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The Glowing Tree

First, i don't need to explain much why i'm posting an energy recalibration video after my last blog :lol:

Next, i want to tell a magical story about my tulip tree. WE have this giant tulip tree in the front yard. She was hit by a tornado before we moved in 8 years ago. Shes been mangled but she still produces these luscious tulip blooms and vibrant leaves. Many people said to cut her down, part of her top was cut off in the tornado but she healed as best she could. She closed these giant tree wounds everywhere, all over her. Despite all odds that she would succumb. I decided to hire an arborist right as i was becoming really unwell in 2016 and he said, shes perfectly healthy. I would leave her. Shes a resilient and beautiful tree.

In many ways this tree, reminds me of me. I feel it is not spoken, but it would be easier for my husband to lose me than go through this healing process. To have her cut down so memories can be washed. But i keep prevailing. I keep showing signs of life.

So, a year ago my children and i were watching a movie in here ones winters night, when my 16 year old that is normally quite serious and not easily excited, said "mom, look outside!". He lifted my daughter to the window. It was a dark winters night lit by the snow on the ground aaannnnnddddd glowing green magic from our tree! It was one of the most magical experiences of our lives. I couldn't be moved to see its entirety but i saw enough to make me believe in beautiful things again for a solid 44 days. This incredible bioluminescent fungi has at some point (most likely due to all of her injuries) merged with this tree. Although, it is a sign that ultimately one day she will most likely perish from it, no idea how long and she could live many years like this. It was simply stunning. To this day my daughter thinks faeries came alive that night. It had these sporadic patches from top to bottom and it was communicating with other islands! Gently fluttering this majestic bioluminescent kiwi green and you could almost envision its neuronal like network. No one knew what to make of it. We all watched it in silence. Neighbors came from their houses to our front yard to catch a glimpse of such a sight. That entire night, she weaved with these pulsing embers of green. I wondered what its language was like. I wondered how i could be lucky enough to witness such a sight with my children. It has not returned. It was some random event as of now. Our friend whom is a well trained botanist said he has never seen this in our area, its normally much further south. I feel like my soul had a strange epiphany like experience that night. I wish i could show you guys pictures although they would never do it justice. If i remember its botanical name, i will edit and share it later.

Alrighty, dance party lastly. We are going to a disco tonight. The floor squares are pink, the disco ball is silver. I am wearing a gold dress, what are you guys wearing? True story, i love and miss dancing. It used to bring much joy to my soul, hence why i love having dance parties here. It lifts my spirits. See you there:star:.


The story about your tulip tree is beautiful. I've never seen a tulip tree, so I looked it up. You painted such a magical word picture of it glowing and delightful.

Oh, goodie! I always LOVE a disco. Gosh, I don't know what to wear yet, but I'm thinking of bringing roller skates along. Oh, maybe a pink dress with big flowers like in the 60s or bell-bottoms and platform shoes.:woot:
The story about your tulip tree is beautiful. I've never seen a tulip tree, so I looked it up. You painted such a magical word picture of it glowing and delightful.

Oh, goodie! I always LOVE a disco. Gosh, I don't know what to wear yet, but I'm thinking of bringing roller skates along. Oh, maybe a pink dress with big flowers like in the 60s or bell-bottoms and platform shoes.:woot:

yEssSSSSSSSSSS!! ohhh my gosh i LOVE roller skates and bell bottoms! I hope one day we get to meet on a disco dance floor :heart:

and thank you christiankatz, it was really beautiful.
I love and miss dancing too. My Daughter was visiting me not too long ago and reminded me of all the times we would be in a store and a song would come on and I just couldn't help myself............I'd have to start dancing. No shame here!
I love and miss dancing too. My Daughter was visiting me not too long ago and reminded me of all the times we would be in a store and a song would come on and I just couldn't help myself............I'd have to start dancing. No shame here!

Its SO good for the soul :heart: i love that! I used to get lost in solo dance parties doing laundry downstairs back before all of this :lol:
love the story of the Tulip tree and mysterious fungi...I"m not familiar with that version- it was pretty exciting when we found these luminescent beetle larvae out on our driveway one year (one time, never before or since).

I enjoy the You Tube videos of the deep sea creatures...finding each other in the deep dark depths.

The first tropical fish I saw, snorkeling (that was a dream come true at the age of 52)....was sending electronic colors down its body. I frequently return to that moment in my mind, of being about a meter away from that gorgeous fish.

I wonder if that fish remembers seeing me?
I went forth to ask about the fungi...

it might be what they call Foxfire.....WOW how magical and to see such a thing as that! Discussed by ARISTOTLE!


they are suggesting its luciferase....an enzyme digesting the decaying wood....

Well thats pretty darn Magical.

yessss!!!!!!! It is foxfire. Thank you for reminding me of its name. Its incredibly beautiful.

Oh my goodness Rufous, that had to be incredible to be right next to! Nature is simply so amazing! Haha, i bet it remembers your beautiful spirit :hug::heart:
Andy, are you coming dancing with me, Christian, Rufous and Tammy???
Ahh dancing...... well my dancing has been descibed as " Andy you are a fantastic dancer" ( this was at a wedding reception in Toronto some years back) I was "giving it large" as we say over here. But I was also advised, at a birthday party in more recent years, that if I carried on dancing I was risking arrest. It was'nt my fault. Blame the home brewed cider! But I would indeed dance with you @sunshine44 and Christian, Rufous, and Tammy. But do you have a good lawyer?
Ahh dancing...... well my dancing has been descibed as " Andy you are a fantastic dancer" ( this was at a wedding reception in Toronto some years back) I was "giving it large" as we say over here. But I was also advised, at a birthday party in more recent years, that if I carried on dancing I was risking arrest. It was'nt my fault. Blame the home brewed cider! But I would indeed dance with you @sunshine44 and Christian, Rufous, and Tammy. But do you have a good lawyer?


Fantastic! Its a plan. We will give the police a heads up beforehand! :lol:
yessss!!!!!!! It is foxfire. Thank you for reminding me of its name. Its incredibly beautiful.
I grew up around foxfire, and still find it in the woods today. They used to use it to light compasses for ships a long time ago. Some Native Tribes in the northeast would gather it and create spaces for ceremonies.
As kids we used to use it to create "secret" trails through the forest that we could follow at night.
Tulip trees are amazing. I've been around many, but unfortunately it is too cold where I live today to support them.
I grew up around foxfire, and still find it in the woods today. They used to use it to light compasses for ships a long time ago. Some Native Tribes in the northeast would gather it and create spaces for ceremonies.
As kids we used to use it to create "secret" trails through the forest that we could follow at night.
Tulip trees are amazing. I've been around many, but unfortunately it is too cold where I live today to support them.

its incredibly amazing. ..would you guys relocate islands of them as children? I do wonder how and why they choose their environments. If anyone on here finds a good audible or youtube video on it, do share please.
I do wonder how and why they choose their environments. If anyone on here finds a good audible or youtube video on it, do share please.

well I must learn much more about this entire topic. There seem to be many species of fungi doing this. Pretty widespread in temperate and tropical forests, breaking down wood.

Reading about it....they don' t really yet know WHY these are bioluminescent and a bit to discussion suggests it may protect the fungi from ROS....and involves NAD. The fungi sound like ME patients!


Armilllaria are mentioned, those are quite common...

so your not seeing fruiting bodies, its the fungus itself, right? they think that MIGHT deter predation something grazing on it.

I"d be scared to chew on that, too!
wow rufous! haaa! told you i feel connected to this tree :)
Thank you for the info, i want to learn more about it.
In Aug 2019, I was in a foreign country and I'm sitting by a meadow and fire flies showed up.

Thousands of them. They exist, there in this place, where my daughter lives.

And thats mostly all I want to do: see them again. Spend hours just being there- I can do this- I can watch these fire flies.

This is a singular thing that exists which must happen- that I must see these fireflies again.

And I will.......
In Aug 2019, I was in a foreign country and I'm sitting by a meadow and fire flies showed up.

Thousands of them. They exist, there in this place, where my daughter lives.

And thats mostly all I want to do: see them again. Spend hours just being there- I can do this- I can watch these fire flies.

This is a singular thing that exists which must happen- that I must see these fireflies again.

And I will.......

this gave me goosebumps...and the biggest smile.
You will @Rufous McKinney
until then, you keep dreaming about them, painting them and envisioning them. That had to be absolutely majestical to be surrounded in that.
.would you guys relocate islands of them as children? I do wonder how and why they choose their environments.
Well the foxfire grows on dead wood in very wet areas of the forest. So it is a matter of finding pieces of dead wood where it is growing.
Luciferase is an enzyme that can be found in certain fungus, like foxfire. This enzyme causes Luciferin (another enzyme) to oxidize, and that is what causes the bioluminescent light in foxfire. I’m pretty sure there are three species of foxfire, and the all act similarly.
Yes, I found it! Good to have the pointer of ' about a year ago..
How, how so v special. Nature the utter magic of life. Glowing green like the Northern lights. Those times in life when an all embracing and enthralling nature connection we never forgot ◡̈⋆🄷🄴🅈(●’◡’●)ノ a merging with the our spirits that changes us. And to experience with your children too :) 🤎
My dream to live fully off grid emersed in nature I am not and it is me ..
Um mind u hard enough to keep up in a one bed flat 🤣

Ok D.I.S.C.O ... Any dance floor I'm there with all the happiness of....... A happy thing ⭐
Joy true joy...
I'm wearing a sequin ' boob tube ' ( do USA peeps know what that is? And leather jeans oh maybe not too hot... Black leggings and sexy sandals, false eyelashes on.
I've brought my trainers ( sneakers) cause the sandals will be resricting and with with my 70s style addidas I can move and groove some funky shapes...
Can we have some Chicago funk please.. ✨⭐🤎

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