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Castor oil packs

I had intentions of trying castor oil packs for years but it always seemed messy and not as powerful as other things I had on my to try list for supporting my liver and lymphatic system.

But as I realized how powerful transdermal methods of application can be in humans for a multitude of things, I bought some. I thought I would retry but wasn’t sure I’d I was strong enough.

Then, last summer hit where I had a fever for 30 days, visit by ambulance to hospital to and from. Plus, another 911 call. Then, I finally healed from that chest virus and got covid… a week later. Enough said. You get the gist. So, I began using castor oil packs on my chest last summer in a desperate attempt to assist my lungs. And what I found, was not only could I handle them, but I felt slightly energized (given still being severe) and lighter afterwards. Breathing was certainly easier.

So, I survived all of that and then I forgot I had a castor pack oil kit 🤣 as happens with my 5000 treatments and things and I’ve recently gotten back to it. I learned you can do these over your thyroid as well. I just did my first one of those on Saturday and have to say, I was pleasantly surprised.

Do you do castor oil packs? Have you tried them? What are some of your fav techniques?



Great post, and encouraging to hear how this has helped you in the past.

I"ve intended to TRY castor oil, plus that was the advice of Edgar Caycy.

(I now officially am dealing with low grade lymphoma, a "nodule" on my thyroid new report, and all the ETCETERAS)

(I am frustrated by my failure to launch some of these intentions)

@Wayne has posted here in PR on a method he uses which is perhaps a bit less messy. I will go look for that later on.

I bought some DMSO...but have used it sparingly as it itches on more sensitive skin areas. (that was to facilitate the b-caryophyllene topical applications).
Interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Yeah, apparently people are using castor oil to shrink these thyroid nodules etc. thyroid issues are super prevalent whether in beginning or late stage of this illness I’ve found with many friends.

If you do it, update us on it here as you go along. I will try to remember to do so as well. I truly feel so much calmer after these soaks (which is surprising and interesting to me), that I would like to aim to do one a day. But that has not happened yet 😅🤣
Yeah, apparently people are using castor oil to shrink these thyroid nodules etc.

Im back- looked quickly at the article you posted.

This is IT.

I HAVE TO DO THE CASTOR OIL THING. I already knew I need to do this due to Edgar, but now I have the lymphoma diagnosis, what AM I WAITING FOR?

and you showed up TODAY with this message which was directed to ME, having just hung up from My Oncologist. Thank you.

1) shall I just use this castor oil thats good, but in a plastic jar and been sitting here three years probably?

2) the microwave heat up the wrap only lasts about 20-30 minutes....I don't want to use electrical heat on my body (I was advised to avoid that)..I'll need to be able to get up and heat it again....

(and not get goop on my buckwheat wrap, because I use it ALL the time on my neck)

I will target my liver and right rib cage area near the liver..because that seems to be demanding attention.
Im back- looked quickly at the article you posted.

This is IT.

I HAVE TO DO THE CASTOR OIL THING. I already knew I need to do this due to Edgar, but now I have the lymphoma diagnosis, what AM I WAITING FOR?

and you showed up TODAY with this message which was directed to ME, having just hung up from My Oncologist. Thank you.

1) shall I just use this castor oil thats good, but in a plastic jar and been sitting here three years probably?

2) the microwave heat up the wrap only lasts about 20-30 minutes....I don't want to use electrical heat on my body (I was advised to avoid that)..I'll need to be able to get up and heat it again....

(and not get goop on my buckwheat wrap, because I use it ALL the time on my neck)

I will target my liver and right rib cage area near the liver..because that seems to be demanding attention.

Rufous, I’m incredibly sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I didn’t realize. I very much believe in you and believe the human body is capable of incredible things.

It’s so important when we listen within. It’s not how we were raised in society so it’s a muscle I’m always working on. But if a treatment is calling you, LISTEN.

I do not do any heat. Although my severe histamine issues have improved, I’m still not able to do heat although my brain can now go longer in 72 plus degree heat without blacking out … but I’ve a ways to go with heat. I can also drink warm tea and food now without full fledge hives. 🙏

I’ve heard the heat drives it in deeper. So, you do what you feel. Personally, I’m not adding heat. Also, I try to wait when I’m all alone and can just lie fully uncovered for 45 minutes to an hour. It just feels right to me, like I’m absorbing more.
Here is a PR thread from @Wayne discussing his use of castor oil packs.

I think he also posted a short cut method...less messy method and I"m not sure yet where that is located.

Sounds like it would be good to PACE the castor oil assuming detox could occur (do not do every day, or work up)

Yes, true. Pacing is always a good idea for anything. I’m surprised, I’m very very sensitive but did not have detox reactions last summer with daily usage for sometime. I was trying to avoid hospitalization and my ER dr was concerned because I’m mostly severely allergic to every antibiotic that’s been tried on me. Soooo, Haaa, I had to get creative. This seems to be a bit different for me than other healing methods I’ve tried but I always think we should go low and slow with everything when possible.

Im back- looked quickly at the article you posted.

This is IT.

I HAVE TO DO THE CASTOR OIL THING. I already knew I need to do this due to Edgar, but now I have the lymphoma diagnosis, what AM I WAITING FOR?

and you showed up TODAY with this message which was directed to ME, having just hung up from My Oncologist. Thank you.

1) shall I just use this castor oil thats good, but in a plastic jar and been sitting here three years probably?

2) the microwave heat up the wrap only lasts about 20-30 minutes....I don't want to use electrical heat on my body (I was advised to avoid that)..I'll need to be able to get up and heat it again....

(and not get goop on my buckwheat wrap, because I use it ALL the time on my neck)

I will target my liver and right rib cage area near the liver..because that seems to be demanding attention.

Has it been opened?
Most oils go rancid easily.
I would pick up a new one on Amazon etc if you can.

Also, check out turkey tail mushroom for lymphoma.

And here’s for additional support through your journey: 🙏 listen to it as much as you can.
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Interesting... I used to do a Chinese burning stick through a box onto the stomach ( can't remember what it's called..

Anything to assist the liver and lymph is welcome in my book..
I'm on the celery juice daily also going to up my Epsom salt and bicarb baths...

I used to love doing moxa.

Ah, happy you are finding helpful things!
I had a medical medium practioner in 2016/2017 and massively crashed on celery juice, wild blueberries etc. wayyyy too much heavy metal, viral, etc. detox for me and it had no where to go 😫 but I know some people do well with it. It’s why it’s soooo important we each listen within. I should add baking soda to my foot baths when I can access them. Thanks for the reminder! And yes, the liver and lymph is where it’s at, certainly! 😘
I studied Edgar Cayce readings many years ago. I tried the "Wet Cell Battery", I also did the castor oil packs over the liver. It's been so long ago though that I can't remember if I had any results. Good luck!
Reporting: Ive managed to put castor oil on my right side/liver etc...then I cut up a baby onesie and tied it over the oil with ribbons... - put on a really old t shirt and now I'm CURING MYSELF of my various infirmities.....
QUESTION: do you ever use binders to absorb any of this?

I did an hour of castor oil

and I feel rather odd and weird/ but this is the time of day I feel that way also.

Also got my sore throat going pretty intensely, I wonder why?

so I wonder SHOULD I take charcoal? and if so WHEN or HOW?

(I have some, unopened)
QUESTION: do you ever use binders to absorb any of this?

I did an hour of castor oil

and I feel rather odd and weird/ but this is the time of day I feel that way also.

Also got my sore throat going pretty intensely, I wonder why?

Hi rufous, my new practioner in November wanted me doing a micro binder (supposed to be gentle with okra and beetroot) but unfortunately I did not do well with it.

We are each so different, it’s hard to say. Certainly do what you feel best. Or what works best for your body.

Have you done castor oil packs before? Or did you just jump straight into a hour one?

I generally feel lighter and with more ease for a bit, I hope that occurs for you. You can always just do a 10 minute one in future to begin with.


so I wonder SHOULD I take charcoal? and if so WHEN or HOW?

(I have some, unopened)
I did not use alot of Castor oil...did not cover a large area...so I was hoping that would serve to minimize.

I have not formally done the pack before, I am a bit fed up with my poor deployment of potential cures.

My daughter was on my case...I feel lousy already, so why am I saying I'll just do a little bit?
I did not use alot of Castor oil...did not cover a large area...so I was hoping that would serve to minimize.

I have not formally done the pack before, I am a bit fed up with my poor deployment of potential cures.

My daughter was on my case...I feel lousy already, so why am I saying I'll just do a little bit?

Aww, don’t beat yourself up rufous.

I hear you.

I’ve done so many similar things.
We become very eager to feel better sometimes. 🙏

Just try 10 minutes next time and work your way up. Sending love and healing light

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