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Insights on Our Spiritual Mission (Life) and How Trees Can Help Us


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Update Note: See post #2 on the potential role of trees in our lives...
I’ve been reading a series of books (non-denominational) the past few months that I’ve been enjoying immensely. It’s written by a “spiritual seeker” who’s learned the ability to travel inwardly to many different worlds, including many on other planes of existence. He’s had the good fortune to take “classes” from a number of spiritual mentors on these different planes, whose mission is to impart a number of things they want him to convey to the world at this time.

I find almost every 4-5 page chapter–which is normally equivalent to one class experience–to be most interesting, and often extraordinary. Sometimes I’ll find little “jewels” amongst the chapter that really stand out for me. The following one did, as I’ve often wondered about each individual’s spiritual mission. Thought I'd post this in case it might shed some light for others who've thought about this topic as well.

“Many beings of the Light living on the physical plane erroneously believe that they are failing or falling behind as they complete their lives, but this is not true. Every decision you make alters your life. And your overall mission is automatically adjusted accordingly.

Missions are never as fixed as many people believe. They are flexible and bend with the Light of God as it guides them in the proper direction. This is the beauty of the worlds of our Grand Creator. Nothing is ever fixed, nor will it ever be.”​

To mention briefly, the author, Alain Loriquer has published seven books so far. I've read all of them and am enjoying reading them all again. The three that I liked the best (I like them all) are the latest ones, which give a number of prophecies for planet Earth. They can be purchased on Amazon for $10 each, and there's no shipping charge if you buy three since it's over $25. So, these are my favorites...

The Head and Feet of God
Feb 10, 2014

Far Beyond the Grand Canyon
Apr 17, 2015

Removing the Veils of Illusions
Dec 21, 2015
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Thought I'd share another "jewel" from one of Alain Loriquer's books, this one entitled, "The Third Branch of The Tree of LIfe". In all his books, Alain refers to himself as "the Caraka" which is akin to a spiritual student. The story below is a conversation between the Caraka and the Master of the Tree of Life. It includes a "technique" all of us have at our disposal if we choose to use it--which I intend to do to help me cope with ME/CFS.

A friend of mine mentioned to me many years ago a book he had read in which the author communicated with some giant old growth trees. As I recall, the trees told him them they have a great ability to be a conduit for a tremendous amount of energy (Spirit? Love?), and that this provides the earth with a great deal of stability. I thought the following exchange between spiritual student and mentor connects in nicely with that long-ago conversation. It begins with the Master of the Tree of Life speaking to the Caraka...
The Light and Sound that the trees of your solar system receive was augmented recently. Very few humans know this. It means that they are managing larger amounts of God's love and are capable of helping humanity, if you Earthlings would only take the time to get to know them."

While considering this interesting information, the Caraka recalled a recent experience he had had with a giant tree. Certain his new mentor would enjoy his story he began, "A few months ago I was being bombarded by a lot of negative energy. This created a lot of personal stress and I realized I needed to find a more effective way to relax. With this in mind, I began taking short walks in the forest behind my home.

One day, when I was in really bad shape, I walked up to the largest tree in the forest and pleaded, "Can you please help me? You're much bigger than me and I have a feeling you can absorb the negative energy that surrounds me. If this is true, would you consider helping me out?"

The tree was very surprised with my request, but it immediately consented, "Of course I'll help you. Just wrap your arms around my trunk and let me do the rest." That's what I did. I wrapped my arms around this giant tree and somehow its special love pulled all of the negative energy off of me."

Pleased to hear of the Caraka's experience, the Master continued. "I'm delighted that you were wise enough to ask that being for its help. I wish more humans would do the same. Perhaps they will in the future.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
...how about the millions of others’ spiritual insights who subscribe to Freedom From Religion Foundation’s tenets, found at ffrf.org?
Just to clarify, this thread is in the Spirituality and ME/CFS sub-forum which was introduced this way:
Topics related to spirituality and coping with ME/CFS. Threads about how spirituality helps you, relevant experiences, useful resources, prayer lists, sincere questions, etc. Please respect other posters and do not tear down their views.
It is true that proselytizing for a certain belief or group is not appropriate here but many members do find support from spirituality and this forum is for them. For those for whom the whole topic of spirituality is "not their cup of tea," I'd suggest putting this sub-forum on ignore and then it won't even be visible.

As far as forum rules, here is the synopsis re: religion and spirituality:
Supportive threads in the Spirituality and ME/CFS Forum are welcome as long as they are not used to promote your own religious views, to offer explicit spiritual advice, or to critique other members' beliefs.
If anyone wishes to discuss this further, please do so privately in a conversation with moderators.