severe adrenal exhaustion / dysfunction – approx. 25%

Sense of Balance – 25-50%

Sleep – approx. 15-20%

Primarily Physical Symptom Improvements

Physical / muscle strength – 25-30%

Viral overload symptoms – 50-75%

Digestion – 50%+

Generalized Pain and Headache reduction - 25-50%

Detoxification Capabilities – 25-50%

Postural Corrections, from my neck, down my entire spine to my hips, knees and even feet – I can’t even put a percentage on this – A growing sense of wholeness seems to pervade my entire postural structure. My chest cavity seems to have risen. When I walk these days, I feel like I’m almost gliding.

Overall energy level – approx. 10-25%

I feel taller and I am taller by 1/4"-1/2"

Spiritual/Energetic Improvements of Note

Overall Sense of Well Being – 25-50% (I especially notice this when I’m walking)

Greater sense of patience

Greater sense of rhythm

Feel less dense, a greater sense of fluidity
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