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Colon issues and Fiber


Senior Member
After experimenting with various foods and supplements and also a restrictive diet, it seems I have a weak or "inflammed" colon function. I think I got this from my paternal side - my Grandmother passed away at 72 from colon cancer. She was a strict vegetarian. I seem to not do well on anything high Fiber, Dairy and fructose/FOS. All foods that break down into short chain fatty acids also cause a lot of gut discomfort.

Has anyone been able to heal their colon permanently or is it a case where one needs to maintain a strict diet regime for life?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I highly recommend a gastroenterologist, if you have a family history of cancer they may recommend regular scopes or colonoscopies so if cancer develops it can be caught early and treated before it becomes life threatening.

Also that said you may be lactose intolerant, there are two forms of fiber and one or the other or both may be the issue and you might do better on a fiber supplement rather than high vegetables or maybe not. Also you could have IBS which a gastro could diagnose and treat.

Finally sometimes you have to start very slow with the fiber to get used to it, even for people without ME if they take too much fiber after not eating much for years they can have huge issues and are recommended to start very slow when necessary.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Has anyone been able to heal their colon permanently or is it a case where one needs to maintain a strict diet regime for life?
If you maintain a zero fiber, zero carbohydrate, plant free, animal based diet; over the period of a few years, your colon will heal itself.

Myths about fibre - how fibre causes constipation and bloating.
Dr Paul Mason explores the scientific evidence around dietary fibre, and finds it severely lacking. This lecture also covers FODMAPs and the microbiome, and discusses which foods cause most stomach issues on low carbohydrate diets.

The CARNIVORE DIET | What is it? | Why? | Mini Documentary...
Have you heard about the Carnivore diet? Here's a full summary of what it is, and why so many people are adopting it. This mini documentary takes you through any queries and concerns you may have with the lifestyle. Featuring some of the top Carnivore experts, along with Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila Peterson. Enjoy!



Senior Member
If you maintain a zero fiber, zero carbohydrate, plant free, animal based diet; over the period of a few years, your colon will heal itself.
How do you know? Do you know their body ("your colon will")? There are people who cannot digest fats or proteins. They must eat primarily carbs. Here is just one:
Newborns should not fast more than 4 hours (including at night) for the first 6 months of age. This can be increased gradually to 8 hours over the next 6 months of age, then 8-12 hours after age 3. Additional preventive measures include maintaining a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, with frequent feeding (i.e., to keep periods of fasting to a minimum). Additional recommendations include the use of low-fat nutritional supplements and medium-chain triglycerides (e.g., MCT oil).

This idea that what worked for me will work for all, and I'm going on a speaking tour about it smells like it's more about them than those they say they want to help.
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
There are people who cannot digest fats or proteins.
But animal fats and proteins contain all our essential nutrients. Do you know what essential means?

How do you know? Do you know their body ("your colon will")?
Do you understand evolution? We are all the same species. Our biology is the same.
Our digestive system is carnivore. Do some research and compare human digestive system with other animals.

Why not try carnivory?
It seems to reverse all western diseases, which implies that they're not true diseases, but different outcomes of nutritional deficiencies. Of course big pharma with their trained GP's would rather you continue to take their medicines for the rest of your life. Try carnivory for a month. A month is not that long, but before you start, ease into it over 2 months to give your biology (eg. gallbladder) and microbiome time to adjust. Even a vegan diet will not cause you harm in that time period.

Then you will know if all this dietary advice we're lead to believe is actually true, or whether you feel so much better than you ever imagined and not attack people anymore. So get an experience before you argue about it.

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Senior Member
Going back to when I felt well in my youth I'd always had a tendency for constipation. I saw so many practitioners over the years for my ME/CFS who seemed to think that if only I had more regular bowel movements my health would be transformed. If only it were that simple. Prune juice cures that one for me. But I feel no better sadly.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
IMHO fiber only works as an irritant - something your body wants to get rid of. If you consume fiber too often, your body learns to except it as the new normal and it becomes less effective.

Listen to this pod cast of a guy who had to have surgery to remove his colon and what he's learnt from that; and learnt from seeing which foods end up in his colostomy bag still recognizable.