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Any guidance on how to make a video?

If someone decided to make a video for awareness or information, and didn't know anything about making videos, what advice would you give?
I am in this case talking about a super short video.

How does anyone do that if they've not made videos before?

I'm assuming an 80's camcorder doesn't count, as VHS tape is fairly useless nowadays.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Seriously, I'd go to You tube. I seem to live in You Tube. All sources of knowledge can first be glimpsed via some you tube video.

Maybe there is some great book on: how to do what you'd like to do.
What technology are you working with @Foxglove ? Do you have a smartphone (or have acces to someone else's), and if so, is it an Android or an iPhone (or something else)? Do you have a computer or laptop with a built-in camera (usually just above the screen), or are there any at your local library you could use (if you're able to get there)? If so, is it a Mac/Apple, or a PC using Windows? Based on what tech you'll be using to shoot the video, I can help you find step-by-step instructions.

If you don't have access to any of the above (and maybe even if you do!)... the easiest thing would probably be to ask someone in your life who has a smartphone (especially a younger person) to help you out by taking a short video of you and emailing it to you. :) You could try asking a family member, neighbor, personal care assistant if you're lucky enough to have one, librarian, etc. If you're bedbound or housebound and the only people you can think of are far away, a last resort could be to ask them to make a video on your behalf, in which they can, say, hold up a picture of you ans say you don't have access to the right technology but still want to be seen and heard. :)
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I do ME/CFS videos, I use my cell to record. Edit
On the cel with IMovie. Is very easy. There are tones how to in YouTube. The hardest was to set up the channel but the YouTube video itself was easy.