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CDC finally admits: Enterovirus D68 causes paralysis


Senior Member
U.S., Earth


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Here we go again?

Every 2 years we get another outbreak of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) due to Enterovirus D68 or due to Enterovirus A71. (The CDC still refuses to call it Acute Flaccid Paralysis, and is trying to promote their own term "Acute Flaccid Myelitis AFM".)


Article said:
Symptoms of AFM include sudden arm or leg weakness, difficulty walking, limb pain, back pain or neck pain.
Most children with AFM will have a fever or respiratory illness about six days before weakness occurs. For this reason, AFM has been associated with viruses, and specifically one called Enterovirus D68.
unfortunately, many kids will have permanent disability.

"Early and aggressive physical therapy and occupational therapy can help strengthen the functioning they will retain and go about their lives with the best functioning possible," said Dr. Thomas Clark, a pediatrician and CDC deputy director of the division of viral diseases.

When will they learn that physical exertion worsens the prognosis of enteroviral infections!?

Even local health departments in the 1950's posted prominent signs in children's playgrounds warning parents to confine their children to bed at the first sign of poliovirus, the best-studied enterovirus. It was well appreciated at the time that physical activity worsened the child's prognosis. This may be because physical activity stimulates motor neurons, enhancing the spread of the enterovirus from the muscle to the spinal cord.

For some historical background, see this thread:
The return of Polio to the USA? Is paralysis being mis-diagnosed as FND?

For the relation to ME/CFS researchers, see this thread:
Enterovirus Infection Linked to Acute Flaccid Myelitis
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Senior Member
Another smoking gun re: EV D68 (a respiratory EV) and AFM, in my opinion, would be it's near complete disappearance in 2020 when it should have hit but didn't, thanks to copious mask use and social distancing.



Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Another smoking gun re: EV D68 (a respiratory EV) and AFM, in my opinion, would be it's near complete disappearance in 2020 when it should have hit but didn't, thanks to copious mask use and social distancing.

View attachment 43339

It will be interesting to see if EV-D68's every-2-year cycle resets, resulting in an unexpected peak in 2021, or if it continues on its current every-2-year cycle, returning in 2022.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Every 2 years we get another outbreak of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) due to Enterovirus D68 or due to Enterovirus A71.
Another smoking gun re: EV D68 (a respiratory EV) and AFM, in my opinion, would be it's near complete disappearance in 2020 when it should have hit but didn't, thanks to copious mask use and social distancing.

Yup, it looks like the last outbreak of Enterovirus D68 was in 2018, missing the every 2-year cycle of outbreaks in 2020, and without any off-year outbreak in 2021.

Let's see if the next full outbreak comes in summer 2022, and then we'll know if it's any bigger than previous outbreaks... :nervous:


Senior Member
U.S., Earth


Senior Member
U.S., Earth

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
(The CDC still refuses to call it Acute Flaccid Paralysis, and is trying to promote their own term "Acute Flaccid Myelitis AFM".)
Which means absolutely nothing to most people, exactly as they intend. They do love their oblique and obfuscating lengthy tongue twisting nomenclatures, the shifty little weasels.

Apologies to weasels, who deserve better.
When will they learn that physical exertion worsens the prognosis of enteroviral infections!?
Uh, checking my Cosmic Calendar here, I see an entry for that very thing under The Twelfth of Never which, conveniently, has its own built-in theme song.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Yikes. Isn't it sad that it comes to the point where we say that finally the CDC admits something?
Well, admitted in a sort of oblique way, but yes, you're right. It is sad .... for the CDC to admit to anything, even in their own specially created, coded way, is a small step forward, and one that, like you, I resent feeling more or less forced to applaud simply because it's there. Like the dancing bear.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Well, the 2022 Enterovirus D68 season is in full swing, and the CDC is not even trying to hide the fact this time around!

Increase in Acute Respiratory Illnesses Among Children and Adolescents Associated with Rhinoviruses and Enteroviruses, Including Enterovirus D68 — United States, July–September 2022

What is already known about this topic?

Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) caused biennial outbreaks of severe respiratory illness and acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) in the United States in 2014, 2016, and 2018.

What is added by this report?

After an extended period of low EV-D68 circulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, surveillance data suggest increased detection of rhinovirus/enterovirus and EV-D68, concurrent with increased emergency department visits by children and adolescents with acute respiratory illness and asthma/reactive airway disease during summer 2022.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Clinicians should consider EV-D68 as a possible cause of acute respiratory illness and AFM in children and adolescents this fall and be aware of guidance for prompt testing and referral for patients with suspected AFM.