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I get a different PEM


Senior Member
I think AI can already outperform the majority of human doctors, but human doctors will never admit that. It's going to be a gatekeeping battle - always comparing a hypothetical perfect human doctor against last generation's improperly used AI.

GPT4 or Symptoma are already better than 100% of the doctors I've seen in my lifetime (and I've had the privilege of seeing top doctors on both coasts of the USA).
yes ai does a much better job than most doctors, because , lets be honest, most doctors are narcistic morons who believe that they can diagnose people in 1 minute by just looking at them.

in reality, medicine has a scientific and rule based approach, for many diseases are guidelines how they can be diagnosed. so there is discrepancy between theory and practice.
the AI will follow the guidelines very precisely and will not have any prejudice making the AI automatically the better doctor.
so this will be a step forward for sure.

BUT the AI doesnt make the guidelines. if the big kahunas in the medical community come up with stupid guide lines the AI will follow the stupid guidelines.

and thats the 1 big problem with AI, its just a tool. AI does not think and will say things which are completely irrational and stupid because the source is irrational and stupid.

my dream for AI would be a self thinking AI which understands biochemical processes and can approach disease on a low level body physiology. this means, the AI will make the guidelines, the AI will come up with explanations of disease ... and come up with solutions how to treat them.
this would be a truth seeking ai, so far chatgpt and co are not truth seeking, they are information gathering and give response according to that.
the only company who wants to develop a truth seeking AI is the new AI company of elon musk. but until this will be any practical is probably 10+ years.


Senior Member
just stumbled upon this video, its about nutrition value of red meat.

it mentions that it is rich in carnosine, which aids in neutralizing acids in muscles (i suppose this goes for lactic acid as well?) and also helps with advanced glycation endproducts (AGE).

probably no need to eat a whole red meat if you dont like that, but carnosine might do the trick.
also do not confuse carnosine with carnitine. two different amino acids. though carnitin also supports energy metabolism and aids in recovery.


Senior Member
Purple hands sounds like that case that Cort just wrote about where he did the HELP Apheresis. I get the worst PEM usually from consuming pornographic materials, takes a few hours to hit usually and the effect is hard to describe, a bit like nausea and 'insomnia of the body', next day I feel groggy and slow and orthostatically intolerant. Its a good marker of my overall health level though. Normal physical activity doesn't usually cause much negative sensation besides disorientation / dizzy, out of breath etc, I just run out of energy fast and feel dead tired after hours of it, or I might feel sort of cold and empty, or I feel sort of 'burned out', which can last for a week or 2 after the exercise, this would happen if I tried to cycle a few miles.