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multiple chemical sensitivity medically assisted suicide

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Chemicals, smells and sensitivity to it, its so important, and so disregarded.

Suddenly, I was thinking about our pets. Imagine the millions of animals who "smell better than humans do"..and what humans subject those animals to.

Its a remarkable form of crime, and of torture. Then add what we do to ourselves.

If I cannot get away from triggers, the level of ME illness is just so much more intensely bad.

You can't go to events- my daughter's outdoor music recital? Really people?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Story- I flew five hours to visit my daughter on an extended trip.

I crashed very badly, and entered the room where I would be staying.

The laundry perfume permeated everything and I started choking and shutting down.

Im in a country which believes soap must contain perfume. a type of panic attack ensued, as I was remembering my daughter telling me she can't find ...soap.

I'm a guest, and I cannot ask for "special soap" or special sheets or even bring it up to the "family" who do not understand whats wrong with me. They just see me but don't understand.

All I can say is fortunately, after about four days I stopped reacting, as PEM was less intense and then I was Ok-ish. About the sheets.


Senior Member
Sad state of affairs, yet one that is also sadly understandable. I don't even talk to friends about MCS because it makes one sound crazy. I mention my allergies, but that's about it.

Suddenly, I was thinking about our pets. Imagine the millions of animals who "smell better than humans do"..and what humans subject those animals to.

Unfortunately most animals are also triggers for me, so...

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Unfortunately most animals are also triggers for me, so...

I don' t have any animals, now...wish I could have a dog, I can sort of tolerate basic dog.(shorter hair, keep clean)

My dog tore a hole in his skin, barbed wire. Sent husband to get some liquid bentadine, he came back from the Feed Store with this Horse Stuff they sold him. You'd put this stuff on your horse.

I opened the container, I was lying on the bed. Its the smell of that blue stuff, in the outhouses? That stuff.

And I shut down in five seconds an the poor dog. I was actually screaming and freaking out.

Made my husband return it. Dog, headed to vet....Ok later.


Senior Member
Very sad, because MCS can be treated with either neutralization drops from an environmental medicine specialist or things that slow phase 1 detox and speed up phase 2 detox (vit. C and/or niacinamide). Checking for toxic metals like mercury and arsenic and chelating those out should get to the root cause.

This reminds me of the guy who reported the cause of his ME was the neighbor's dogs barking incessantly so that he couldn't sleep, and it went downhill from there. A simple electronic device would have solved the problem.
Very sad, because MCS can be treated with either neutralization drops from an environmental medicine specialist or things that slow phase 1 detox and speed up phase 2 detox (vit. C and/or niacinamide). Checking for toxic metals like mercury and arsenic and chelating those out should get to the root cause.

This reminds me of the guy who reported the cause of his ME was the neighbor's dogs barking incessantly so that he couldn't sleep, and it went downhill from there. A simple electronic device would have solved the problem.

I know this is an old post, but if your still around here can you elaborate further on things that slow down phase 1 and speed up phase 2? I have a slow CYP gene and a fast one. Then for phase two it shows 2 slow COMT genes.

Neutralization drops don't work for most people, and many have it due to genetics.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
just use iodine next time

Took environmental doctor prescribed iodine daily for probably 9 years and still had reactions all the time.

Also iodine makes me feel revved up and PEM crashes me more.

Very sad, because MCS can be treated with either neutralization drops from an environmental medicine specialist
Neutralization drops don't work for most people, and many have it due to genetics.

Yeah, they did not work for me nor my Mom.

can you elaborate further on things that slow down phase 1 and speed up phase 2? I have a slow CYP gene and a fast one. Then for phase two it shows 2 slow COMT genes.

There is more info on this site: https://livingnetwork.co.za/chelationnetwork/food/liver-detox-pathways/

"In order to help with the symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) these individuals need to:
  • Avoid chemicals that speed up phase 1 (see Dr Andy Cutler’s book Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment pg. 40-43 for a complete list of phase 1 and 2 inducers and inhibitors)
  • Slow down phase 1, with phase 1 inhibitors, such as niacinamide (500-1000mg/day).
  • Speed up & support phase 2 (e.g. with substances like magnesium sulfate or methyl support)
But, two specific substances have the added benefit of helping to modulate both liver phases at the same time i.e. they slow down phase 1 and speed up phase 2 simultaneously, making them most helpful for MCS:
  • Grapefruit juice (250ml 3-4 times per day)
  • Oregano oil, (dosages vary).
Combining the above with the phase 1 inhibitor, niacinamide, is often where most people need to start."

(...more continued on that site. The late Andy Cutler's explanation there of what is happening is very good.)

Also some of the font on that site is light but it's a lot better than it used to be. They finally must have worked on that as the whole page used to be so difficult to read. Hope you can read the light font areas.)

Edit: Maybe this wouldn't work for anyone else but when I worked in a perfumy office on days where I took a small amount of Fexofenadine (Allegra) I did notice it was more bearable. It's just that Fexofenadine also makes me feel wired. :(
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Took environmental doctor prescribed iodine daily for probably 9 years and still had reactions all the time.

Also iodine makes me feel revved up and PEM crashes me more.

Yeah, they did not work for me nor my Mom.

There is more info on this site: https://livingnetwork.co.za/chelationnetwork/food/liver-detox-pathways/

"In order to help with the symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) these individuals need to:
  • Avoid chemicals that speed up phase 1 (see Dr Andy Cutler’s book Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment pg. 40-43 for a complete list of phase 1 and 2 inducers and inhibitors)
  • Slow down phase 1, with phase 1 inhibitors, such as niacinamide (500-1000mg/day).
  • Speed up & support phase 2 (e.g. with substances like magnesium sulfate or methyl support)
But, two specific substances have the added benefit of helping to modulate both liver phases at the same time i.e. they slow down phase 1 and speed up phase 2 simultaneously, making them most helpful for MCS:
  • Grapefruit juice (250ml 3-4 times per day)
  • Oregano oil, (dosages vary).
Combining the above with the phase 1 inhibitor, niacinamide, is often where most people need to start."

(...more continued on that site. The late Andy Cutler's explanation there of what is happening is very good.)

Also some of the font on that site is light but it's a lot better than it used to be. They finally must have worked on that as the whole page used to be so difficult to read. Hope you can read the light font areas.)

Edit: Maybe this wouldn't work for anyone else but when I worked in a perfumy office on days where I took a small amount of Fexofenadine (Allegra) I did notice it was more bearable. It's just that Fexofenadine also makes me feel wired. :(
Thank you for that! My issue is a have both slow phase 1 and slow phase 2. Any ideas on how to fix that? I'll check out the site, thanks


Senior Member
Thank you for that! My issue is a have both slow phase 1 and slow phase 2. Any ideas on how to fix that? I'll check out the site, thanks
Hi, if your phase 1 is already slow, you're halfway there. Just concentrate on speeding up phase 2. I don't think it would hurt to take something like vit. C, which does both.

I also can recommend doing the Cutler protocol and trying out his suggestions for MCS.
My MCS is greatly improved. From "couldn't go out of the house without reacting to everything" to "I forget I have the issue" except in extreme cases.