• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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IACFS/ME Meeting - March 2014 - Register by JAN 31 for lowest registration fee!


Senior Member
March IACFS/ME Meeting - Register before JANUARY 31, 2014 for the best price!

[Please share with and forward to your friends, acquaintances, healthcare providers, etc. Note that healthcare providers includes not only physicians but other healthcare workers also (nurses, psychologists, physical/ occupational therapists, pharmacists, etc.). Don't forget alternative/ complementary medicine providers. There are also registration discounts for trainees (students at all levels or early career professionals).]

WHERE: Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA

WHEN: March 20-23, 2014

WHY: Highlights of this meeting include:

- Special guest speakers Dr. Ian Lipkin, Dr. Abraham Verghese, and Dr. Noel Rose

- March 20 Patient Conference with talks by an all-star cast of physicians and researchers specializing
in ME/CFS. Patient Agenda: http://tinyurl.com/lw8wdtt

- March 21-23 - 3 days of cutting-edge ME/CFS research presented by scientists/ physicians from all
across the US and world. Professional Agenda: http://tinyurl.com/md49fps
Continuing medical education credits are offered for physicians, nurses, and pharmacists.

- March 22 Evening banquet with gluten-free/ dairy-free/ vegetarian/ vegan choices

- "Quiet Room" with recliners/ chairs to rest - open all 4 days of Conference to all

- Conference attendees will be asked to be "fragrance free" as possible

-- Parc 55 Hotel public areas and rooms have features to accommodate those with disabilities:

-- Visit the lovely city of San Francisco in Spring - famous for for its spectacular natural setting, food,
cultural diversity, entertainment! http://www.sanfrancisco.travel/

HOW: Professionals may choose to attend all 4 days (March 20 Workshops included) or for only 3 days (March 21-23 research presentations). Discounts are available for students, trainees, and early career professionals. For professional registration, click here: http://tinyurl.com/m4jwsml

Patients and their supporters may choose to attend the Patient Conference (1 day) only OR all 4 days of the Conference. Evening banquet tickets are sold separately. For patient/ supporter registration, click on this link: http://tinyurl.com/k8htj6h
Patients are responsible for their own hotel and transportation expenses. For some individuals, medical conference registration fees and transportation to the meeting may be tax-deductible. Please check with your tax advisor.

SUPPORT THE CONFERENCE! : Want to support this conference and the other services IACFS/ME provides? Consider donating to, advertising at, or sponsoring the conference! Contributions are tax-deductible. See here for more details: http://tinyurl.com/mq3bbud


Senior Member
Thanks, Hope, for posting this. I just registered!

If you can't go, consider giving a donation to the IACFS/ME organization. Putting on a conference is expensive!!!



Senior Member
I am bumping this up so people note that the deadline for the lowest registration fee is January 31.

You can register any day up to and even the day of the conference but the registration fee will increase.

To register, visit this link:


On the patient agenda, a session about medications with Drs. Jose Montoya, Charles Lapp, and Nancy Klimas has been added and also a session about severely affected ME/CFS patients to be addressed by Dr. Charles Lapp.


Everyone is also invited to stay after the Patient meeting for the remaining 3 days, which focus on research presentations, for an additional fee. The latest revision of the Primer will be presented on the last day of the meeting:



Senior Member
Does anyone know if you can attend the conference without needing a hotel room? If you are local?


Senior Member
Does anyone know if you can attend the conference without needing a hotel room? If you are local?

Hotel rooms (and transportation/ food/ incidental, etc.) expenses are not included in conference registration fees although if you book a room at the hotel, you can get it at a lower rate by mentioning you will be attending the conference.

If you are local, whether you want a hotel room or not is up to you. As mentioned in the original post, there is "Quiet Room" for patients to rest during conference hours but it will not be open overnight for people to stay. It is meant to be used intermittently during the meeting.


Senior Member
I do believe there will be people from our patient community attending both the one day portion of the conference designed for patients and the full four days of the conference set up for medical professionals, but open to any patient who would like to attend this more detailed presentation.

No matter if you can attend 1 day, 2 days, 3 days or all 4 days of the conference or cannot travel to participate at this venue at all, I am sure that our community of patients will do a great job making sure that everyone gets to hear about what was presented at this conference, as well as the symposium at Stanford on March 19th. Fortunately, we have a lot of patients online who live in the S.F. Bay Area and will be able to attend these meetings in person to share there thoughts during and shortly after each day of these events happen.

Here is a blast from the past. See, http://mecfs-mystory.blogspot.com/2010/11/i-remember-me-documentary-about-mecfs.html. View the video referenced as Part 3 of 9 at minute at marker 8:10 to the end and then Part 4 of 9 from the beginning to minute marker 4:20 for a glimpse of S.F. and ME/CFS in the 1990's. Anyone here on the Forums, who could provide any more historical information about this conference?

Perhaps we could just package up this wonderful documentary* produced by Kim Snyder :)angel:) and have this little gem delivered to the IoM Committee on Jan. 27th. This would save so many patients from risking their health to jump through hoops over and over again to try to get the government to stop playing games and open their collective ears and eyes and actually hear the truth about this illness.

(Wally is just a bit tired and cranky right now - but I will continue to stay the course and not be defeated by the insanity we are continually being subjected to by bureaucrats that refuse to be accountable to the citizens of this country for an illness that is not going to stay hidden beneath a rug that they keep directing us to spend our days lying under.) :bang-head: :ill::mad::ninja:

If you have not seen the "I Remember ME" documentary* or you have not watched it in awhile, I would like to recommend viewing it to help get some perspective in where we have been and how important it is to rise up from underneath the rug and get "mad" and know that it is o.k. to say "I'm not going to take it anymore".

After, you get mad and your blood gets pumping again and you can breath some fresh air (it is difficult to breath when lying under a rug), keep your eye on this thread (http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...gton-d-c-for-the-week-of-jan-26th-2014.27459/). In the next few days, when the time is just right, I will ask if you would like to join me in a virtual demonstration to help design a beautiful new rug where we can sit in comfy chairs and watch the future of medicine take shape and give us hope that answers, treatments and maybe even some day a cure for this illness can be found.

(I do believe that there are angels out there who can help us fly, but first we must pick ourselves up off the floor, dust ourselves off and take the first steps to help ourselves.

Get up, get up canaries! Let's show the world how high we can fly!:angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:)

"Wake Up Everybody"

"We Are The World"

*See the documentary "I Remember ME" in the following posts.


Senior Member
"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 1 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 2 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 3 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 4 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 5 of 9


Senior Member
"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 6 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 7 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 8 of 9

"I Remember ME" Documentary - Part 9 of 9