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MP shares article on the importance of listening to patients


Dr Paul Williams MP, a GP and member of the health select committee, shared my article ‘The Power of Listening’ on Twitter and Facebook. There has been a huge response.

The article can be seen here www.alifehidden.com/junior-doctor-training

“The primary issue in my mistreatment has been a catastrophic failure on the part of professionals to listen. On so many occasions, my voice has been ignored by professionals convinced that anything I had to say was irrelevant, because they knew better. My opinions and views were invalid, for no reason other than that I was the one expressing them. As the patient, I couldn’t possibly know anything about myself or my health.”


Moderator Resource
Southern California
It's a powerful article, really worth reading. This line struck me quite forcefully:

My illness has been devastating, but what has come closest to destroying my spirit has been the way I have often been treated by the medical profession.

I did have a doctor once who believed I was ill. He was able to help in basic ways, getting me on a good nutritional basis, though not much else, but he always treated me with respect, listened to me, was willing for me to try new things I discovered. Unfortunately he died a few years ago and it has taken me awhile to realize how rare someone like that is. I never dreaded going to see him, unlike many if not most other doctors.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
Your article is so powerful and so true!
I have noticed in the past few months some Drs being more compassionate about my illness. Maybe these younger Drs are finally not just thinking we are crazy! Maybe the use of Nurse Practitioners becoming mainstream is really good. They are spending more time listening to me.
Your article is so powerful and so true!
I have noticed in the past few months some Drs being more compassionate about my illness. Maybe these younger Drs are finally not just thinking we are crazy! Maybe the use of Nurse Practitioners becoming mainstream is really good. They are spending more time listening to me.
That sounds hopeful.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
“The primary issue in my mistreatment has been a catastrophic failure on the part of professionals to listen. On so many occasions, my voice has been ignored by professionals convinced that anything I had to say was irrelevant, because they knew better. My opinions and views were invalid, for no reason other than that I was the one expressing them. As the patient, I couldn’t possibly know anything about myself or my health.”

So true. I get this to this day with my states disability service.