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Chronic stuffed up nose, Nonallergic rhinitis?

It’s major spring allergy season where I live , and I believe it triggered my allergy symptoms, which involve a stuffed up nose, sneezing, and mucus in my throat. But now I’m in Hawaii on vacation and I didn’t even bring my antihistamines (which don’t seem to really work anyway) , because I figured I wouldn’t need them in a new tropical climate. Yet my symptoms strangely followed me. I suppose it’s possible I’m sick, but I don’t think so. I don’t have other symptoms of a virus like a fever. And this started with legit allergies. I suspect what I might have is non allergic rhinitis triggered by actual allergens. Like so many of us with CFSME, my body gets triggered and doesn’t know when to turn the immune system off. Just my theory after some layman googling. Anyone have anecdotal experience here ? And any suggestions ?
I've had a chronic stuffed up nose for around 7-8 years. It got better when I moved to another country (maybe started due to pollution or mould in previous country) but it is still not completely back to normal. Would love suggestions too!


Senior Member
Good Morning. I'm presently in my 3rd week of suffering from the extreme symptoms of allergies. You're correct (in my belief) that a stuffed up nose does not always respond to antihistamines.

What may not stop it, but helps in a simple OTC med called Guafenesin (also Mucinex came out, but is far more expensive). Guagenesin is found in many cough mixtures also.

This drug was one of the earliest uses for CFS at a time when nothing helped anything at all. I was on it (by prescription) for years and what it does is this: It thins the secretions in the nose and throat so they go easily down the back of the throat. Since I take a generic brand, I have to admit that it isn't as good as the prescription one....just doesn't last as long.

Take one/half of a tablet and see how it affects you. It's not going to stop sneezing and other allergy symptoms but certainly makes us feel better. Also, a vaporizer at night can help. I take on as needed basis only, although allergies are now rampant year round for me.

Unfortunately it was proven to not help with the symptoms of what is now known as ME, but I still find it worthwhile for the sinus/stuffy nose problems. It helps stop an infection from developing.

It doesn't make me sleepy, more energetic....simply the purpose for which it was designed. I hope this will help you. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
It’s major spring allergy season where I live , and I believe it triggered my allergy symptoms, which involve a stuffed up nose, sneezing, and mucus in my throat. But now I’m in Hawaii on vacation and I didn’t even bring my antihistamines (which don’t seem to really work anyway) , because I figured I wouldn’t need them in a new tropical climate. Yet my symptoms strangely followed me. I suppose it’s possible I’m sick, but I don’t think so. I don’t have other symptoms of a virus like a fever. And this started with legit allergies. I suspect what I might have is non allergic rhinitis triggered by actual allergens. Like so many of us with CFSME, my body gets triggered and doesn’t know when to turn the immune system off. Just my theory after some layman googling. Anyone have anecdotal experience here ? And any suggestions ?

i do have weird problems with my stuffy nose and i suspect its fabric. could also be dust/bed mites. but i believe i have a direct problem with clothes. especially when they attract moisture.
i have moved out all clothes which arent necessary out of my room. also my bed stuff is special plastic anti allergic. replaced furniture to be fake leather and plastic instead of cloth.
idk what this is but it seams when cloth get moisture it somehow makes my nose stuffy. also there is a special smell in that room.


Senior Member
A friend of mine had had nonallergic rhinitis for 2 decades. Then he moved (from Eastern Europe) to China. Month by month, the rhinitis disappeared. He spent 1.5 years in China and move back. He has been to Eastern Europe for more than a year and still has no rhinitis.
an update: so it turns out I developed severe sinusitis of the sphenoid. It showed up on a CT scan. I had to go on antibiotics and steroids to clear it up. After that my severe congestion got a lot better.


Senior Member
Good for you, @PatientlyWaiting.....a cure, for at least awhile. I hope you found out what to take should this reoccur and would be willing to share it with us.

I've been dealing with allergies for 56 years now....my husband first, and then mine later. Rod's were the worst I've ever seen and the only help he had was Coricidin (about the only thing on the market at the time).

He never developed sinus problems, but I certainly did. Not much fun, are they? The first few times you really wonder what had hit you...then it's like the same old story. Now I have allergies almost year-round and he's doing much better (which isn't saying a whole lot). But then I swear that everyone who moves to Dallas develops allergies. There are a lot of specialists here...a big tip-off.

Yes, dust mites and the like don't help. Frequent washing of bedclothes is good and well, you can't control the ever-changing weather.

Insofar as moving, one doctor told me that allergies will subside for 2 years after a move and then be just as bad as ever, if not worse. So I hope your friend keeps his backpack handy @Andyr. It is odd that we seldom heard about allergies when growing up....and now they're everywhere. I found they began (with me) along with those horrible scented candles.

Pharmacists (not the people behind the counter) are a wealth of information and will usually point you to the correct OTC drug. It can be a long, drawn out affair if not caught early enough. Sinus leads to bronchitis and it lasts forever (it seems) and if conditions are right, will go into pneumonia. Let me know if you find something....I'm tired of not breathing.

Also I wanted to add that allergies can be the start of anxiety, & co. in some people. Not breathing can be the start of many problems....as always, it's finding the right doctor. In N.M. that wonderful smelling pinon wood used to really cause problems. I guess man really shouldn't go too far from where he was born. It's safest. Yours, Lenora