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RANDOM THOUGHTS ….. Update on Impressive COVID Improvement and the ViraCon I Posted About Previously, in Oct 30 COVID Blog…

I know this is just an n-2 experiment, but the results were so fast and so incredible that I really wanted to put it out here for y’all, as I promised I would do in the above-noted blog entry.

So here’s the deal. I won’t go over all the stuff about COVID that I already posted, so if you haven’t read that part, you might want to give it a quick browse before deciding if this is something you could conceivably want to try. Not that being cautious ever makes a difference with this absolutely fabulous little hell-ride of an illness, but at least it gives you a starting point.

The day before Halloween, I was soooooo flucking miserable and in so many different kinds of misery and pain after just about a week of this crappy little ball-busting sledge hammer of an illness, that I was desperate enough to actually try the Vira Con that I mentioned in the Oct 30 COVID blog, and that I promised to report back on once I got up the cojones to try it.

Normally, I don’t trial things casually, and it usually takes me weeks of poking around on Google and reading tedious research and weighing the pros and cons, and poking around on Google a little longer and then waiting a little longer, and then forgetting about it entirely cause …. life, magical life, but apparently everything hit at just the right time, the stars aligned, and BINGO..

So I took 1 cap (the recommended dose is 3, but I always start waaaaay low, and go really, really slow) …. so I took 1 cap with what passes for lunch for me on Halloween, and then another cap with breakfast yesterday, and again this morning..

And today, it was like nite and flucking day!!!
The pain was reduced to whisper levels, the head was clearer, the spirits were way better, the cough and raw throat were waaaaay better, I had NO muscle, joint, ligament, hair-shaft pain (not kidding … early on my frickin’ HAIR hurt …. DB said for him, it was his face), I felt very close to human, and I wondered why ….. until I remembered the ViraCon.

The n-2 part includes my husband DB, who’s the one who gave me this faboo little thrill ride of a illness (like I really needed another one), but I generally don’t harbor grudges unless you really fuck with me (you’ve been warned ), so I started him on the ViraCon after my first day, when I was sure there were no bad reactions.

AND BY GODS, HE HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE !!!!! It was gradual, then sudden with him, and took less time to kick in (probably because he was farther along in COVID, or maybe because he doesn’t have it along with ME, who knows) and it also took him longer to realize how much better he was because the onset of the improvement tends to be subtle, gradual and incremental, and then suddenly …. BOOM....

If things change, I’ll also be posting back here. I kind of expect to backslide a bit, because that’s what my experience with new stuff is like, both with ME, and with my distant memories of viral flus in days gone by …. one of the few, maybe the only, benefit of ME …. I rarely catch anything anymore. Well, until now.


But like the guy said as he jumped off the roof of his 40 story apartment building
and passed the 28th floor, “So far, so good !!!”

Am tagging in a few friends who I think might be
interested in this, for various reasons .....

@Jyoti , @Rebeccare ,
, @Blue Jay , @L'engle
@andyguitar ,
@Rufous McKinney
[FONT=book antiqua] @L'engle [/FONT]
@Mimicry ,



I tried blowing it up even more, but it just gets fuzzier and fuzzier ....


@Cloudyskies .... I'm tagging you in here, because I ran out of tags in the body of the blog but I think it might be helpful or at least interesting to you :):):) ....

I dont know if it's the same on blogs, but you only get 7 or 8 tags in regular threads ...

Just in case, also re-tagging @L'engle , @IThinkImTurningJapanese , @PracticingAcceptance , and @Mimicry, who seemed to have some COVID issues in a thread I read early this AM and I thought this might help ...
thats great news! I hope the upward trend continues!

I use the Yinchaio to similar effect. I just had a three day cold. With hardly any symptoms.
I wonder if Yinchao is similar to any of the herbs in the VIraCon concoction. I've never had a reaction that dramatic to ANYTHING except magic mushrooms, but that was a different kind of dramatic that Im not up to revisiting.

After squandering a lot of energy on frivolous things like trying to get a handle on the kitchen sink, my brain just refuses to kick over ....

Thank you for the good wishes re the upward trend, and the encouragement, Red .... much appreciated .... after all these years of ME, I tend to be suspicious about the probability of prolonged upward trends, but I can hope .... that seems like an odd viewpoint after the dramatic, if gradual and sloooooow, improvements I experienced after The Troubles .... Damn, There's just no pleasing some people, eh?

Mostly, I just really wanted to share something that could make a significant diff to members who are dealing with plenty of shite already, and dont need the additional frolic of COVID ....:hug::hug:
Both products have licorice root....

I tend to be suspicious about the probability of prolonged upward trends, but I can hope ....

I was reluctant to declare my self Over the Cold until I got to Day 4 and had zero symptoms left.

(because sometimes I've gotten a cold that took forever to come on...you think your maybe not going to get it but you dont want to push your luck)
Both products have licorice root....
No I dont think that would be it. It's more of a synergist, and blood pressure raiser .... I tend to avoid blends with licorice in them for that reason.

And thank you for reminding me .... I need to post a self-warning on my calendar so we dont take it too long, even at the greatly reduced dosage.,,,

It's good that the Yinchao works so well for you, it's comforting to hve something in your corner ....:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Interesting! Unfortunately that supplement is unavailable outside of the US. I'll need to see if I can find something with the same ingredients that's available in Finland.
@Cloudyskies .... I'm tagging you in here, because I ran out of tags in the body of the blog but I think it might be helpful or at least interesting to you :):):) ....

I dont know if it's the same on blogs, but you only get 7 or 8 tags in regular threads ...

Just in case, also re-tagging @L'engle , @IThinkImTurningJapanese , @PracticingAcceptance , and @Mimicry, who seemed to have some COVID issues in a thread I read early this AM and I thought this might help ...
Thanks, Yippee, and that’s incredible it worked so well!
I found an immune support supplement with astralagus and elderberry in it, although in tiny amounts (8.5 mg/capsule vs 50 mg/capsule) and ordered it! I figured if the herbal ingredients actually increase cytokine levels in body it's better to be careful with them. The supplement is Solgar Ester-C Plus Immune Complex. I also ordered liquorice root powder to see if it helps with lightheadedness (seems to be in ViraCon as well) and nattokinase (I've been reading good things about it, it's supposed to help with blood circulation in the brain!). There goes all my benefits! Fortunately my spouse has a good salary so we can eat for the rest of the month 😁

Noteworthy: ViraCon seems to contain St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) which is used as a natural antidepressant, and it can interact with antidepressant meds so I they shouldn't be used simultaneously. I'm on two antidepressants so I couldn't use it even if it was available here :(
Noteworthy: ViraCon seems to contain St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) which is used as a natural antidepressant, and it can interact with antidepressant meds so I they shouldn't be used simultaneously. I'm on two antidepressants so I couldn't use it even if it was available here :(
In spite of all the effort put into promoting St John's as an anti-depressant, it's been show to be largely ineffective.

You'd have to be taking it at pretty elevated 'therapeutic' amounts in order to interfere with prescription anti-d's,, but I agree that it's always better to be safe than sorry. St John's clears thru the same isomeric liver pathways that anti-d's and benzos metabilize thru (P450, CYP3A4), and I can't remember if it acts as an inhibitor or inducer of that pathway.

What hypericum IS effective at is being an anti-bacterial and anti-viral, and extracts of SJW have been regarded for a very long time as being effective against various classes of viruses, and have been used as anti-virals forever. Hypericin also inhibits the ability of viruses to fuse with cell membranes. So generally, while it’s virtually useless as an antidepressant (in spite of metabolizing thru the same P450 liver isoenzymes as almost all anti-Ds as well as benzos, go know), it seems to be a pretty effective anti-viral/anti-bacterial.
Solgar Ester-C Plus Immune Complex.
I hold Solgar, as a company, in high regard, as well as their products, and I think the one you chose is excellent!

Thank you for posting that here, for others who are leery of taking St JOhn's Wort, even in the small amounts in 1 capsule (about 17 mgs), which is what I take as opposed to the 3 caps recommended. SO far that reduced amount (1 cap) has worked incredibly well ....
I also ordered liquorice root powder to see if it helps with lightheadedness
It probably will, since it raises blood pressure.

It's also an exellent synergist when used in herbal compounds, so you might want to think about taking it at the same time as the Solgar Ester-C Immune+ Complex.

I'm sure you know this, but I'm including the info here for others who may come along later .... LICORICE ROOT has to be aproached with caution and shouldn't be taken on a long-term basis. At the very least, it should be pulsed (stopped for awhile, then aded back in) at about a 2 weeks on, 5 days off schedule. That's just a guess, but you can google around to get a better idea.

Thank you @Mimicry for taking the time to post your choices and reasons here !!! It's a great help ...:):):)

In spite of all the effort put into promoting St John's as an anti-depressant, it's been show to be largely ineffective.

You'd have to be taking it at pretty elevated 'therapeutic' amounts in order to interfere with prescription anti-d's,, but I agree that it's always better to be safe than sorry. St John's clears thru the same isomeric liver pathways that anti-d's and benzos metabilize thru (P450, CYP3A4), and I can't remember if it acts as an inhibitor or inducer of that pathway.

What hypericum IS effective at is being an anti-bacterial and anti-viral, and extracts of SJW have been regarded for a very long time as being effective against various classes of viruses, and have been used as anti-virals forever. Hypericin also inhibits the ability of viruses to fuse with cell membranes. So generally, while it’s virtually useless as an antidepressant (in spite of metabolizing thru the same P450 liver isoenzymes as almost all anti-Ds as well as benzos, go know), it seems to be a pretty effective anti-viral/anti-bacterial.

I hold Solgar, as a company, in high regard, as well as their products, and I think the one you chose is excellent!

Thank you for posting that here, for others who are leery of taking St JOhn's Wort, even in the small amounts in 1 capsule (about 17 mgs), which is what I take as opposed to the 3 caps recommended. SO far that reduced amount (1 cap) has worked incredibly well ....

It probably will, since it raises blood pressure.

It's also an exellent synergist when used in herbal compounds, so you might want to think about taking it at the same time as the Solgar Ester-C Immune+ Complex.

I'm sure you know this, but I'm including the info here for others who may come along later .... LICORICE ROOT has to be aproached with caution and shouldn't be taken on a long-term basis. At the very least, it should be pulsed (stopped for awhile, then aded back in) at about a 2 weeks on, 5 days off schedule. That's just a guess, but you can google around to get a better idea.

Thank you @Mimicry for taking the time to post your choices and reasons here !!! It's a great help ...:):):)

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it since I actually didn't know most of that! I'll need to do some thorough googling on antibacterial and -viral herbs 😅 I've tried an antiviral herb supplement (wih olive leaf extract, lemon balm and monolaurine) for a couple months and it did absolutely nothing, but I'm interested in trying new things because my baseline has declined due to Everything™. It's been a rough couple years 😬

I wonder if antibacterial herbs will damage the gut flora? Or are they able to specifically target harmful bacteria?
Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it since I actually didn't know most of that!
Oh, you're very welcome. You raised a point that I'm sure others were wondering about!!!!

And that's the beauty of this site. If you don't know it, someone here will, and if they don't, you'll come across the answer almost by accident in one of the threads !!!! It really is almost magical, the way you can serendipitously bump into the exact information you need, sometimes even before you know you need it (insert emoji of crystal ball ....) :wide-eyed::wide-eyed: :woot::woot::woot: :thumbsup:

I wonder if antibacterial herbs will damage the gut flora?
Berberine, taken in larger doses than what you'd be gettng in ViraCon and for a longer period of time (I'm watching carefully, and will def cut it off at 10-14 days ..... this isnt a supportive herbal, intended for continual daily use, it's more of an interventive, intnded to help mop things up and reduce symptoms) would definitely interfere with your gut microbiome, and probably St Jonh's Wort as well .... but again, considerably higher levels than what's in ViraCon ....

That would probably be balanced by elderberry, which is gut supportive, and astragalus, which is also gut supportive thru its inulin content, which feeds good gut bacteria and has been shown to increase the presence of two of the best, lactobacillus and bifidobacterium .

It's a really nice, little elegantly balanced herbal, which is what first impressed me.

Well, that and the weight of the COVID symptoms which were really dragging me down with no signs of letting loose ....
Or are they able to specifically target harmful bacteria?
I cant think of anything that can tell the difference between good and bad bacteria, with the exception of pumping your gut with probiotics that specifically target several forms of bad bacteria ...
olive leaf extract,
I use olive leaf extract for specific mild to fairly moderate infections. It was particularly helpful, if slow-acting, on a tooth infection I had early this year or late last year (who can remember o_Oo_Oo_O :xeyes::xeyes: ).....
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@Husband of
Hiya ....
Another member reminded me that you and your wife are dealing with COVID, too, so I'm tagging you in incase this could be helpful. I cant remember if I mentioned it to you in your thread .....:hug::hug:

If you're not sure about the herbs and want something else, see the comment section, where @Mimicry posted an alterative ....
Is the ViraCon still working for you?
I'm dealing with so much extraneous shite right now that it boggles the mind. At least, mine is thoroughly boggled.

But yes, as far as I can tell, the ViraCon is still helping both DB and me move thru the trailing end of the now COVID after effects. It's been a real gift, and I'm grateful that I found it. I'm not sure how we would have coped with both of us struggling unaided, thru COVID. Especially DB.

We'll be stopping it in a few more days as the last COVID crap clears off ... :hug:
We'll be stopping it in a few more days

Do you think since so many of us started this disease with a virus that the ViraCon would help as a longer term antiviral therapy in the same way some here take famvir, valtrex, etc?

Have you tried it that way at all since you stopped using it for Covid?

Also do you think your ME/CFS initially started with a virus?
Do you think since so many of us started this disease with a virus that the ViraCon would help as a longer term antiviral therapy in the same way some here take famvir, valtrex, etc?
I really dont know, but it's an interesting thought @Judee .... I know that it had a trememndously good effect on the respiratory issues and that I shook off the 2nd COVID pretty fast ....
Have you tried it that way at all since you stopped using it for Covid?
No, but you've put the thought in my head.

The only thing is that I'm careful about taking herbs on a continuous basis, except for the very basic ones, like ginger, cinnamon garlic and curcumin ....

I might try pulsing ViraCon for a while and see how that shakes out ....

Very interesting thought !!!!
Also do you think your ME/CFS initially started with a virus?
I cant say for sure, but yes, I believe it did.

I had mono when I was 8 or 9 (it swept thru our school like a plague) and I dont think I ever fully regained my previous levels of energy, normal for a kid. I seemed to tire more quickly and need more sleep from that point on .... and as we know, the EB virus never leaves your system can be dormant for, like EVER, until it's eventually triggered into full bloom by another viral assault ....

Then just shortly before the unignorable signs of ME hit, I had another really vicious virus that I just couldnt shake, and that got worse and worse before finally, after a onth and a half, yielding to repeated and constant doses of echinacea, goldenseal, oregano oil, Vit C, and anything else I could think of hurling at it ....

I think the combo of the two did me in ....

I'm really intrigued by your thoughts on the ViraCon, and if I decide to trial it on a longer term basis, I'll let you now and probably start a blog on it ....:):):) :hug:

Blog entry information

YippeeKi YOW !!
Read time
3 min read
Last update

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